bone cancer in india
Early detection and treatment of bone cancer is important in achieving cure rates of 60 to 70%. However, the cost of treatment can be expensive, ranging anywhere from 20,000 to three lakhs. These costs include the cost of chemotherapy drugs and any implants that need to be implanted during surgery. Only a few people can afford the entire course of treatment. That’s where the availability of affordable, high quality clinics
Bone Cancer
immunotherapy for cancer treatment
Immunotherapy, A cancer treatment that uses the immune system of a patient to fight cancer. Immunotherapy treatment can alter how the immune system functions to detect and destroy cancer cells and improve their functioning. Types of Immunotherapy for cancer treatment There are many types of immunotherapy for cancer. The most common is the non-specific immunotherapy, which boosts the immune system and allows the body to attack cancer cells. Other forms
kidney cancer in India
The prevalence of Kidney Cancer in India is about four times higher than in the western world, a difference which may be partly due to the lack of medical facilities. In addition, the survival rate and prognosis are largely influenced by age, so the results for India are alarming. This article will discuss the most common forms of the disease, and how treatment options vary across the country. The findings
Kidney Cancer
Best cancer doctors in Delhi explains Kidney Cancer in India and its treatment
Kidney Cancer in India The incidence of kidney cancer in India is very high, with about 2/100,000 males and 1/100,000 females diagnosed with the disease. The most common stage of this disease is localized, where the treatments aim to cure the patient as soon as possible. In regional stages, the only option is surgical removal of the affected organ. This type of treatment is expensive but can offer good outcomes.
Kidney Cancer
8 hour sleep
A good night’s sleep is as important as eating clean and exercising, most people require seven to nine hours of sleep per night, though most people don’t get enough sleep, which put a persons health at risk. Studies state short sleep — defined as sleeping fewer than 7 hours per night — with a greater risk of weight gain and a higher body mass index. A Study in two years
Flat Foot
Do your feet feel flatter than before? Does your entire foot touch the ground when you stand? Chances are that you have flat foot. Also called fallen arches or pes planus, it is a medical condition in which the arches of the feet touch the ground when you stand. It can also be confirmed by footprints, the patterns of shoes you wear, CT scan or X-ray. The arches of the
start exercise
Frequent workout is one of the best things, which you can do for good health. People start to see and feel the good, which comes out of consistent physical activity quite quickly, though it takes a discipline and determination to make exercise a habit. This blog will help you start a routine and stick to it, it’s the beginners guide to a healthy lifestyle. Ever wondered why people exercise? It
How pollution affects your health
When we think of environmental issues, we think of it as something that will affect our descendants in the far future or is affecting some faraway place not inhabited by humans like the polar regions or the oceans. But pollution is affecting us all now at our very homes. According to WHO, about 1.7 million children die every year due to environmental pollution. Pollution is associated with several diseases like
Treating Breast Cancer During Pregnancy
If you’re found to be suffering from breast cancer during pregnancy your treatment options will be more difficult due to the fact that you desire the most effective treatments for the cancer, while protecting your baby. The kind and timing of the treatment must be carefully planned and coordinated by your cancer doctor and your obstetrician. When treating a woman who is pregnant who has breast cancer, your objective is similar
cancer and omnicron
Patients with blood cancer are particularly affected by Covid due to two reasons: their weak immune systems make them more likely to be sick should they contract the disease and also the vaccines are more likely not to be effective for them. That means that for nearly two years, those suffering from blood cancer endured the anxiety of contracting virus, as well as the feeling of loneliness and isolation caused