cancer and diabetes
In the group of people who are 65 or over, almost 27 percent suffer from diabetes. The majority of cases of diabetes are the type two diabetes that is correlated predominantly with age and obesity as along with familial background. The aging process and obesity can be risk factors for the development of cancer. This means that those suffering from the type 2 form of diabetes get diagnosed with cancer much
Understanding different Stages of Cancer
When discussing the various stages of cancer and treatment options, it is important to understand how cancer spreads. This system can help doctors to determine the best course of treatment based on the specific type of cancer. The most common types of cancer are localized and regional, and they are classified according to the location of the tumor. However, there are also non-classified cancers. A type of cancer that has
cancer diagnosis and treatment
Small lifestyle adjustments can help Cancer risk prevention. Check out these tips for preventing cancer. Avoid using tobacco Smoking any kind of tobacco puts you in the path to cancer. Smoking cigarettes has been linked with various kinds of cancer which include lung cancer throat, mouth and larynx, pancreas bladder, cervix, and kidney. Smoking tobacco is linked to oral cavity cancer and the pancreas. Even if you do not use tobacco the exposure
Second opinion for cancer treatment in Delhi
The advancements in cancer treatment are occurring at an alarming rate, and this is similar when it comes to the cancer diagnosis. Cancer is a complicated disease that is why relying solely on the initial diagnosis might not be the best option. A second opinion regarding the diagnosis prior to beginning the treatment may be a significant difference. Second opinions are a medical procedure that occurs when the primary doctor’s cancer diagnosis
Esophageal Cancer diet suggested by Cancer specialists in Delhi
According to the Best cancer doctors in Delhi, Esophageal cancer patients must be able to maintain their levels of energy and keep a healthy weight. However, difficulty swallowing can cause resistance to eating, particularly as the options for food decrease. Easy-to-Swallow Food Choices for Esophageal Cancer diet  If you have a loved one who can eat it, you might be thinking how to prepare healthy, balanced meals so that they
Oral cancer treatment in India
Cancer of the oral cavity is by far the most prevalent cancer in India for men (11.28 percent from all types of cancer) it is also the fifth most commonly occurring cancer in women (4.3 percent in all forms of cancer). The estimated number of male cancers in 2020 India is a clear indication of the number of cases to be in the lung (102,300) mouth (99,495) prostate (61,222) as well
oral cancer
cancer and mental health
Elizabeth Kubler Ross and David Kessler coined the five stages of grief that a terminally ill patient and their surviving family can experience. These may be construed as the diverse range of responses one has when experiencing loss. These are a framework or a tool for us to identify our emotions as well as those of our loved ones who have suffered. One may experience none or all of the
Traveling with cancer
People traveling with Cancer have to be extra careful, be it for treatment or for pleasure, travelling can be safe and pleasurable if you plan correctly. Cancer patients are vulnerable to infection, swelling, blood clots and fatigue.  The symptoms varies from one person to person; however, a few tips might help to reduce the risk. First off schedule an appointment and discuss your travel plans with your doctor, especially if you’ve
cancer tips and risks
World Health Organization (WHO) says 30-50% of cancers can be prevented just like diabetes or hypertension. In the Indian context Oral cancer is among the top three cancers and the second most common cause of death in Indians is due to Cancer, however if detected at an early stage, it is not always fatal. Read on to find out tips to prevent cancer. Quit Smoking, it harms you. People who
diet during chemotherapy
Two of the most commonly experienced side effects of chemotherapy are loss of appetite and change in the experience of the taste of food. Loss of appetite may appear as feeling less hungry or feeling satiated after eating a very small portion of food. Some cancer treatments may also lead to a change in taste. One can experience lack of hunger because of nausea, oral pain that may make it