Hyper IGE Syndrome
Hyper IGE Syndrome is an unusual condition affecting the body’s immune system. This condition’s causes are still unknown, but researchers are studying genetic factors and viral infections that could be related to it. Hyper IGE syndrome can cause many symptoms, including rash, abdominal pain, joint pain, eczema and more severe problems like breathing or even death. This condition affects each person differently, and to get the proper treatment, you must
Living Beyond Breast Cancer
Breast cancer Breast cancer is a disease in which the breast cells multiply uncontrollably. Breast cancer manifests itself in a variety of ways. The type of breast cancer is determined by breast cells develop into cancer. Breast cancer can develop in a variety of regions of the breast. A breast comprises three main parts: lobules, connective tissue and ducts. Lobules are the glands that produce milk. Milk is transported to
Breast Cancer
Living with cancer

June 11, 2022

Living with cancer

Cancer Cancer is an undifferentiated mass of cells that is fatal to live organisms. Cancer can spread all over the body. Cancer is a major cause of death. The main cause of cancer is genetic changes that lead to uncountable cell growth. Most cancers are caused by environmental, behavioral, or lifestyle exposures. The following are general cancer risk factors: Anything that raises a person’s risk of developing cancer is considered
Life And Breath – Outliving Lung Cancer
Keep yourself confident and fight all the odds, no matter whether it’s life threatening disease or any harsh situation. Coming to the point, our  lungs are two pliable organs in our chest that allow us to breathe in oxygen and exhaust carbon dioxide. The largest cause of cancer-related fatalities globally is lung cancer. Lung cancer can affect persons who have never smoked, although smokers are at a higher risk than
Lung Cancer
Living with Pancreatic Cancer
Living with pancreatic cancer Treatment for some patients with pancreatic cancer can eradicate the disease. Treatment completion may be both thrilling and worrisome. Despite your relief upon finishing treatment, it might be difficult to stop worrying about cancer returning. If you’ve had cancer, this happens frequently. Many pancreatic cancer patients may never fully recover from the disease, or cancer may return to another area of the body. To help keep
Pancreatic Cancer
Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer
Androgen suppression therapy is also known as hormone therapy with the goal to reduce the number of male hormones in the body, known as androgens, or to prevent them from boosting prostate cancer cells. Androgens promote the growth of prostate cancer cells. The two most important androgens in the human body are testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The testicles produce the majority of androgens, but the adrenal glands (glands located above
prostate cancer
Bone-Cancer care

March 28, 2022

Bone Marrow Cancer

Bone marrow is a soft, spongy tissue found in the center of the majority of bones. Multiple myeloma cancer, leukemia, and lymphoma are all cancers that can develop in the bone marrow. Stem cells in bone marrow develop into various types of blood cells, including: Red blood cells transport oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body; white blood cells fight infection; and platelets aid in blood clotting. When the body
Bone Cancer, Orthopedics and Spine, Uncategorized
Bone Marrow Cancer
Bone marrow is a soft, spongy tissue found in the center of the majority of bones. Multiple myeloma, leukemia, and lymphoma are all cancers that can develop in the bone marrow. Stem cells in bone marrow develop into various types of blood cells, including: Red blood cells transport oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body; white blood cells fight infection; and platelets aid in blood clotting. When the body requires
Bone Cancer
tracheal cancer treatment in Delhi
Tracheal cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer. It accounts for 0.01% – 0.4% of all malignant cancers. Most primary tracheal tumors in adults are malignant. Patients with ACC or SCC have a better overall survival rate than those with any other type of squamous cell carcinoma. While there are no standardized grading or staging systems for tracheal cancer, low-grade tumors tend to grow slowly and do not spread
Tracheal Cancer
Leukemia treatment in delhi
Leukemias are cancers that begin in cells that normally develop into various types of blood cells. Most leukemias begin in the early stages of white blood cells, but some leukemias begin in other types of blood cells. Acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL) is a type of leukaemia that is also known as acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. The term “acute” refers to the fact that the leukaemia can progress quickly and, if left
Blood Cancer, Leukemia