oral cancer treatment in delhi
Cancer of the oral cavity, every so often is used to describe a number of cancers which occur in the mouth area. These cancers most take place on the floor of the mouth, lips, tongue but can also take place in the cheeks, gums, roof of the mouth, tonsils and salivary glands. Mouth cancers are generally categorized under head and neck cancers, while the term mouth cancer is seldom used in
oral cancer
How to boost your immunity and protect yourself from serious diseases?
Immunization or vaccinations, boosting your immunity can protect people from serious diseases they have been rigorously tested to establish their safety and effectiveness in protecting against infectious diseases. Once people get vaccinated their bodies are able to fight off these diseases better, after getting in contact with it. All vaccinations work in the same manner. The jab uses the body’s immune system to increase the protection from an infection, before
Blogs, immunity
Human papillomavirus related to cancer
HPV (Human papillomavirus) refers to a group of more than 200 viruses, and some of these can spread via vaginal, anal, or oral sex: these are sexually transmitted HPVs and they fall into two categories Low Risk Human papillomavirus don’t cause any disease but very few low-risk HPV types can cause warts around the genitals, anus, throat or mouth. High Risk Human papillomavirus cause several types of cancer and there
bone cancer types
Cancer begins when cells grow out of control. Cells in any part of the body can become cancerous and spread (metastasise) to other parts. Bone cancer is uncommon and starts when cells in the bone start to grow abnormally out of control. To understand bone cancer, it helps to know a little about normal bone tissue. Most bones start out as softer, more flexible forms of tissue called cartilage and
Bone Cancer
Sarcoma types, cause and risk
Sarcomas are a rare form of cancer and they can be distinguished from the much more commonly occurrent carcinomas as they happen in a different kind of tissue: the connective tissue, which is essentially made up of cells that connect or support other types of tissue in the human body. These tumors most commonly occur in the bones, muscles, tendons, cartilage, nerves, fat, and blood vessels of arms and legs,
Glioblastoma is an aggressive form of cancer that occurs in the brain and/or spinal cord: it is formed from cells known as astrocytes which support nerve cells. Glioblastoma can happen to anyone at any age, but trends have shown it to occur more in older adults. It can also lead to serious headaches that get worse with time along with nausea, vomiting and seizures. Glioblastoma, also referred to as glioblastoma
Brain Tumor, Cancer
Causes, risk factors and prevention of Lung Cancer
Lung cancer mostly occurs in older adults. The average age at the time of diagnosis of Lung Cancer is around 70. People who have exposure to tobacco smoke and a few chemicals can greatly increase the risk of getting lung cancer. Studies state more than 90% of all lung cancer cases are due to cigarette smoking, inhaling harmful, cancer-causing substances, or carcinogens, damages the cells that line the lungs. Examples
Lung Cancer
Myths and facts of Brain tumour
A brain tumour is essentially an abnormal growth of tissue within the brain or in the central spine, this can disrupt and disturb proper brain function. The two predominant types of tumours are, malignant and benign(non-malignant) tumours. Benign tumours are non-cancerous whereas malignant primary brain tumours are cancerous, you should know that less than a third of all brain tumours are cancerous, however, this can occur at any age. The overall
Brain Tumor
how chemotherapy work
How chemotherapy work Chemotherapy is using medication (drugs) to eliminate cancer cells and it works by stopping the cancer cells from growing, dividing, and multiplying into more cells. As cancer cells usually grow and divide faster than normal cells, chemotherapy has a greater effect on cancer cells. However, the drugs used in chemotherapy are strong, and can cause damage to healthy cells. This can cause side effects.  If you’re considering
cancer treatment food
Undergoing chemotherapy, radiation, surgery or any other cancer treatment for that matter,  can and does hit your body hard but this can be improved. Choosing healthy food options can assist cancer patients with recovery, make them feel better before, during and after treatment. The key is to go for balanced eating and avoid extreme dieting, as it can deprive you of key nutrients. Food Before Cancer Treatment Start having healthy