A brain tumour is essentially an abnormal growth of tissue within the brain or in the central spine, this can disrupt and disturb proper brain function. The two predominant types of tumours are, malignant and benign(non-malignant) tumours. Benign tumours are non-cancerous whereas malignant primary brain tumours are cancerous, you should know that less than a third of all brain tumours are cancerous, however, this can occur at any age. The overall incidence of this neurological disorder in India is between five to ten cases per 100,000 people, but ask the best cancer doctors in Delhi and they will tell you there is an increase in incidence. Twenty percent of all brain tumour cases are seen in children and increasing awareness and busting myths can lead to earlier diagnosis and timely treatment.

Symptoms of Brain tumour

The common symptoms that may be caused by brain tumours (malignant or non-malignant) are  headaches especially early morning ones that may come with nausea and vomiting. General behavioural and cognitive changes, dizziness, speech and hearing impairment, seizures and paralysis are also symptoms of brain tumours.

Myths and facts of Brain tumour

Brain tumour treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach for treatment and recovery but many misconceptions still remain around  brain tumours. We’ll lay out

Some common myths and debunk them with facts on brain tumours:

Myth 1:  Brain tumours mean cancer.

Myth 2: Brain tumours happen in the brain, right?

Myth 3: Brain cancer won’t happen to young people.

Myth 4: Brain tumours runs in families.

Myth 5: The use of cellphones can cause brain tumours.

Myth 6: Brain Cancer is common.

Myth 7: Changes to lifestyle can prevent tumours.

At Oncoplus Cancer Hospital, our committed team of neurosurgeons, medical oncologists, paediatric oncologists and radiation oncologists specialise in Neurooncolgy to diagnose and treat brain tumours. We are one of the best cancer hospitals in Delhi and use latest in class technology which enables our leading cancer specialists to achieve the highest success and safest resection of all tumours, with the use of novel operative advances with navigation, awake surgery techniques, neurophysiology monitoring with MEP and SSEP.

Tips for Preventing and detecting skin cancer 

As the days grow hotter and sunny, outdoor activities such as running, biking, swimming does not stop. These activities are necessary for our lives as working outdoors is good for physical and mental health, and spending time in the sun also assists the body to get the sunshine vitamin D.

Exposure to UV radiation from the sun can be very harmful for the skin, and can damage the DNA in skin cells, making mutations, which can cause skin cancer. Studies state, five or more sunburns can double the risk of melanoma.

Preventing and detecting skin cancer while enjoying the outdoors becomes very important. Protect yourself from harmful UV rays or artificial sources of radiation such as tanning beds. Experts suggest to avoid the sun between 10 am – 4 pm as the UV intensity is highest. Using sunscreen and protective clothing is extremely necessary; avoiding tanning beds at all costs.

There are two types of risks associated with skin cancer. There are risks, which we can control, and there are risks, which we can do nothing about. Exposure to ultraviolet light is a modifiable risk factor for the development of skin cancer. Experts suggest to use sunscreen, apply liberal amounts of sunscreen at least every two hours when you are outside, and more often if participating in water activities. On a hot sunny day, if applied liberally one could use up to an entire bottle of sunscreen.

Other way of blocking the harmful UV rays is by wearing protective clothing, which have an ultra violet protection factor, where one doesn’t have to worry about reapplication of sunscreen if you are wearing the UPF clothing. Do add sunglasses and wide hat

Fields recommends adding a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to other UPF clothing for best protection. This helps protect the head, ears and eyes from UV while spending time outdoors.

Do not wait. Even a tiny spot on the skin could be a sign of melanoma or other kinds of skin cancer. Do not neglect the sign, and consult with Skin Cancer specialists at Oncoplus Hospitals, Defence Colony, New Delhi, India.  Make prevention a part of your routine as it is never too late to start good habits to protect yourself for UV rays.

Always Wear sunscreen and/or protective clothing, seek shade when possible, to reduce UV exposure, avoid tanning beds and always self-examine your skin for new or changing spots. Give yourself a self-examination, looking for any new or changing spots on your skin. Early detection and treatment is key to successfully remove skin cancer. Some of the deadliest forms of skin cancer, can spread, if left untreated.


Brain tumors are cancerous or noncancerous growths in the brain that makes the central nervous system (CNS). Most tumors of the brain are benign this means they are not cancerous and less than thirty percent of brain tumors turn into brain cancer or malignant brain tumors.

Benign does not necessarily mean not harmful. Noncancerous brain tumors can still cause symptoms, noteworthy neurologic problems and damage the healthy brain tissue.

There are two kinds of Brain tumors, they either primary or secondary tumors. Primary tumors begin in the brain tissue itself. Secondary tumors are cancers that have spread, or metastasized, from other areas of the body. For instance, breast cancer normally spreads to the brain. There are more than 100 different types of primary brain tumors that have been identified, they are most common in older adults and children.

Symptoms of Brain tumor differs as per the area of the brain it affects. Symptoms can be very general, such as headache, or very specific, such as changes in the vision. However, specific symptoms, such as fatigue or headaches from a brain tumor, can be common symptoms of other conditions too. The only way to know for sure is to see your doctor for any unusual or insistent symptoms. If your doctor diagnoses a brain tumor, numerous effective treatments are available.

The specific course of therapy will depend on whether or not tumor is cancerous, its location, and how aggressive it is. Slow-growing tumors can cause gradual symptoms that you may not notice for some time. When tumors grow quickly, symptoms can appear rather suddenly.

A few Brain tumor symptoms include

It’s important to see your doctor if you face of these symptoms that persist or cause concern. Other conditions share many of these same symptoms. Getting a timely diagnosis at Oncoplus Hospitals, Defence Colony, New Delhi, which offers the best chance of successfully treating tumors of the brain.

A brain tumor can damage brain tissue and cause problems that may be permanent. Some tumors are more likely to cause problems than others due to their placement in the brain. However, a common concern with any type of tumor is survival. Unfortunately, the risk factors for a brain tumor are normally not changeable. If you have a family history of a brain tumor, talk with Oncoplus Hospitals about your risk and consult about specific monitoring recommendations to find early warning signs. Reducing the risk of a particular disease involves controlling risk factors that you have the power to change.

Diarrhoea antibiotic shows potential in treating aggressive blood cancer

A form of aggressive blood cancer might be found to be more sensitive to chemotherapy with the use of an antibiotic currently available for treating diarrhoea, as per novel research published in Science Translational Medicine. The study was funded by Cancer Research UK and Blood Cancer UK, the study looked to tackle a certain type of acute myeloid leukaemia of which contains a genetic modification called MLL, thorough investigations on cancer’s origins.

This form of leukaemia, often called MLL-AML, has a peculiarly poor prognosis as it suddenly turns resistant to standard chemotherapies. Resolving this resistance had proven to be a major challenge in treating this cancer, and has left patients with no other alternative.

Even the best cancer doctors in Delhi concur on the fact that resistance to treatments is the biggest challenge cancer research faces and coming to terms with the fact that there is no other treatment available is undeniably the worst thing a doctor wants to tell their patient. These recent findings demonstrate how unravelling the biology of cancer has lead to new discoveries, and how we could already have a huge array of drugs out there that could help boost the effects of current treatments.

What is MLL-AML?

Acute myeloid leukaemia is a variegated disease, with different sub-types dependent on the genetic mutations that are causing it. This affects how successfully the cancer is treated, with some sub-types having a far poorer prognosis than others. MLL-AML is deadly, with only 1 in 4 patients surviving for 2 to 5 years or so.

The researchers observed how MLL-AML developed in humans for the first time, through establishing a new way of modelling how the stem cells that make our blood could turn into AML when altered by the MLL genetic alteration.

It’s a significant moment for cancer treatment across the world.

After the research that threw light on the origins of MLL leukaemia in mice almost 18 years ago, this development is an important milestone for AML research and provides a new way for screening and identifying new targets to treat.

Using this new approach, the team found that the disease could actually originate from 2 different types of cells, with one causing more resistant disease than the other.

Studying the more resistant type in detail revealed it produced way more of a particular protein – ABCC3 – than the other one, and this could be responsible for making it more resistant to chemotherapy.

When this theory was confirmed in human cells:  the team got rid of the cell’s ability to produce any more ABCC3, and it was far more sensitive to chemotherapy.

The next step forward was finding a drug that could stop ABCC3 from being produced or prevent it from working at all. By researching, the team found a paper that showed fidaxomicin – an antibiotic prescribed to treat diarrhoea caused by the bacteria C. difficile – was rather effective for inhibiting ABCC3.

This was unexpected and, actually fortuitous, that there was a recent study showing an already approved antibiotic could work for this research. Testing the drug for the treatment of resistant MLL-AML, the team found it successfully sensitised cancer to chemotherapy in both the cells grown in the lab and in mice.

This is hugely promising and now we need to do further studies and testing with this approach in people with AML and see how many benefits it brings.


Is COVID-19 more dangerous for people with blood cancer

In this unfortunate time of Coronavirus, all of us have to be careful, get vaccinated, and take extra care. However, those of us who live with terminal or long term diseases like cancer have to be even more vigilant than others because of much greater risk of exposure and far poorer outcomes if we were to get
infected by the virus. Having cancer, and going through certain treatments for cancer can greatly suppress the body’s immune system, and this side effect in particular is very worrisome in any prospective fight against Covid-19.

Recent research findings from a study conducted in the UK on cancer patients who had COVID-19 revealed that when it came to this particular virus, all cancers did not carry
the same risks. Particularly, patients who had blood cancers like leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma were found to be more prone to facing severe cases of COVID-19, and leukemia patients in particular were found to be at more than twice the odds of dying from the virus, as suggested by findings by the U.K. Coronavirus Cancer Monitoring Project (UKCCMP).

From March; the study compared recorded data from 1,044 cancer patients who had COVID-19 to about 145,000 cancer patients who didn’t have it. After taking factors like age, sex and tumor type into consideration, the investigators found:
• Patients who had blood cancer were at a fifty seven percent higher risk of getting a severe case of COVID-19 compared to patients with other cancer types.
• Blood cancer patients who underwent chemotherapy fairly recently were also at a higher risk of dying from COVID-19.
• Patients who had leukemia were at a “significantly increased case-fatality rate.”
• Patients above 80 had the greatest odds of succumbing to the virus.
• However, patients who also had prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and cancers of the female reproductive system seemed to be at far lower risk of getting infected or dying from COVID-19.

In theory those who have blood cancer could be harder hit by COVID-19, since hematological malignancies can cause abnormalities with bone marrow—the spongy tissue inside the bones that makes white and red blood cells and platelets. Without white blood cells, the ability to fight infections also decreases. In the case of blood cancers ‘The Lancet Oncology’ has reported cytotoxic treatments like chemotherapy and radiation reduce the number of white blood cells, potentially putting blood cancer patients’ at greater risk of infection.

Even though men do not have breasts like women, they do in fact have a small amount of breast tissue. The “breasts” of a man are similar to those of a girl before she hits puberty. Breast tissues grow and develop in women, but in men they don’t.

However because men still have breast tissue, men can also get develop breast cancer. Men also get the same types of breast cancers as women do. The risk of a man developing breast cancer in his life is around 1 in 1,000.

Doctors earlier believed male breast cancer was more severe than it was in women, but it seems that it’s the same.

The biggest problem is that breast cancer in men is usually diagnosed much later than breast cancer in women. This may be due to cultural social norms that men are not likely to be suspect something strange in that area.

Which Men Are More Likely to Get Breast Cancer?

It’s rare for men under age 35 to get breast cancer; with the chances of getting breast cancer going up with age. Most breast cancers in men will happen between 60 and 70.

Other factors like breast cancer in a close female relative; a history of radiation exposure of the chest, enlarged breasts due to drug or hormone treatments, some infections, or poisons can increase chances. Also, taking estrogen, having a  condition called Klinefelter’s syndrome or severe liver disease  or disease of the testicles such as mumps or a testicular injury, or an undescended testicle. Obese men are more likely to have breast cancer.

Men who look for the best male breast cancer treatment in Delhi will get diagnosed when they man find a lump on their chest.

But men also tend to delay visiting the doctor until they have develop severe symptoms, like bleeding from the nipple. By that point, the cancer may have spread too far.

If you’re looking for the best hospital for male breast cancer in Delhi, look no further than Oncoplus, where experienced cancer specialists treat every form of cancer.

Myeloma have antibody COVID vaccine response ?

Patients who have active chronic lymphocytic leukaemia or multiple myeloma seem to have significantly lower antibody responses to  COVID-19 vaccines than healthy individuals, according to recent reports, with the studies suggesting that both cancer treatment and the cancer itself might be responsible for this. 

An Israeli study found individuals who had leukaemia and myeloma had a greatly lower rate of immune response to the two-dose vaccines from Pfizer and BioNTech compared with healthy people who got the same.  

Patients with myeloma and leukaemia are more predisposed to developing infections because of inherent immune defects related to their primary disease and also as a result of therapy. The mechanisms underlying the immunodeficiency in both could also impair the response to vaccination markedly. 

Other findings reported that senior patients with multiple myeloma were also likely to have far less robust responses to these vaccines. 

The key takeaway is that the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccines produces rather low levels of neutralizing antibody response among senior patients who have multiple myeloma.

We need more research and data to know the overall results of the second dose as well as the results among younger patients with multiple myeloma. But remember, it is vitally necessary for myeloma patients to get the both doses of the vaccine for a better response. 

Almost 75 days after the first vaccine dose, no patient developed COVID-19 infection during the period and no substantial differences were found associated with the vaccine. 

According to results, only 39.5% of patients with myeloma had a positive antibody-mediated response to the vaccine. 

For multiple myeloma after a single dose of the vaccine, antimyeloma therapy appeared to negatively affect the neutralizing antibody production, although study of more patients is needed to evaluate the effects of specific antimyeloma regimens on the immune responses of anti-COVID-19 vaccination, the researchers noted. But there was good response after both doses.

Get both vaccine shots, they will surely help

Coping with intimacy and Cancer treatment.

Not everyone who has cancer or is in remission will experience changes in sexual desire or how they think about themselves sexually and they might not notice any changes at all. However, we may find cancer changing our body, and this might affect the way we feel about ourselves and sex: trust us this is completely normal and justified. 

Some might lose interest in sex altogether and feel very beat down while some people feel they would like to have more sex more than usual. If someone is in a relationship, a crisis like cancer can end up bringing couples much closer together.

As people are different, so are their different sexual needs, it really is impossible to say exactly if and how cancer will affect anyone’s sexuality and sex life. Certain forms of cancer and their ensuing treatment can have an effect on your ability or change your desire to have sex more than others. If you are in a loving caring relationship your concerns might be different from someone who is single.

If feelings towards your body, or what you think of having sex change during the cancer treatment, it doesn’t mean it’ll last forever. Effective communication with your partner or doctor on your worries can help ease them. 

Living with cancer or getting treatment can cause sickness or feelings of being sick, fatigue, mood changes, irritation, depression, bladder and bowel troubles, oral issues, breathing complications, hormone changes, and body image issues. tiredness (fatigue)

People might not feel like having sex if they have any of these side effects or feelings: and that is completely understandable. 

Some people say they feel less attractive to themselves because of them. There might not be enough energy for you to take as much interest in your appearance or grooming as you once did.

If you are a partner of someone in this situation, you might worry about your partner seeming so low and out. This is understandable. But remember that many people feel much better once treatment is over, or if their symptoms improve. 

Painkillers can help if you have a lot of pain because of y our cancer, just plan a little in advance. For example, you could take the painkillers 30 to 60 minutes beforehand and not worry later. 

Fatigue or Tiredness

This can last for some time after cancer treatment is over. Many people feel better and stronger within a couple of months after treatment. But some feel exhausted for as long as a year, particularly if they had intensive chemotherapy.

Not wanting to or not feeling like having sex if you are very tired is totally understandable. So a gentle simple touch can help propel feel cared for and get rid of any anxiety and depression they may have.

Feelings can be better than sex if you and your partner like being close to each other, touching, kissing, talking or just holding hands.Life is beautiful and it’s always better when you’re loved and supported. It is always good to agree on what is acceptable to each of you, so have a word with other about your concerns and fears. Don’t be afraid of sharing what you like, and don’t like. Talking about sex can be a little uneasy, but talking about your real feelings and what you both want as individuals can be very reassuring, and can feel a lot like love. 

Coping with Cancer -Depression and Anxiety You can live better

Research has revealed 1 out of 4 people with cancer will face severe depression and anxiety in their tryst with the disease. Let’s be clear about one thing; a cancer diagnosis is a seismic shift and sea change in a person’s life, and living with cancer brings its own enormous shift in physical, psychological, and emotional well-being. A cancer diagnosis impacts both body and mind in negative, difficult, and often painful ways. Coping with Cancer -Depression and Anxiety You can live better.

The same also applies to cancer treatment and therapy; surgery, chemo, or hormone replacement, these therapies bring other symptoms like weakness, fatigue, clouded thinking, or nausea with them.

Our counsellors have worked in numerous cancer fighters and they will tell you that  managing the significant impact of the disease and treatment is very hard, while it also impacts the mental well-being of people with cancer.

In case you’re looking for the best cancer treatment in Delhi, or a kind group of medical professionals committed to making your cancer journey as bearable as possible, you can get in touch with us and book an appointment.

Negative emotions emotions and feelings start small and are manageable, but with time, they become more consuming and complicated to deal with — eventually leading in some cases to depression.

Depression is common in people living with cancer, and identifying it early can be of great help. If you experience  sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness, lose interest or pleasure in things, have trouble thinking or concentrating, experience high levels of fatigue, tiredness, and exhaustion. If your thinking has slowed down, along with movements, or speaking, if you have nausea, stomach pains, or digestive problems along with changes in mood, including agitation or restlessness, followed with sleep disturbances, including insomnia or oversleeping: it could very well be depression

For people living with cancer, the extra challenge of dealing with depression or anxiety can seem hard. Paying attention mental health will give you more resources to care for your physical health as well.

When beginning with the process of managing your mental health, it’s vital you avoid negative coping skills, be truthful and transparent with those around you, and seek help.

Start by accepting your feelings and behaviour. What you feel, think, or do isn’t wrong. Take a step back to observe and accept your feelings before you try to change them. You should talk with loved ones or a therapist about your thought process and feelings. Coping with depression and anxiety can be overwhelming, more so by yourself. Talking to those who you trust will help you process, accept, and validate your feelings and provide you with ways to cope. Give time to your physical health. When health begins to worsen, some people stop tending to their body’s needs because of frustration. However, now is the time you can start eating well, get enough rest, and exercise to the best of your abilities. It is hard, let’s not deny that, but with the right support system; your cancer journey can become much more bearable and fruitful

Herbal Remedies for Stress and Anxiety

Herbs have been used as medicine for thousands of years, and humans have been using spices on their food for as far back as 50,000 B.C. Whether you suffer from a lifelong illness of stress and anxiety or if you’re simply going through a stressful period in your life, natural herbs can be of great help. The medicinal properties of herbs, as well as their lack of any side effects, make them a good alternative to conventional drugs, and there’s no harm in trying. If you’re dealing with stress or anxiety, you can read on to learn how to better deal with them.

People with Anxiety should try these medicinal herbs to naturally cure and treat their anxiety. These herbs are effective for reducing stress and anxiety:

Like all medicinal recommendations, these herbs may not be for everyone, but they can be mighty helpful when they’re used in the right dosage and are correctly matched to fit your requirements. Consult with your medical practitioner before taking any alternate herbs if you’re already on medical prescription medications for sleep, anxiety, or depression, of if you’re taking blood thinners.