What you need to know about Breast Cancer in India

What you need to know about Breast Cancer in India

South Delhi’s best doctors for breast cancer explain.


Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer that afflicts women and makeup up almost 14% of all reported cancer in Indian women. Some statistics suggest that an Indian woman is diagnosed with breast cancer around every four minutes in India, these are figures based on diagnosis only, not unreported or undetected cases. Cases of breast cancer have been rising in both urban and rural India with a report in 2018 on Breast Cancer statistics reported 1,62,468 new cases and 87,090 deaths from the same. Even the best cancer hospital in south Delhi can

Cancer is highly curable if detected early, and but survival becomes harder and harder in the advanced stages and even the best breast cancer hospital in south Delhi cannot help after highly advanced stages. It is staggering to learn that more than 50% of all breast cancer cases in Indian women are stage 3 and 4 cases. Post this, survival for women is around 60% for Indian women, as compared to 80% in bc North America.

Women can be aware of symptoms and identity the symptoms if they occur like the formation of lumps that might in fact be cancerous in nature. The obvious reason for lower survival rates for Indian women is lack of awareness, no culture of regular checkups which is translated into low early screening and diagnoses numbers.

Kerala reports the highest number of cancer cases in India while others like Mizoram, Haryana, Delhi and Karnataka also report high number of cases.

Indian women in between the ages of 30-50 are at most risk of developing this type of cancer, and with age the risk increases till it is highest by 50-65 years. One out of twenty-eight Indian women is likely to develop this type of cancer during her lifetime and It is more (1 in 22) for urban women than for rural women (1 in 60). Another report indicated that cancer caused 5% of the total disability-adjusted life years amongst the Indian population in 2016.

Knowing the symptoms will help with early detection which will help fights cancer.

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