The Impact of COVID 19 on people living with cancer
Impact of covid-19 on cancer As the coronavirus strains mutate and evolve, scientists are finding out a lot more about the virus and how it indeed affects people of different ages, medical histories, and other underlying conditions. From the very beginning, experts came to realize that older adults and people who had medical conditions like heart complications, cancer, diabetes, etc are at greater risk from COVID-19. The recent mutations in
Coping with intimacy and cancer treatment.
Coping with intimacy and Cancer treatment. Not everyone who has cancer or is in remission will experience changes in sexual desire or how they think about themselves sexually and they might not notice any changes at all. However, we may find cancer changing our body, and this might affect the way we feel about ourselves and sex: trust us this is completely normal and justified.  Some might lose interest in sex
Blogs, Cancer
depression axiety in cancer
Coping with Cancer -Depression and Anxiety You can live better Research has revealed 1 out of 4 people with cancer will face severe depression and anxiety in their tryst with the disease. Let’s be clear about one thing; a cancer diagnosis is a seismic shift and sea change in a person’s life, and living with cancer brings its own enormous shift in physical, psychological, and emotional well-being. A cancer diagnosis
Herbal Remedies for Stress and Anxiety
Herbal Remedies for Stress and Anxiety Herbs have been used as medicine for thousands of years, and humans have been using spices on their food for as far back as 50,000 B.C. Whether you suffer from a lifelong illness of stress and anxiety or if you’re simply going through a stressful period in your life, natural herbs can be of great help. The medicinal properties of herbs, as well as
Living Better, And Stronger, with Cancer best cancer treatment in delhi
Living Better, And Stronger, with Cancer.  Today, our outlook towards cancer and those who live with it. The disease growing more common, dialogue around it along with information on the internet has made the outlook on cancer broader and more open. Rather than giving in to despair and impersonal medical treatments, more cancer fighters are empowering themselves with better information and gaining more control over their therapies. This shift has
Foods that can lower risk of Cancers
Foods that can lower the risk of Cancers Cancers have been universally considered as one of the deadliest diseases, after reaching a specific stage, it is very well known for being fatal, though a few cancers can be cured, yet numerous people die every year because of cancers across the world. Awareness and early detection are key, precaution and catching the disease at an early stage can assist with management.
Blogs, Cancer
covid 19 vaccination to breast cancer patients
COVID 19 vaccination experiences of women with Breast Cancer For people who are living with chronic health conditions like breast cancer, the decision to get a COVID vaccine can seem daunting. People may be nervous about the side effects of the vaccine because being immunocompromised comes with a higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 complications. Whether you are currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer in Delhi or are done with
Breast Cancer
Best Cancer Treatment Oncoplus Hospital in Delhi
Cancer affects people mentally and physically Depression is quite common with those diagnosed with cancer. Studies state that, about one in four people with cancer have clinical depression. People often go through feelings of sadness, emptiness and hopelessness. Often there is loss of interest in things, people have also reported trouble in thinking straight or concentrating. There is extremely high levels of fatigue, tiredness, and exhaustion. A few symptoms also include nausea,
Blogs, Cancer
Thyroid Cancer from Best cancer specialist of Delhi
Understand Thyroid Cancer Though rarer than other cancers, the number of people seeking treatment for thyroid cancer in Delhi has steadily grown, and we’ve seen an upward curve in the number of patients who come to us for the  best cancer treatment in Delhi.  This article from one of Delhi’s best doctors for thyroid cancer will help you better understand what causes thyroid cancer and how it can be treated.
Thyroid Cancer
Chemotherapy basically means killing cancer cell
If a doctor says you require chemotherapy, your thoughts will naturally turn to some notions of what might happen. You may see yourself in hospital for days, hooked to an IV drip. We’ve provided the best chemotherapy in Delhi for years, and successfully treated thousands right here at the best cancer hospital in Delhi, Oncoplus.  The truth however is there are many ways to get chemo, like pills and skin
Blogs, Cancer