What you need to know about Head and Neck Cancers

What you need to know about Head and Neck Cancers

Head and neck cancers are a group of cancers that occur in the larynx, throat, lips, mouth, nose, and salivary glands. Tobacco, alcohol, and infection via human papillomavirus (HPV) increase the risk of head and neck cancers.

Our hospital has empanelled some of the best Head and neck cancer doctors in Delhi, and we are the best hospital in south Delhi for head and neck cancer for this reason, and we urge you to read this article.

Head and neck cancer makes up for 30 percent of all cancer cases diagnosed in India. Oral cancers are the most prevalent form of cancer among males and fourth most common in females of the country. Almost 60-80 percent of all these cases are diagnosed in their advanced stage compared to around 40 percent in developed economies.

A number of risk factors can be associated with head and neck cancer, and our team; made up of the best head and cancer doctors in Delhi have listed the following -smoking, second hand smoke, tobacco products like khaini, paan (betel quid), zarda, snuff, mashiri, the sexually transmitted Human Papilloma Virus, Ebstein Barr virus alongside alcohol consumption and in some cases prolonged exposure to the sun as well.


Head and neck cancers affect the following: 

Lips and oral cavity



Paranasal sinuses

Salivary glands


Its Symptoms are 

Lumps forming with or without pain

Ulcers that don’t seem to heal

Pain or difficulty while swallowing

Hoarse type of voice


Frequent coughing

Unexplained weight loss


Diagnosis can done using 

FNAC/Biopsy of the lump

CT Scan of the head and neck



It takes a multimodal treatment approach for most advanced cases that includes surgeries, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. A combination of chemotherapy and targeted therapy improves chances of survival and quality of life for patients. With the latest advances in cancer research, Immunotherapy has now been deemed to be the first line of therapy in most cases of recurring or metastasised head and neck cancers.


Although the Government of India proactively takes many measures to control the consumption of tobacco through national and state campaigns, the burden of the disease is very high, so much so that it needs much more action and coordination to reduce the incidence of this disease. The real challenge in India remains reducing the incidence altogether; rather than early detection of head and neck cancers.

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