Lowering The Risk of Cancer
Lowering The Risk of Cancer As per WHO, Cancer is the world’s leading cause of death, but approximately 30% cases can be prevented with the onset of advanced diagnistric tools. It is true that there is no magic that can keep one away from cancer, but yes a few efforts can be done to improve the odds. Lose the Body Weight People who are overweight or obese have more chances
Blogs, Cancer Survivor
Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer is one of the sixth most prevalent cancers in the world. Cancer in the bladder develops when the urinary bladder cells start to increase and abnormally grow out of control. The cells that abnormally increase are the cancerous cells that later turn to form a tumour and with time, starts to spread and affects the rest of the body. The bladder in our body is a hollow organ
Bladder cancer, Blogs, Cancer
Guide to Sarcoma: Cause, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Symptoms
Sarcoma is one of the rarest kinds of cancer but also one of the most severe ones. Sarcomas are different from other various types of cancer as it develops in the most different type of tissue. it occurs in the connective tissue of the body. Connective tissue is a type of group of cells that contributes towards connecting and supporting different kinds of tissues in your body. Common connective tissues
Bone Cancer, Cancer, sarcoma
ANAL CANCER Anal cancer is an uncommon type of cancer that occurs in the anal canal. The anal canal is a short tube at the end of rectum through which stool leaves the body. In anal cancer, cancer (malignant) cells form in the tissues of the anus. It is estimated that, around 50% of all the anal cancers are diagnosed before the cancer has spread beyond the primary site, and
Anal Cancer
A Guide on Brain Cancer
Brain cancer is a cancerous growth of abnormal brain cells in the brain. Some brain tumours are benign/non-cancerous while some are malignant/cancerous. There are several different types of tumours that occur in the brain and the spinal cord. The brain is the central organ governing other organs and systems in the body, so all brain tumours need not to be ignored. Benign tumours are those, that do not invade nearby
Brain Tumor
Depression In Cancer Patients It is difficult to cope up with after effects of cancer for any patient. Some patients with cancer may experience depression before, during or some after the cancer treatment. Depression is a type of disorder which is associated with the patient’s mood and can affect the patients and their families to greater extent. Hence, identifying and managing depression are also considered as an important parts of
Life of Cancer Patient
Life of Cancer Patient After Survival A cancer survivor is that the patient who had cancer and has been cured in real time. Patients who have survived cancer may expect to travel back to their normal lives. With advancement of diagnostic tools cancer survival rate has been improved in times as compared to what it's going to are 20 years ago. However, still some cancers are more survivable than other
Cancer Survivor
IMMUNE SYSTEM RECOVERY Chemotherapy destroys the cancer cells because cancer cells cannot repair themselves very well. Chemotherapy medicines target rapidly dividing cells, which are cancer cells but also affect many of the normal cells in the patient’s blood, bone marrow, mouth, intestinal tract, nose, nails, vagina, and hair. Patients with cancer often have a weakened immune system, putting them at risk for viral and bacterial infections. “When the cancer itself
Thyroid Cancer

March 27, 2020

Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid Cancer Thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland situated at the base of neck. This gland controls our metabolism by producing those hormones that regulate heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and body weight. it develops in thyroid gland when cells change abnormally forming a tumour. it might not show any signs at first but it can lead to severe pain associated with swelling in the neck. Most cases
Thyroid Cancer
Skin Cancer

March 20, 2020

Skin Cancer

skin is the outer covering of our body, and is the largest organ of the body with a surface area around 20 square feet. The skin is composed of three main layers: The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin. This layer serves as a barrier for infections forming a waterproof protective wrapping around the body surface. Underneath the epidermis another layer is “Dermis” that contains connective tissue providing
Skin Cancer