Lung health deterioration is caused by a variety of environmental causes. Lungs are continuously exposed to hazardous elements that cause severe infections and disorders, from high levels of pollution and dust around us to climatic fluctuations. After a heart attack, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has been the second-leading cause of mortality.

While reducing pollution levels and mitigating the consequences of climate change will take a global effort, we can all endeavor to take better care of our lungs and maintain lung health on an individual level.

Make it a point to spend quality time outdoors in parks or lawns surrounded by lush green plants to breathe in the fresh air to maintain your lungs naturally healthy. For overall good health, doctors recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate physical exercise or 75 minutes of strenuous activity every week. To improve your breathing and heart health, try brisk walking, running, yoga, or general exercise.

Don’t smoke, it’s a no-brainer on this one. One of the primary causes of lung disease is excessive smoking. It’s also one of the most common causes of lung cancer. Smoking can restrict the airway, making breathing difficult. Smokers who have smoked for a long time are at risk of developing lung cancer.

Deep breathing allows the lungs to expand to their full capacity, making breathing easier. During the course of a day, we are all guilty of not breathing deeply enough. Deep breathing is no longer an automatic response as we become older.

Shallow breathing can harm your lungs since muscles that aren’t exercised or developed on a regular basis tend to go dormant. It can also lead to a variety of respiratory problems and, in the long run, cardiovascular disease.

Pay attention to your general health. To counteract the effects of environmental causes and reverse the effects of smoking, we must take personal responsibility for our poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyles, and fitness neglect.

Following a decent physical routine, eating a well-balanced diet, managing the sleep cycle, increasing supplement intake, and using detoxifying syrups are just a few of the ways we can improve our health.

Keep yourself hydrated. Water is just as necessary for the lungs as it is for any other component of the body. According to experts, the mucosal line in the lungs remains thin because we drink a lot of water during the day. The lungs will function better and you will be able to do more strenuous activities if you stay hydrated.

A healthy diet is essential for the lungs to function properly. Constantly eating overly processed foods can harm your lungs, but a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and leafy vegetables can help lower the risk of COPD and alleviate its symptoms.

It’s also crucial to keep track of your iron intake. It serves as a building block for haemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that transports oxygen throughout the body. You may experience extra-time when your haemoglobin levels are low, which is also an early indicator of lung infections and disorders.

Exercising is beneficial to your lungs. It helps you maintain a healthy weight and body, as well as optimal lung health. As you breathe properly throughout workouts, the mucus in your lower lungs clears. This improves the efficiency of the lungs in delivering oxygen to the bloodstream and removing carbon dioxide from the body. Pick a physical activity that you enjoy and do it for at least 30 minutes five times a week. Other possibilities include going to the gym and taking morning walks. If walking alone is too monotonous, enlist the help of your friends.

Lung infections are caused by a variety of environmental causes, including dust, hazardous pollutants, and harmful chemicals that we inhale on a daily basis. External variables that affect the health of our lungs are beyond our control. But, as we’ve seen, there are a few easy things that each of us can do in our daily lives to naturally cleanse our lungs and keep them healthy. Let’s make a plan and get started on our journey to healthier lungs and bodies today.

What is gall bladder cancer?

Gall bladder is a small pear-shaped organ placed on the right side of the abdomen, a bit below the liver. Its normally an inch in width and three to four inches long. It stores a digestive fluid called bile that is formed in the liver, which helps in digesting the fats. It is a helpful organ but not an important one, people live normally after getting their gall bladder removed. Gall bladder cancer is a very uncommon cancer, which originates in the tissues of gall bladder and is often identified late as there are no signs and symptoms in the initial stages. The exact reasons for gall bladder cancer are not known, though there are several risk factors, which increases the risk of gall bladder cancers.

Studies state that people between forty-five to sixty-five years of age are at risk. It is more prevalent among women in India, and gallstones remains the most common risk factor for gallbladder cancer, family history of gallstones doubles risk of gall bladder cancer. Being overweight too increases the risk of many types of cancers, including gall bladder cancer. Diet with increased intake of proteins, fats and cholesterol and meals low in fibre, vegetables and fruits has been suggested as a risk factor for Gall Bladder Cancer. If people have one or more risk factors, this doesn’t mean that people will get gall bladder cancer for sure. Numerous people with no exposure to risk factors also get cancer.

There is no certain way of preventing gall bladder cancers. We cannot control the risk factors such as age, gender, ethnicity and hereditary abnormalities. But we can always take precautions and adopt healthy living to reduce the risk factors such as obesity, doctors recommend to eat healthy and exercise often.

Include cereals, whole grains, at least two and half cups of vegetables and fruits daily in meals, limit intake of processed foods and red meat. Consult a cancer specialist if you experience abdominal pain, many people with gall bladder cancer have an aching feeling on the upper right part of the belly and experience lump in the abdomen. Rarer symptoms of gall bladder cancer includes loss of appetite, fever, and weight loss.

If you or your dear ones have any of these symptoms, consult our Cancer specialist at Oncoplus Hospital, Defence Colony, New Delhi without delay so that the cause can be diagnosed and treated, in time. Experts opine that surgery can’t cure gallbladder cancer, which has spread in other areas of the body. Clinicians use treatments, which may relieve signs and symptoms of cancer and make you as contented as possible, other treatment options include Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy, and Clinical trials. Tele Consult with our expert doctors at Oncoplus Hospital, Defence Colony, New Delhi, write to us or call us at +91 85889 09091 to book an appointment and learn more about Gallbladder Cancer treatment.

Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer is a growth of cancerous cells inside the lining of the stomach. It gets extremely difficult to diagnose as most patients normally don’t show symptoms in the initial stages.

Gastric cancer is quite rare and dangerous as compared with other kinds of cancer as this disease is difficult to diagnose until after it spreads to other parts of the body, which makes it quite hard to treat. Stomach cancer is said to happen when healthy cells within the upper digestive system become cancerous and form a tumor, this tends to happen over many years and is a slow process.

There are a few risk factors, which might increase the risk of developing these cancerous cells like lymphoma, stomach infections that leads to ulcers, abnormal growth in the lining of the stomach and tumors in the digestive system.

Gastric cancer is common among people who are older, 50 years or more, smokers and genetics; people with a family history of this disease. There are a few lifestyle related factors, which might impact peoples risk of developing gastric cancer, for instance people who eat a lot of meat, salty foods, history of alcohol abuse and no exercise, can adversely affect the gut health.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, if you feel that you’re at risk of stomach cancer, get Screening tests done at Oncoplus Hospital, which is a state-of-the-art center for cancer treatment in New Delhi. Screening tests are done on people who are at risk for certain diseases but don’t show symptoms yet.

Identifying signs and symptoms can help with treatment, sadly Gastric Cancer has no early signs or symptoms of stomach cancer and people only get to know when the cancer reaches an advanced stage, a few symptoms of advanced stomach cancer are stomach pain, which gets bad right after the meals, nausea, vomiting, bloody stools, bloating, loss of appetite with sudden weight loss and fatigue.

Normally stomach cancer is treated with one or more of the following; Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Surgery and Immunotherapy. The clinician decides the exact course of treatment plan as per the type and stage of the cancer. The oncologist will not only treat the cancer cells but, will also prevent the cells from spreading. If left untreated, the cancer may spread to the lungs, bones, and the liver.

Gastric cancer cannot be prevented but people can lower their risk factors by modifying their lifestyle, eating balanced meals, quit smoking and exercise often. Tele Consult with our expert doctors at Oncoplus Hospital, Defence Colony, New Delhi, write to us or call us at +91 85889 09091 to book an appointment and learn more about Gastric Cancer.


The thyroid gland consists of 2 lobes, which are placed on either side of the windpipe. Its main function is to release hormones; chemicals, which have powerful effects on many different functions of the body, the hormones that it secretes are T3, T4 and Calcitonin, which regulates the body’s metabolic rate. Excess of T3 and T4 makes people overcharged and one might lose weight. If people have less of these hormones, they might feel lethargic and gain weight.

Thyroid cancer is a rare kind of cancer hence risk is associated with it, which takes place in the gland at the base of the neck. A painless lump or an inflammation that develops in the neck is one of the most common symptoms of thyroid. Other symptoms show up when the condition reaches an advanced stage, which may include; inexplicable hoarseness, which lasts for more than a few weeks, difficulty in swallowing, which does not get better, a sore throat or a lump in or around the neck. Not everyone who has a lump in the thyroid gland has cancer, as one in twenty lumps turn out to be cancerous.

As per studies the number of thyroid patients in India is one-tenth of 48,000 Americans who are suffering from thyroid cancer. So, we can officially put around 5000 to 6000 patients in India are suffering from thyroid cancer. There are four primary types of Thyroid Cancers, Papillary Carcinoma, which is the most common type, Follicular Carcinoma, Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma and Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma, which is the rarest and the most aggressive type of thyroid cancer and usually affects the geriatric population over 60 years old.

Women are 2 to 3 times more likely to develop thyroid cancer than men. The reason is not entirely clear though it can be a resultant of the hormonal changes linked to the female reproductive system.

Why does Thyroid Cancer happen?

In most cases, the cause remains unknown. However, there are a few risk factors in the thyroid cancer, which increase your chances of developing the condition; having a family history of thyroid cancer, weight, height and exposure to radiation.

TFT or Thyroid Function Test measures the hormone levels in the blood and rules out other thyroid problems. Clinicians might do further tests if the reason for lump remains unknown and the TFT comes out fine.

The treatment of thyroid cancer depends son the stage and type of the cancer, and one hundred percent cure is possible. Doctors normally treat the cancers of thyroid using mix of radiotherapy and surgery, which stops the cancerous growth. Cancerous cells can seldom reappear years after the surgery, your doctor will ask you to visit often so that it can be treated in time.

Eating healthy, whole grains, fruits and leafy vegetables is the best way to avoid getting thyroid cancer and all other types of cancer.

Tele Consult with our expert doctors at Oncoplus Hospital, Defence Colony, New Delhi, write to us or call us at +91 85889 09091 to book an appointment.

Cancer of the oral cavity, every so often is used to describe a number of cancers which occur in the mouth area. These cancers most take place on the floor of the mouth, lips, tongue but can also take place in the cheeks, gums, roof of the mouth, tonsils and salivary glands.

Mouth cancers are generally categorized under head and neck cancers, while the term mouth cancer is seldom used in official cancer data, we’re using it here to promote cancer prevention and it is easier to understand. Mouth cancer is very common in India. More than 10 lakh new cases are diagnosed every year in India. A few symptoms of mouth cancer include; difficulty in swallowing, lump in the neck, changes in voice, numbness in the mouth, inexplicable weight-loss, red or white patches in the mouth.

Causes of cancers in the mouth

Tobacco and alcohol consumptions remain the biggest factors or oral cancers in India and across the world. A few other factors include family history of mouth cancers, poor oral hygiene, chewing betel nuts, and Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

How is oral cancer diagnosed?

The first signs of oral cancer are normally identified by a dentist. Your doctor or dentist is likely to examine your mouth, cheeks, and tongue etc after which you might be referred to a specialist for additional tests such ass endoscopy, X-Ray, Pet CT, MRI or biopsies.

What after the cancer is diagnosed?

After a mouth cancer is diagnosed, people may experience different emotions like confusion, fear, anxiety and uncertainty. There is also a lot of literature regarding mouth cancer, which can leave people with cancer, overawed.

There are various treatment options available depending on the stage, for instance surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and palliative care. Always speak with your oncologist for side effects and benefits of the medication and take a second opinion as it may help you with treatment options.

Preventing mouth cancer

Most mouth cancers across the work are caused by smoking, chewing tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption. Quit tobacco consumption, lower alcohol intake, this will significantly reduce your risk of developing cancers of the mouth. Limit UV exposure as it a risk factor for Lip Cancers.

For most people, treatment successfully removes cancer. The end of treatment can be very stressful, but exciting though it’s hard not to worry about cancer coming back, at it doesn’t. For others, the cancer might never completely go away; continued targeted therapy or chemotherapy might be given to keep it under control. Learning to live with cancer can be extremely difficult, consult with Delhi’s best doctors for oral cancer at Oncoplus Super Specialty Hospital in Defence Colony, write to us or call us at +91 85889 09091 to book an appointment.

Immunization or vaccinations, boosting your immunity can protect people from serious diseases they have been rigorously tested to establish their safety and effectiveness in protecting against infectious diseases. Once people get vaccinated their bodies are able to fight off these diseases better, after getting in contact with it. All vaccinations work in the same manner. The jab uses the body’s immune system to increase the protection from an infection, before a person comes into contact with it. For instance, its like getting the disease without the symptoms. When a person comes into contact with an infection, after getting immunized, the body works to stop you from getting the disease, or you may get just mild symptoms of it.

Is safe to say that immunization is one of the biggest health achievements of mankind. There are a few diseases, which are caused by viruses and can’t be cured with antibiotics. The only way to control these diseases can be controlled by is immunization. With awareness and incessant immunization programs these diseases may no longer possess a threat, for instance polio and smallpox are successful examples.

Why should people develop immunity?

The development of effective vaccines has had a huge decrease in childhood deaths. WHO states, “The 2 public health interventions that have had the greatest impact on the world’s health are clean water and vaccines.” As children grow older, they are exposed to numerous risks of infectious diseases. Despite advancements in medicine, infections can prove detrimental. Before the availability of vaccines, numerous children died from diseases such as whooping cough, measles and polio globally.

Sadly, despite successful immunization drives, the diseases, which the vaccines protect against, still exist. Getting your child vaccinated will surely give you peace of mind as it shall provide protection from fatal diseases, and in turn assisting in protecting the health of the entire community. When peope are immunized against a certain virus or a disease, it gets difficult for the infection to spread, this is commonly called as ‘population protection or heard immunity, this word has been tossed around lately numerous times with the outbreak of COVID-19.

Who should get vaccinated?

The answer is extremely simple, everyone should get immunized, besides people who have a really weak immune system remember to always consult a doctor first, who will advise if you can or cannot get a jab.

If you’re not sure about immunizations, speak with Delhi’s best doctors at Oncoplus Super Specialty Hospital in Defence Colony, write to us or call us at +91 85889 09091 to book an appointment.

HPV (Human papillomavirus) refers to a group of more than 200 viruses, and some of these can spread via vaginal, anal, or oral sex: these are sexually transmitted HPVs and they fall into two categories

HPV infections are common and almost all sexually active people do get infected with HPV within a matter of months to a few years of becoming sexually active and about half of these infections are a high-risk HPV type.. Both men and women can get infected with HPV and develop HPV cancers.

Most HPV infections will not  cause cancer as the immune system controls HPV infections so they don’t end up causing cancer.

High-risk HPV infections that remain can cause cancer as HPV infections may not be successfully controlled by the immune system. When a high-risk HPV infection remains for many years, it can cause cell changes that, if left untreated, can get worse with time and turn into cancer.

Getting an HPV vaccination can prevent cancer as they prevent infection with disease-causing HPV types, and prevent HPV-related cancers.

If you’re considering treatment for HPV cancer in Delhi or wish to consult the best oncologists in Delhi, you can read on or reach out to us.

The types of cancer HPV can cause are:


The HPV vaccine helps protect against infection from nine HPV types: two low-risk HPV types that cause most genital warts, plus the seven high-risk HPV types that cause HPV-related cancers.

HPV vaccination is recommended to avoid new HPV infections and HPV-associated cancer, among other diseases.

Vaccination prevents but cannot cure an infection  and the HPV vaccine is not meant for treating HPV infections or diseases caused by HPV. HPV vaccination is most effective when given at ages 9-12 and can prevent up to 90% of HPV-related cancers.

Get HPV Vaccine  from Best Hospital in Delhi

Who can get the Human papillomavirus vaccine?

The HPV vaccine series is recommended for girls and boys, at the age of 11 or 12, and the series of vaccines can be begun at age 9. It is important for both males as well as females to get vaccinated, because both men and women can develop HPV cancers

The vaccine can also be given to adults between the ages of 27 and 45 who didn’t get the vaccine earlier. Adults in this age group will benefit less from the vaccine because they are more likely to have been exposed to HPV already.

If you’re looking at HPV cancer treatment in Delhi or NCR, or have gone through treatment and want a second opinion, feel free to contact us, and we’ll be with you right away.

Cancer begins when cells grow out of control. Cells in any part of the body can become cancerous and spread (metastasise) to other parts.

Bone cancer is uncommon and starts when cells in the bone start to grow abnormally out of control. To understand bone cancer, it helps to know a little about normal bone tissue.

Most bones start out as softer, more flexible forms of tissue called cartilage and this cartilage later forms bones. In adults, cartilage is found at the end of some bones.

The bone itself has 2 kinds of cells.

Bones look as if they don’t change much, but they are very active. New bone is always forming while old bone is dissolving. This helps keeps bones strong. There are some other cells in the bone marrow like plasma cells and fibroblasts.

Any of these bone cells can develop into cancer.

Primary bone cancers versus bone metastasis

Cancers that originate in the bones are called primary bone cancers.

In most cases of adults with any bone cancer types, cancer starts somewhere else and then spreads to the bones: this is called bone metastasis and this can develop from different types of advanced cancers like breast, lung, and prostate cancer. If you observe cancer cells in the bone with a microscope; you’ll find they look like the cancer cells in the organ they came from.

Types of primary bone cancers

Primary bone cancers (cancers that begin in the bone itself) are also called bone sarcomas.

There are many kinds of primary bone cancer and some of them are rare.


Osteosarcoma (or osteogenic sarcoma) is the most commonly found primary bone cancer. It starts in an early form of bone cells and often occurs in young people between the 10 and 30, whereas about 1 in 10 osteosarcomas develop in people above 60: it is very rare in middle-aged people, and is more common in men. These develop mostly in the bones of the arms, legs, or pelvis.

Ewing tumour (Ewing sarcoma)

These are the second most common type of primary bone cancer found in children, teens, and young adults, and the third most common bone cancer. These rarely occur in adults older than 30. Most Ewing tumours develop in the bones, but they can start from other tissues and organs. The most common sites cancer are the hip (pelvic) bones, the bones in the chest wall (the ribs or shoulder blades), the bones of the spine, and the long bones of the legs.


Chondrosarcoma begins in early forms of cartilage cells and is the second most common primary bone cancer. It’s uncommon in people under 20, and the risk of chondrosarcoma rises as people get older.

Chondrosarcomas can begin in any place where there’s cartilage. Most develop in bones like the pelvic (hip) bones, legs, or arms and some others begin in the trachea, larynx, chest wall, shoulder blades, ribs, or skull.

High-grade undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (UPS) of bone

This was previously known as malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) of bone. Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (UPS) usually starts in soft tissues (connective tissues like ligaments, tendons, fat, and muscle). It’s rarer in bones, but if it does occur, it usually afflicts the legs (around the knees) or arms. This cancer mostly occurs in elderly and middle-aged adults and is very rare in children. It tends to grow locally, but sometimes it can spread to other parts of the body.

Fibrosarcoma of bone

Another from types of bone cancer that develops more often in soft tissues than in bones usually occurs in middle-aged adults. Bones in the legs, arms, and jaw are mostly affected.

Giant cell tumor of bone

This type of primary bone cancer can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant and these tumors are most common in people between their 20s and 30s.

Giant cell bone tumours typically hit the legs (usually near the knees) or arms. They don’t usually spread to distant parts of the body, but after surgery they can recur (even more than once) in the place where they began. With every recurrence, the tumour gets more likely to spread to other parts of the body (most often to the lungs). Rarely will a malignant giant cell bone tumour spread to other parts of the body without first recurring locally.


This uncommon type of bone tumour occurs in the bones of the spine, mostly at the bottom of the spine (sacrum) or the base of the skull. It happens most often to adults older than 30 and is twice as common in men as in women and very rarely does it occur in children.

Chordomas usually grow slowly and don’t spread to other parts of the body and often come back in the same area if they are not removed completely.

Check the best hospital in Delhi for bone cancer

Glioblastoma is an aggressive form of cancer that occurs in the brain and/or spinal cord: it is formed from cells known as astrocytes which support nerve cells.

Glioblastoma can happen to anyone at any age, but trends have shown it to occur more in older adults. It can also lead to serious headaches that get worse with time along with nausea, vomiting and seizures.

Glioblastoma, also referred to as glioblastoma multiforme, is very difficult to treat and cure is often not really possible. Our expert cancer specialists are among some of Delhi’s best doctors for cancer treatment, and we admit that it is difficult to treat, but don’t lose hope because treatment can slow down the progress of the cancer with fewer signs and symptoms. Glioblastoma treatment is also uncommon, and some of Delhi’s best cancer hospitals may not be able to provide successful treatment.

Diagnosis of Glioblastoma 

The tests and procedures that can diagnose glioblastoma are:

Treatment of Glioblastoma

Glioblastoma can be treated through:

Lung cancer mostly occurs in older adults. The average age at the time of diagnosis of Lung Cancer is around 70. People who have exposure to tobacco smoke and a few chemicals can greatly increase the risk of getting lung cancer. Studies state more than 90% of all lung cancer cases are due to cigarette smoking, inhaling harmful, cancer-causing substances, or carcinogens, damages the cells that line the lungs. Examples of such carcinogens are cigarette smoke, asbestos and radon.

Asbestos is anmanufacturing material, which is used in construction for insulation and as a fire retardant. When the material is moved, small fibers become airborne and can be inhaled. One is at a greater risk for developing lung cancer if exposed to asbestos on a regular basis.Radon is a gas, which happens naturally with the breakdown of uranium in rocks and soil. It’s odorless, colorless, and tasteless. It is difficult to detect and one could be exposed without knowing it.

At first, the body is able to repair itself, but with recurrent exposure the cells getmore and more damaged. After some time, the cells start acting abnormally and grow irrepressibly. This is how the cancer starts. There are a few risk factor, which contribute to Lung Cancer such as smoking tobacco is the number one risk factor for lung cancer.

Tobacco smoke contain more than seven thousand chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic.Examples of carcinogenic chemicals contained in tobacco smoke are carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide.

Smoking a cigarette instantly triggers a change in lung tissue. Initially, the body may be able to repair the damage, but its ability to repair lowers as exposure continues. The more frequent and the longer people smoke, the greater are the chances for developing lung cancer. Often radiation therapy, which is used to treat other cancers like non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and breast cancer can also increase the risk and can be from the causes of lung cancer. This risk is much higher for smokers.

Even if people don’t smoke, being exposed to secondhand smoke can increase the risk of lung cancer. Studies state thatif a member in the immediate family has had lung cancer, one might have a slightly higher risk for developing this disease.

This heightened risk is true even if you don’t smoke. It’s not clear if the genetics causes lung cancer or merely increases a persons susceptibility to it.

A balanced diet gives the body essential vitamins and minerals it needs to maintain good health.

One should eat a diverse mix of healthy foods, including fruits and vegetables, if not, you may have an increased risk of lung cancer. This is extremely important if you smoke.

Lung cancer can’t always be prevented. One of the best ways to prevent lung cancer is to not smoke or to quit smoking if you do.Reducing exposure to diesel exhaust and radon can also help in preventing lung cancer.

Consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and getting enough vitamins and minerals can help improve the overall health, which can assist in preventing lung cancer.

Talk to leading oncologists at Oncoplus Hospitals, Defence Colony, New Delhi, which is one of the best cancer hospitals in Delhi if you believe you may be at risk for lung cancer or are experiencing any of its symptoms; a cough (often with blood), chest pain, wheezing and weight loss. These symptoms often don’t appear until the cancer is advanced.