Common Misconceptions about Breast Cancer:

In cancer disease, there is a group of disorders in the body in which the body’s healthy cells are invaded and abnormal cells grow up. And in breast cancer, there is a collection of cancer cells in the breast tissue that can later spread to other parts of the body. Breast cancer develops when cells grow incorrectly and new cells form in the body that are not needed. If this happens, then it creates a tissue mass known as a lump or tumor. When cancer cells spread to other parts of the body, they damage other organs, and this is known as metastasis. Many people talk about breast cancer, but that is not always based on facts. In this blog, you will read about the common misconceptions about breast cancer.

7 Myths about Breast Cancer:

  1. Myth: If you don’t have a family history of breast cancer, then you are not at risk.

Fact: Generally, 5–10% of breast cancers that occur in women are hereditary, in which abnormal changes in some genes are passed from parent to child. But most of the women who are diagnosed with breast cancer do not have any close family members who suffer from this disease. So, regardless of the family’s medical history, the major risk factors for breast cancer are age, gender, environment, and lifestyle.

  1. Myth: Wearing a bra can increase the risk of cancer.

Fact: There is no evidence showing that wearing a bra can increase the risk of breast cancer. But according to the theory, wearing a bra, particularly one with underwire, will prevent the flow of lymph fluid out of the breast, and this will build up the poisonous compounds in the tissue.

  1. Myth: Mammograms are unsafe and lead to breast cancer.

Fact: A mammogram of the breast helps in detecting the early stage of breast cancer. The radiations produced by the process are not harmful in this technology. Breast compression during a mammogram does not cause cancer and does not spread throughout the body.

  1. Myth: Breast cancer occurs in older women and middle-aged women.

Fact: Breast cancer can also occur in younger women as well as men. The risk factors for breast cancer are gender and age, but breast cancer affects 1 in every 25 women who are under the age of 40. Breast cancer can affect women of all ages, and if any woman develops symptoms of breast cancer, she should monitor her breasts and report any unusual changes in her body to her doctor.

  1. Myth: Carrying a phone in your bra can result in cancer.

Fact: Thereis no evidence that suggests that carrying a phone can lead to cancer. Breast cancer generally occurs in women because of lifestyle and environmental factors. And if you want to reduce the risk of cancer, you should maintain a healthy weight, engage in regular exercise, and also not drink alcohol.

  1. Myth: If there is a lump in the breast, then it means there is breast cancer.

Fact: Normally, very fewbreast lumps turn into cancer. But if you find any kind of change in the breast tissue, or if there is a persistent lump in your breast, you must consult your doctor for an examination. For the betterment of your health, you should schedule screening mammograms and maintain proper communication with your doctor.

  1. Myth: Consuming too much sugar leads to cancer.

Fact: There is no proof that consuming too much sugar contributes to cancer. There is a widespread misconception that sugar can feed cancer and increase its growth. Whether the cells are healthy or cancerous, they use the glucose in the blood. This is a fact: cancer cells use sugar more quickly than healthy cells.

Whether you have breast cancer or not, it is very important that you educate yourself about breast cancer. So that you can make an intelligent decision about the breast cancer treatment option, such as screening.

Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) is basically a tumor that originates in the gastrointestinal tract of the human stomach. In 2021, approximately 4,000 to 6,000 people will be diagnosed with GIST in the United States. GIST has no known cause, but it is linked to a mutation in the expression of the KIT protein.

If the person is suffering from Stromal Tumors, then they will feel abdominal pain, vomiting, blood in the stool, fatigue, and a feeling that their stomach is full even if they eat a small amount. The top oncology hospital in Delhi, which provides cancer treatment, is the Oncoplus Hospital. A CT scan is the best way to diagnose GIST in the body.

Normally, targeted therapies are used to cure the genes and proteins that help the cancer cells grow. This therapy treatment is provided in advanced cases when the patient’s tumor cannot be removed or when they do not respond to chemotherapy. In this article, you will learn about targeted drug therapy, which is used to treat GIST.

What are the factors on which the treatment depends?

At Oncoplus Hospital, you will get the best oncologist in Delhi. The doctors first determine various factors before giving the treatment to the patient. Like, the size of the tumor, genetic makeup, location of the tumor, whether the tumor has spread or not, and whether the tumor has ruptured on its own or because of surgery.

Targeted Drug Therapy 

The drugs prescribed by doctors to treat targeted therapy are:

  1. Imatinib:

This is the first drug that is used to treat people suffering from GIST. It targets both KIT and PDGFRA proteins and blocks the tumor cells’ growth. Normally, this drug is helpful in advanced stages when the GIST is not completely removed with surgery or if the tumor is large and hard to remove, so in that situation, Imatinib is used to shrink the tumor to make the surgery possible.

  1. Sunitinib:

This drug is given to a patient whose tumor has not been stopped with Imatinib or if the patient cannot continue to take Imatinib for a long time. In this situation, doctors prescribed them Sunitinib, which is best for advanced GIST. It targets the KIT gene and also helps in preventing blood vessel growth in tumor. But there are some side effects of this drug, such as high blood pressure, heart problems, increased bleeding, and also liver problems.

  1. Ripretinib:

When Imatinib and Sunitinib are not helpful for treating people, then Ripretinib is given to the patient in advanced cases of GIST. This drug helps to shrink and slow tumor growth. It also targets kinase proteins such as KIT and PDGFRA. But sometimes the patients face some side effects like headaches, vomiting, high blood pressure, etc.

For more information about the targeted therapy for treating advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors, you can visit the top oncology hospital in Delhi.

Your breast cancer diagnosis can leave you feeling overwhelmed and alone, but with the right support system, you can get through this challenging time in your life with as little physical and emotional pain as possible.

The best oncologist in Delhi at Oncoplus Hospital is here to help with our expert team of oncologists and surgeons specializing in breast cancer treatment, helping our patients come up with the best possible treatment plan according to their particular case and needs. We work hard to improve the quality of life of our patients by offering the most advanced forms of breast cancer treatment available anywhere today.

Causes of breast cancer

There are many possible causes of breast cancer, but some of the most common include genetics, ageing, alcohol consumption, and hormone exposure. Additionally, having a family history of breast cancer or other cancers can increase your risk.

However, it’s important to remember that most women with one or more risk factors do not develop breast cancer. Awareness is key in preventing breast cancer, so take steps to reduce your risks and support those at high risk. See a doctor immediately if you notice any changes, such as lumps or discharge from your breasts.

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For example, only 5% of patients with breast cancer have been exposed to high radiation levels. If you’re worried about developing breast cancer due to any potential risk factor, talk with your doctor about what you can do to reduce your risk.

Common myths about breast cancer

There are many myths about breast cancer. Some people believe that only women get breast cancer, but men can get it too. Others think that breast cancer is only caused by genetics, but lifestyle choices can also play a role. Some people believe you can only get breast cancer if you have a family history of the disease, but this isn’t always the case.

And finally, some people think breast cancer is always deadly, but many treatments available now can improve your chances of survival. Fortunately, you don’t need to suffer from these misconceptions and myths anymore.

At ONCOPLUS HOSPITAL, we specialize in oncology and offer complete treatment for all cancers, including breast cancer! Our hospital has been recognized as one of the best for cancer treatment, with extensive experience and state-of-the-art facilities that deliver excellent patient care! So, give us a call today or fill out our online form to find more information on how we can help you with your diagnosis!

Ways to prevent breast cancer

There are many ways to prevent breast cancer, and the best way to do so is by getting the best medical oncology services in Delhi. The best oncologists and doctors in Delhi can help you prevent breast cancer by providing the best cancer hospital in Delhi with the best treatment options.

You can also get a mammogram every year to help prevent breast cancer. Mammograms use low-dose x-rays to create an image of your breasts.

If there’s any abnormal tissue in your breasts, it will show up on the mammogram and then be removed before it turns into cancer. It’s always best to go to the best oncologist in Delhi if you have any symptoms that concern you because they know exactly what they’re looking for. And even if you don’t have symptoms, the best doctors and oncologists in Delhi recommend going at least once a year for a regular mammogram.

How to approach treatment options

Cancer is a daunting diagnosis, but you’re not alone. The best way to approach treatment options is to consult with a team of specialists. Our cancer centre has some of the best oncologists and doctors in Delhi who can offer you the best Cancer Treatment in Delhi.
We’ll work with you to create a treatment plan that’s right for you and give you the support you need throughout your journey. ONCOPLUS HOSPITAL is the best medical oncology service in Delhi – contact us today to set up an appointment!

Common symptoms of breast cancer

There are several common symptoms of breast cancer, which include a lump or mass in the breast, changes in the size or shape of the breast, discharge from the nipple, and changes to the skin on the breast. If you experience any of these symptoms, you must see a doctor immediately. Early detection is key for successful treatment, so don’t delay. Our physicians offer the best medical oncology services in Delhi with the best cancer treatment in Delhi and the top cancer hospital in Delhi.

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is a disease in which the breast cells multiply uncontrollably. Breast cancer manifests itself in a variety of ways. The type of breast cancer is determined by breast cells develop into cancer.
Breast cancer can develop in a variety of regions of the breast. A breast comprises three main parts: lobules, connective tissue and ducts. Lobules are the glands that produce milk. Milk is transported to the breast via ducts. The connective tissue, composed of fatty and fibrous tissue, envelops and binds everything together.


According to doctors, the aberrant growth of some breast cells causes breast cancer. These cells multiply and divide more quickly than healthy cells, generating a bulk or lump. Cells can spread (metastasize) through your breast to reach your lymph nodes or other regions of your body.

Breast cancer typically develops from cells in the ducts that produce milk (invasive ductal carcinoma). Breast cancer can also start in other cells or tissues within the breast, including the glandular tissue known as lobules (invasive lobular carcinoma).

According to research, the risk of breast cancer may be increased by hormonal, behavioral, and environmental variables. However, it is unclear why some people with risk factors never get cancer while others do. A complicated relationship between your environment and genetic composition leads to breast cancer.


Lowering the risk of breast cancer in women with a typical risk

Adjustments to your everyday routine may lower your risk of developing breast cancer. Try to:

Pick a balanced diet. Breast cancer risk may be lower in women who follow a Mediterranean diet that includes extra-virgin olive oil and mixed nuts. Most foods that make up the Mediterranean diet are plant-based, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. People who consume a Mediterranean diet prefer fish to red meat and healthy fats like olive oil to butter.

The month of October is observed as “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” to remind people to keep an eye on their breast health. After all, knowledge with your own breasts is your finest weapon for preventing or recognizing problems when they’re easiest to address. Knowing the ins and outs of how your breasts look and feel is known as breast awareness. Breasts that are healthy not only seem normal but also feel normal. Continue reading to discover the best ways to monitor your breast health, breast cancer warning signals, and more!

Breasts are unique, much like fingerprints. Every woman is unique. Size, shape, and consistency differ from one woman to the next, and if you look closely enough, your own two breasts are usually the same size, shape, and consistency.

Being breast mindful essentially implies that you are familiar with the qualities of your breasts. Knowing their qualities, it’s simpler to see if changes or anomalies happen. Specialists suggest yearly, clinical breast tests beginning at age 20 and yearly mammograms starting at 40.

Regardless of whether you get checked a few times per year, you ought to likewise foster the propensity for self-assessment month to month. As this assists you with realizing what is typical for your breasts, it makes it simple to see changes, similar to the abrupt appearance of at least one lump.

For most women, the least difficult method to play out a self-evaluation is while washing up or looking in a mirror. Regardless, you will want to take a glance at your breasts and sense every breast and armpit, simply as the gap from breast to collarbone. Remember that everyone’s breasts are different, so that you want to recognise what’s everyday – and what’s not – for yours. It’s absolutely everyday if:

You have regular lumpiness. This is probably puzzling due to the fact lumps are a key indicator of breast most cancers, however breast tissue has natural lumps and bumps. If it feels identical in each breasts, in all likelihood your natural, healthful breast tissue. Your breasts are barely different sizes.

Breast asymmetry isn’t always odd. It’s not anything to fear and occasionally evens out as you age. Look out for changes like, you have hair across the nipples. Your frame has hair follicles everywhere. Breasts aren’t any different. The look of darker or greater seen hair comes with hormone fluctuations. You experience tenderness round your period. This additionally stems from hormone fluctuations. Shortly earlier than your period begins, progesterone reasons your milk-generating mammary glands to swell at the same time as estrogen enlarges your breasts. These variables can cause tenderness and aches.

If you observe any of the following, see your doctor immediately, if there is any odd feeling, look, or form of your breasts. Lumps, difficult knots, swelling, or thickening in a breast or armpit. Dimpling, puckering, redness, or darkening of the skin. Unexpected discharge of fluid from both nipple. An eczema-like rash, scaly or itchy skin, or crusting on or round your nipple. Changes in nipple position, which includes moving inward or pointing differently. New soreness or ache that doesn’t cross away. These signs may also or might not sign danger, however allow your doctor to decide. They can be innocent changes, or because of an inflammation or contamination, this is effortlessly treated. On the opposite hand, they might be something extreme that calls for instant clinical attention.

Consult with the best oncologist in Delhi

Even though men do not have breasts like women, they do in fact have a small amount of breast tissue. The “breasts” of a man are similar to those of a girl before she hits puberty. Breast tissues grow and develop in women, but in men they don’t.

However because men still have breast tissue, men can also get develop breast cancer. Men also get the same types of breast cancers as women do. The risk of a man developing breast cancer in his life is around 1 in 1,000.

Doctors earlier believed male breast cancer was more severe than it was in women, but it seems that it’s the same.

The biggest problem is that breast cancer in men is usually diagnosed much later than breast cancer in women. This may be due to cultural social norms that men are not likely to be suspect something strange in that area.

Which Men Are More Likely to Get Breast Cancer?

It’s rare for men under age 35 to get breast cancer; with the chances of getting breast cancer going up with age. Most breast cancers in men will happen between 60 and 70.

Other factors like breast cancer in a close female relative; a history of radiation exposure of the chest, enlarged breasts due to drug or hormone treatments, some infections, or poisons can increase chances. Also, taking estrogen, having a  condition called Klinefelter’s syndrome or severe liver disease  or disease of the testicles such as mumps or a testicular injury, or an undescended testicle. Obese men are more likely to have breast cancer.

Men who look for the best male breast cancer treatment in Delhi will get diagnosed when they man find a lump on their chest.

But men also tend to delay visiting the doctor until they have develop severe symptoms, like bleeding from the nipple. By that point, the cancer may have spread too far.

If you’re looking for the best hospital for male breast cancer in Delhi, look no further than Oncoplus, where experienced cancer specialists treat every form of cancer.

COVID 19 vaccination experiences of women with Breast Cancer

For people who are living with chronic health conditions like breast cancer, the decision to get a COVID vaccine can seem daunting.
People may be nervous about the side effects of the vaccine because being immunocompromised comes with a higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 complications.

Whether you are currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer in Delhi or are done with treatment for breast cancer, you likely have must have some questions about how the vaccine may affect you.

Talking to the best cancer specialists in Delhi
will be helpful but it’s always better to hear from others who understand your situation and predicaments.

Here are a few experiences of women and how they felt getting their COVID-19 vaccine shots.

‘The side effects of Covid19 vaccination on breast cancer patient were next to nothing’

I got both my shots of Covishield and just experienced a sore arm after the first shot. After the second one, there were no side effects whatsoever and I’m very proud of myself for getting the vaccine.

‘I wanted to do it for my family and my own piece of mind.’I got both shots and there were very minimal side effects. Just a little tiredness paled in comparison to what I wanted to do for my family. Everyone worried that I’d get the virus because of my treatment: so now no worries at all!!

‘I feel protected in chemotherapy’

I got my first shot of the vaccine while I was undergoing chemotherapy. I had two rounds left and my oncologist urged me to get it and it wouldn’t cause any harm owing to the chemo.
Chemo could make the vaccine less effective, but it will still give a lot of protection and in case you contract COVID-19 after getting vaccinated, it greatly decreases the chances of death.

‘The process was quite safe’

I felt safe as I went to my local hospital where they had set up an isolated vaccine center for cancer patients. Everything was spaced out and the process was smooth. Everything took about 20 minutes and I was made to wait for 30 minutes to look out for a reaction. When I got home, I had my lunch and slept peacefully. I just kept feeling sleepy for a few days.

So don’t worry about getting the vaccine if you have breast cancer, worry if you’re not getting it.

South Delhi’s best doctors for breast cancer explain.


Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer that afflicts women and makeup up almost 14% of all reported cancer in Indian women. Some statistics suggest that an Indian woman is diagnosed with breast cancer around every four minutes in India, these are figures based on diagnosis only, not unreported or undetected cases. Cases of breast cancer have been rising in both urban and rural India with a report in 2018 on Breast Cancer statistics reported 1,62,468 new cases and 87,090 deaths from the same. Even the best cancer hospital in south Delhi can

Cancer is highly curable if detected early, and but survival becomes harder and harder in the advanced stages and even the best breast cancer hospital in south Delhi cannot help after highly advanced stages. It is staggering to learn that more than 50% of all breast cancer cases in Indian women are stage 3 and 4 cases. Post this, survival for women is around 60% for Indian women, as compared to 80% in bc North America.

Women can be aware of symptoms and identity the symptoms if they occur like the formation of lumps that might in fact be cancerous in nature. The obvious reason for lower survival rates for Indian women is lack of awareness, no culture of regular checkups which is translated into low early screening and diagnoses numbers.

Kerala reports the highest number of cancer cases in India while others like Mizoram, Haryana, Delhi and Karnataka also report high number of cases.

Indian women in between the ages of 30-50 are at most risk of developing this type of cancer, and with age the risk increases till it is highest by 50-65 years. One out of twenty-eight Indian women is likely to develop this type of cancer during her lifetime and It is more (1 in 22) for urban women than for rural women (1 in 60). Another report indicated that cancer caused 5% of the total disability-adjusted life years amongst the Indian population in 2016.

Knowing the symptoms will help with early detection which will help fights cancer.

What is breast cancer in men and breast cancer symptoms?

Breast cancer in men is a rare type of cancer that develops in the breast tissue of a man. Cancer in the breast is commonly referred to as a disease that mainly targets women, but it does occur in men. Men also have breast tissue like women, which can develop into breast cancer as cells in almost any part of the body can become malignant and may spread into other areas. Cancer occurring in men is a rare case because it is related to the cells, glands or parts that store or produce milk. The chances of arising tumour cells in the breast in a man in his whole life are 1 out of 900.

Cancer in men is most commonly found in older men around the age of 50 to 60, though it can occur at any age. Men don’t realise that breast cancer can happen to them also, due to this reason cancer in men is not diagnosed at the right time until it becomes severe or reaches its later stage.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer in men?

The following include the signs and symptoms for breast cancer, if you experience any of these, at any age make sure to contact and get checked out by the doctor.:

  • A pain-free lump or thickening of the skin in or around the breast/underarm.
  • Changes in the shape or size of the breast or chest area
  • Changes in the skin of your breasts such as dimpling, puckering and redness
  • Changes in your nipples like scaling, redness or swelling in any part of the breast
  • Nipple when it starts to invert or turn inward
  • Discharge/leakage of blood or fluid from the nipple

How does breast cancer develop in men?

The cause of breast cancer in men and women are similar. The breast of a man is similar to a girl’s breast before adolescence. During adolescence, women tend to produce more breast tissue along with fat but men naturally don’t.
Cancer always starts at the cellular level. Ordinarily, new and healthy cells are generated to replace the old ones. But due to disruption in the DNA as new cells are made, sometimes the cells grow out of control and begin to grow new cells abnormally which results in the formation of tumours, these can be either benign(non-cancerous) or malignant ( cancerous).

What are the risk factors of breast cancer?

treatment of Breast cancer in South Delhi
The following are the risk factors of developing breast cancer in men. A risk factor that we all can control and protect ourselves.

  • Being overWeight: Being overweight is a common risk factor for developing breast cancer. One of the main sources of estrogen in the body is fat tissue. Having more fat tissue means having a high level of estrogen in the body which ultimately leads to a higher risk of breast cancer.
  • Diet: One should eat a healthy and more fat-free diet to prevent breast cancer as our diet and daily consumings is directly associated with the amount of fat in the body.
  • Alcohol consumption: Latest research and studies have stated that a woman is at a higher risk for breast cancer if the alcohol consumption in the body is high.
  • Exposure to estrogen: If you take drugs related to estrogen then you are likely to get breast cancer or you are at risk.

The risk factor you can’t control

  • Older age: The main risk factor of getting breast cancer being a male is being old aged. Most breast cancers are found in men with an age 50 or older.
  • Genetic mutations: Inherited changes or mutation to certain genes like BRCA1 and BRCA2, men with these changes in the genes have a high chance of getting breast cancer.
  • Personal or family history of breast cancer: If you have already been diagnosed with breast cancer then, you are most likely to get it again either in the same breast or the other one or if your family members like mother, father, siblings (first-degree relative) have a link with breast cancer then you can have it.
  • Liver disease: Having disease related to the liver such as hepatic cirrhosis or Klinefelter syndrome (having two X chromosomes rather than one) which increases the female hormone-like estrogen in the body.
  • Radiation therapy: Having radiation therapy of the chest or around in childhood or adulthood can increase the chances of having this disease.

How is breast cancer in men diagnosed?

If your doctor has certain reasons to suspect for cancer, the following test and procedure you can follow:

  • Clinical breast exam: Clinical breast exam is a physical exam done by the doctor or your healthcare provider. During a clinical breast exam, the doctor checks and feels the appearances of your breast for any lump or look at the differences in the size or shape of your breasts. They use his/her fingertip to examine it.
  • Imaging tests: Next your doctor may order tests such as molecular breast imaging that uses radioactive tracers and a special camera to find cancer, mammography uses X-ray technology to produce the images of the breast. The images created are called mammograms. Occasionally, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and sonograms are also used.
  • Breast biopsy: It is usually done when something suspicious is caught on any of the imaging tests. The procedure involves a minute part of the breast tissue to be sent to the pathological labs to determine whether it is malignant or benign. It is the most ultimate way to be diagnosed .
  • Immunohistochemistry: It is a staining process that is performed on the breast tissue in order to ensure whether the cancer cells contain HER2 receptors and/or hormonal receptors( such as estrogen and progesterone) or not, Because if it does then the patient can be treated with medications that inhibit the level of estrogen and progesterone.

Breast cancer has five stages i.e from 0 to IV, stage 0 is invasive cancer which indicates that the abnormal cells are present but have not spread in the surrounding and stage IV is metastatic cancer which determines that cancer has spread in the surrounding and even the other parts of the body.

Once you are diagnosed with breast cancer, then your doctor will help to determine the stage of cancer on which you are and treatment will be suggested according to the stage of the disease.
These tests and procedures are used to stage breast cancer :

  • Body scan or CT scan: Full body scans are imaging tests that take pictures of your whole body and help to scan cancer, their stages and other diseases early.
  • Bone scan: It is an imaging test that safely scans the bones of your body by using a radioactive drug, radiopharmaceutical and is an efficient tool for finding cancer that has spread or about to spread in the bone. It can also help to determine how well is your working for cancer in the bones.
  • Positron emission tomography (PET) scan:

    It is an imaging procedure that uses radioactive substances such as radiotracers to visualise and check the changes taking place on metabolic processes or other activities like blood flow, absorption and regional chemical composition.

Treatments for men with breast cancer

In order to receive the appropriate treatments and medications, you must measure your cancer stage, overall health and preferences. Treatment for men and women are generally the same. Breast cancer treatments often include surgery and other types of therapies and medication, if needed.


The surgeries are of two types

The first one is a mastectomy, in which your whole breast is removed including the areola and the nipples.

While the second one sentinel lymph node biopsy. This type of surgery involves analysing and removal of only the lymph nodes and tumour cells.

Radiation therapy or radiotherapy:

If your cancer is not treated or few cancerous cells are remaining even after the surgery, then this therapy will be your major treatment. Radiation therapy uses a beam of intense energy like X-ray and protons to kill the cancer cells.


This uses medication to cure cancer by the vein in your arm or pill form or it can be both.

Book an appointment with the Best Cancer Specialist at Oncoplus Hospital.

Breast Cancer-stay aware:Breast cancer occurs when there is an alteration of cellular growth and production in the breasts that can affect and spread to other organs of the body. Breast cancer can evolve in breast lobules, ducts, fatty tissues, or fibrous connective tissue.

Types of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer
Here are some breast cancer types:

  • Ductal Carcinoma in situ (DCIS): a non-invasive type of breast cancer and not life-threatening but requires treatment. Cancer has started inside the milk ducts but has not affected adjacent breast tissues.
  • Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS): cancer cells developed in the breast lobules (glands that produce milk) but have not spread on surrounding tissues.
  • Invasive ductal carcinoma or infiltrating ductal carcinoma: cancer developed in milk ducts and has invaded surrounding breast tissues, and is the most common type of breast cancer.
  • Invasive lobular carcinoma or infiltrating lobular carcinoma: cancer that is formed in the breast lobule, where milk is produced and has spread to adjacent breast tissues.
  • Inflammatory breast cancer: a rare and aggressive type of breast cancer; it starts with redness and swelling; it spreads rapidly within a few hours to a few days. Cancer cells obstruct lymph nodes in the breast, and lymphatic vessels are unable to drain properly causing imminent swelling and redness.
  • Triple-negative breast cancer: considered a more aggressive type of breast cancer and has a poorer prognosis; it lacks estrogen and progesterone receptors and does not have excess HER2 proteins.
  • Paget’s disease of the nipple: a rare type of breast cancer; cancer cells affect the ducts near the nipples and disperse on nipple surface and areola causing the nipple surface to have dark circles, scaling, redness, irritation, and itchiness.

Breast Cancer Staging

Cancer Treatment Delhi

  • Stage 0: cancer cells are limited in the breast ducts and have not invaded adjacent tissues; non-invasive type of cancer.
  • Stage 1:
    • Stage 1A: primary tumor <2 centimeters and has not spread to lymph nodes
    • Stage 1B: has reached lymph nodes; with or without the presence of breast tumor, tumor size <2 cm
  • Stage 2:
    • Stage 2A: tumor size 2 cm and affected 1-3 adjacent lymph nodes; or tumor size 2-5cm and no lymph node affected
    • Stage2B: tumor size 2-5cm and affected 1-3 axillary lymph nodes; or >5cm and no lymph node affected
  • Stage 3:
    • Stage 3A: proliferated 4-9 axillary lymph nodes, or has huge internal mammary lymph nodes, primary tumor size can be varied
    • Stage 3B: the tumor has reached the chest wall or skin; with or without lymph node invasion, can affect up to 9 lymph nodes; has not affected other parts of the body
    • Stage 3C: affected >10 axillary lymph nodes, near the collarbone, or the internal mammary nodes, has not affected other parts of the body
  • Stage 4: tumor can be any size; cancer cells have spread to the lymph nodes and body organs such as bones, brain, lungs, and liver; breast cancer metastasis
  • Recurrent: cancer cells have reappeared after the treatment; described as local, regional, or distant.

Breast cancer in males

The occurrence of breast cancer in males is rare. It commonly affects older men but can also develop in younger men. When breast cancer is detected and treated at an early stage, it can be cured.

Breast Cancer Symptoms

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Most breast cancer symptoms cannot be identified or felt in their early stages. There are various presentations of breast cancer symptoms and here are some breast cancer signs:

  • Visible lump in the breast or thickening of tissues that have appeared recently
  • Inverted nipples, which is not observed in the previous appearance
  • Bloody discharge from the nipples or any discharge except breast milk
  • Swelling or redness on any parts of the breast
  • Dimpled skin on the breast
  • Changes of skin texture – peeling, flaking, or scaling of breast skin
  • Pain on breasts
  • Swelling of lymph nodes on the breast area

When you have any of these breast cancer signs, have yourself checked by a doctor.

Who are at risk of developing breast cancer?

best cancer treatment in delhi
Breast cancer awareness is very important and knowing risks for cancer development is one way we can stop it.

  • Age: as age increases, a person is at high risk of developing cancer
  • Female gender: more common in women
  • Family history: if you have an immediate family member diagnosed with breast cancer, you are at high risk of having breast cancer
  • Menstruation: starting your menstruation <12 years old are at risk of cancer
  • Menopausal: starting menopausal at an older age
  • Previous history: history of breast cancer or any breast problems such as lobular carcinoma in situ or atypical hyperplasia
  • Exposure to radiation
  • Obesity
  • Never been pregnant
  • First child after 30 years old
  • Postmenopausal hormone therapy

Book an appointment with Oncology experts at Oncoplus Cancer care.


There are several ways on how to detect a tumor. Here are some methods to diagnose breast cancer:

  • Breast Exam: the doctor examines for any unusual growth or lumps on the breasts
  • Imaging tests: to detect any lumps or abnormal growths, or differentiate a solid mass from a fluid-filled cyst; includes mammogram, ultrasound, MRI- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Biopsy: removes a sample of breast tissue and sent to the laboratory for analysis

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Can blood cancer be treated? There are various blood cancer treatments that are used depending on the type of cancer in the blood and its severity.
cancer treatment in delhi

  • Surgery
    • Lumpectomy: done to stop the spread of cancer cells by removal of the tumor and including healthy tissues surrounding the tumor.
    • Mastectomy: involves the removal of the entire breast including the lobules, ducts, fatty tissue, some skin, nipple, and areola.
      Types of mastectomy:

      • Sentinel node biopsy
      • Axillary lymph node dissection
      • Reconstruction
  • Radiation therapy: kills cancer cells by directing the tumor with a controlled dose of radiation
  • Chemotherapy: kills cancer cells; can be used as cytotoxic chemotherapy, adjuvant chemotherapy, and neoadjuvant chemotherapy
  • Hormone blocking therapy: used to stop hormone-sensitive breast cancers from recurring
  • Targeted therapy drugs: used to invade specific abnormalities within cancer cells, such as the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)

Book an appointment with the Best Cancer Specialist at Oncoplus Hospital.