Mastectomy Surgery with Flat Closure after Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Mastectomy Surgery with Flat Closure after Breast Cancer Diagnosis

A mastectomy is a treatment for breast cancer in which all the breast tissues, extra fat, and skin are removed by the surgeon from a breast in order to prevent breast cancer. And mastectomy with aesthetic flat closure means when a person decides to leave their chest flat after the mastectomy treatment rather than having breast reconstruction surgery.

According to the research, many surgeons do not support this decision to go flat. But, there are some women who feel comfortable with their decision to go flat, and there are a few women who are not satisfied with their decision.

A person who is suffering from breast cancer can make their final decision by consulting with their doctors. The best oncology hospital in Delhi is Oncoplus Hospital, where patients get the best advice and treatment for cancer. You will learn about mastectomy with flat closure treatment here.

What is going flat after a mastectomy?

When a woman undergoes mastectomy surgery and chooses to have a flat chest, they do not go for breast reconstruction after mastectomy or decide to have no reconstruction. Women who decided to have a flat closure for various reasons: they did not want to have additional surgeries; they did not want a foreign object in their body; they wanted to avoid the risk of surgery complications; and also avoid the risk of other health issues in their body.

Patients can make the decision of no breast reconstruction according to their lifestyle and preferences. Going flat after a mastectomy is the best option for a woman who has suffered from discomfort, pain, and surgery-related complications.

When do doctors recommend mastectomy for breast cancer?

  • In the early stages of breast cancer (Stage 1 and 2).
  • In the advanced stage of breast cancer (3 stage),
  • If there is ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIU),
  • Two or more tumors are found in the distinct area of the breast.
  • If you had earlier had radiation treatment to the breast area and the breast cancer had recurred in the patient’s breast,
  • If you are pregnant and the radiation treatment creates a risk for your child,
  • If the patient undergoes lumpectomy but the cancerous tissues are still present in the breast, then there are chances that the cancer will extend to elsewhere in the breast.
  • In this case, there is a Paget’s disease of the breast nipple.
  • The patient has a large tumor, according to the overall size of the breast.


How to Recover From Mastectomy with No Breast Reconstruction

The patient who undergoes mastectomy with no breast reconstruction usually recovers more quickly than those who undergo mastectomy with breast reconstruction. To achieve flat closure, the patient goes through one procedure, but sometimes more than one.

In the first week after mastectomy, the patient feels pain as well as discomfort around the wound area. Normally, it takes 3 to 6 weeks to recover from a mastectomy. If the patient wants to recover quickly from mastectomy, then they should take rest when they feel tired, avoid lifting weights, walk regularly, and avoid activities like aerobics or jogging. If the patients want to drive again, they must ask their surgeon when they can drive again.

The best cancer treatment in Delhi is available at Oncoplus Hospital, where the latest technology is available to fight against cancer.