Living Better, And Stronger, with Cancer. Today, our outlook towards cancer and those who live with it. The disease growing more common, dialogue around it along with information on the internet has made the outlook on cancer broader and more open. Rather than giving in to despair and impersonal medical treatments, more cancer fighters are empowering themselves with better information and gaining more control over their therapies. This shift has found acceptance amongst mainstream medicine and more focus is laid on helping people with cancer lead healthier lives.
In case you’re diagnosed with cancer, this is what you could try and do to help your chances.
The first few things you can do after taking your time and gathering your thoughts:
Studies have shown that cancer patients who arm themselves with more information typically do better and experience fewer side effects than those who simply follow a doctor’s advice, no questions asked. Being well informed will give you some control over the disease—and that feeling of empowerment plays a crucial role in the healing process. So don’t be afraid of by your doctor. Ask him or her to explain anything and everything that you don’t understand. Have questions prepared in advance of appointments (to reduce stress and the odds of forgetting any)—and bring a notebook to jot down answers and other important info
Foods that can lower the risk of Cancers
Cancers have been universally considered as one of the deadliest diseases, after reaching a specific stage, it is very well known for being fatal, though a few cancers can be cured, yet numerous people die every year because of cancers across the world. Awareness and early detection are key, precaution and catching the disease at an early stage can assist with management. A lot of time cancer becomes serious and it becomes very tough to detect in the initial stages. Taking precautionary measures to catch the disease at an initial stage can prevent it from getting serious and fatal, this makes preventive health check-ups of extreme importance.
It can become extremely difficult to manage the disease if people diagnosed with it do not make necessary lifestyle and diet changes. Most clinicians advise to give up certain habits and bring about change in the diet to stay away from cancer. Speak with our expert nutritionist at Oncoplus Hospitals, Defence Colony, New Delhi on what you should and shouldn’t eat.
There are numerous foods, which can help you stay away from this dreadful disease. A few of them are given below. Try and include them in your daily diet to keep cancers at bay.
Diseases like cancer slowly grows in the body. In a few cases there are almost no symptoms of the disease, it is therefore extremely necessary that early detection is done to catch the disease at an early stage. Get in touch with leading oncologists at Oncoplus Hospital, Defence Colony, New Delhi, and stay ahead of Cancer, always remember Cancer Can be cured, if caught early.
COVID 19 vaccination experiences of women with Breast Cancer
For people who are living with chronic health conditions like breast cancer, the decision to get a COVID vaccine can seem daunting.
People may be nervous about the side effects of the vaccine because being immunocompromised comes with a higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 complications.
Whether you are currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer in Delhi or are done with treatment for breast cancer, you likely have must have some questions about how the vaccine may affect you.
Talking to the best cancer specialists in Delhi
will be helpful but it’s always better to hear from others who understand your situation and predicaments.
Here are a few experiences of women and how they felt getting their COVID-19 vaccine shots.
I got both my shots of Covishield and just experienced a sore arm after the first shot. After the second one, there were no side effects whatsoever and I’m very proud of myself for getting the vaccine.
‘I wanted to do it for my family and my own piece of mind.’I got both shots and there were very minimal side effects. Just a little tiredness paled in comparison to what I wanted to do for my family. Everyone worried that I’d get the virus because of my treatment: so now no worries at all!!
I got my first shot of the vaccine while I was undergoing chemotherapy. I had two rounds left and my oncologist urged me to get it and it wouldn’t cause any harm owing to the chemo.
Chemo could make the vaccine less effective, but it will still give a lot of protection and in case you contract COVID-19 after getting vaccinated, it greatly decreases the chances of death.
I felt safe as I went to my local hospital where they had set up an isolated vaccine center for cancer patients. Everything was spaced out and the process was smooth. Everything took about 20 minutes and I was made to wait for 30 minutes to look out for a reaction. When I got home, I had my lunch and slept peacefully. I just kept feeling sleepy for a few days.
So don’t worry about getting the vaccine if you have breast cancer, worry if you’re not getting it.
Cancer affects people mentally and physically
Depression is quite common with those diagnosed with cancer. Studies state that, about one in four people with cancer have clinical depression. People often go through feelings of sadness, emptiness and hopelessness. Often there is loss of interest in things, people have also reported trouble in thinking straight or concentrating. There is extremely high levels of fatigue, tiredness, and exhaustion. A few symptoms also include nausea, stomach pains, or digestive problems. Cancer patients may also struggle with changes in mood, agitation or restlessness, sleep disturbances, including insomnia or oversleeping. Depression symptoms normally overlap with the side effects of cancer and its treatments and normally lasts longer, is more powerful, and more prevalent than feelings of sadness, which are temporary.
If these feelings are there for more than two weeks, it is very much possible that you, or a loved one with cancer, may be experiencing depression. People with cancer also get very anxious, commonplace symptoms include excessive worrying, irritability, trouble focusing and unable to feel at ease. People who are diagnosed with cancer spend a lot of time thinking about the future, finances and family. This consumes numerous aspects of their daily living and reduces their ability to function.
Prolonged thinking can also take shape of panic attacks, which are periods of high anxiety that normally lasts for ten minutes or less, though people have reported longer durations as well. When people experience a panic attack, they have an increased heartrate, they are short of breath, break into cold sweats, feel numb and dizzy. For someone who is already fighting with cancer should seek consultation from a mental and behavioural sciences expert at Oncolplus Hospital, Defence Colony as the added challenge of going through anxiety can seem discouraging.
People who are diagnosed with Cancer should pay attention to their mental health along with their physical health. When you manage your mental health the first thing that you should do is be very honest and open about your feelings with those around you, try seek help to avoid negative thoughts. There are a few things that one shouldn’t do for instance; don’t avoid the issue, hoping that it will go away on its own. Don’t misinform others by telling them you’re fine, when you’re not. Don’t depend on alcohol or other substances to cope up with depression and anxiety. Self-medication will not help in alleviating the symptoms, and can prove harmful.
However there are a few things that one should do, accept your feelings, talk to loved ones, family or a mental and behavioural sciences expert at Oncoplus, about your thoughts and feelings, as struggling with depression and anxiety can be devastating. Speaking with your loved ones can assist you with ways to cope.
Take care oy your physical health, some people stop taking care of their physical needs out of frustration. Remember, now is the time to eat good, get lots of rest, and exercise as much as you can during the course of your treatment, remember Cancer can be cured.
Though rarer than other cancers, the number of people seeking treatment for thyroid cancer in Delhi has steadily grown, and we’ve seen an upward curve in the number of patients who come to us for the best cancer treatment in Delhi.
This article from one of Delhi’s best doctors for thyroid cancer will help you better understand what causes thyroid cancer and how it can be treated.
The thyroid gland is a part of the endocrine system; this system produces hormones that control the normal functioning of the body. The thyroid is a tiny, butterfly-shaped gland found at the base of the throat, it has one left and one right lobe. The thyroid produces the hormone thyroxine, which helps the body regulate its metabolism, blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and weight.
Thyroid cancer is the most common type of endocrine cancer and cases are on the rise in India.
Early stages of thyroid cancer have no symptoms whatsoever, but you should not be able to feel your thyroid gland if it’s healthy. As the thyroid cancer advances, the symptoms that can occur are a lump in the throat, cough, hoarseness, ache in the throat and neck, difficulty while swallowing or swollen lymph nodes in the neck
Talk to the best oncologists in Delhi at Oncoplus if you have any of these symptoms.
The factors that can add to the risk of thyroid cancer can be a family history of thyroid cancer, women get it more, a history of breast cancer or being exposed to radiation, age is another factor and thyroid cancer will most likely to occur after the age of 40.
You can get full cancer testing with us at our in-house laboratory for reliable and quicker test results. You can go in for a physical exam or laboratory test which can reveal thyroid cancer. A neck examination can also reveal a small or large mass in the thyroid. Lymph nodes could also be enlarged.
Lab tests and procedures used to diagnose thyroid cancer include thyroid function tests, thyroglobulin test, ultrasound of thyroid gland, thyroid scan and biopsy, level of calcium, phosphorus and calcitonin in the blood and a laryngoscopy can reveal potential for thyroid cancer.
Early detection is the best cure in a lot of cancer cases, most in fact. And you should keep these things in mind and call us for more information on thyroid cancer or for booking a consultation with our expert oncologists at Delhi’s best cancer hospital.
If a doctor says you require chemotherapy, your thoughts will naturally turn to some notions of what might happen. You may see yourself in hospital for days, hooked to an IV drip. We’ve provided the best chemotherapy in Delhi for years, and successfully treated thousands right here at the best cancer hospital in Delhi, Oncoplus.
The truth however is there are many ways to get chemo, like pills and skin creams.
So read this article from one of Delhi’s best cancer doctors to learn some surprising facts about chemotherapy.
A hospital isn’t the only place you can get chemo, treatment at home, in a doctor’s office, at a clinic, or in an outpatient wing of a hospital are some places where you don’t have to stay even for one night.
You might not even need to get chemotherapy via an IV. Your doctor can suggest methods like getting shots in the arm, thigh, hip, leg, or belly, or getting it through an infusion port, a device placed underneath your skin that connects to a vein. There are special creams or gels that you can rub on your skin and take pills, capsules, or liquids that you can swallow.
Chemotherapy basically means killing cancer cells, so it’s normal for us to assume that the goal is to eliminate a tumour. But doctors use chemo for other reasons
Chemo isn’t always as hard as you might imagine. Some people can make changes and work during treatment. Working part-time or from home on days when you don’t feel too well can help you do well at work without getting too exhausted.
There are numerous ways chemo can affect you, from feeling fatigue and constipation to hair loss, nausea, and mood changes. But it’s not the same symptoms for everyone. Some will experience few side effects or even none at all. The symptoms you get depend in part on what drugs you take. But it’s difficult to predict until you begin treatment.
You can always call us and talk to our expert oncologists on what to expect with chemotherapy.
Most patients who come to us seeking the safest and best treatment for leukaemia in Delhi; are late and their blood cancer treatment begins when the cancer has reached an advanced stage. Many kinds of cancer attack the cells that form our blood and the symptoms appear slowly, so people might not even notice anything at first, while some have no symptoms at all.
There are a few things you can look out for with some kinds of blood cancer and leukaemia in particular. This article will focus on some signs and symptoms that may be related to leukaemia.
Blood cells created inside the bone marrow, and that’s where leukaemia begins. It causes the body to produce white blood cells uncontrollably and they live longer than usual. They don’t help your body fight infection, unlike normal white blood cells.
There are several forms of leukaemia. Some worsen quite quickly (acute). People will usually feel very sick very all of a sudden, like coming down with a flu. Other forms may take many years before symptoms (chronic). The first clue is found in abnormal results for routine blood tests.
Most symptoms of leukaemia occur because the cancer cells keep the healthy blood cells from growing and functioning normally.
Anaemia: This happens when the body doesn’t make enough red blood cells, or the ones present aren’t working too well. Signs include tiredness and weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, pale skin and chest pain.
Blood clotting: When the body doesn’t produce enough white blood cells, small cuts may end up bleeding more than usual, or you might get a bloody nose more often. You may also have unusual bruises, bleeding gums, small red dots on the skin, heavier menstruation, black or red coloured bowel movement.
There are some other symptoms as well like getting sick more often and staying sick longer. One could also have a lot of fevers and night sweats.
Cancer cells can build up in the tonsils, lymph nodes, liver, and spleen and causes swelling in them. People might feel a lump in their neck or armpit, people also may feel full after only eating a very small amount of food, this could be accompanied with sudden weight loss without any effort. And the growth of cancer cells in the bone marrow may sometimes cause bone pain.
So remember not to ignore any of these symptoms, they may not be related to cancer of any type and they could be treated very easily, either way, getting them looked at will be of great benefit to you.
If you or anyone you know is looking for the best chemotherapy in Delhi, the best cancer hospital in Delhi, or the best cancer doctors in Delhi, look no future than Oncoplus Hospital. Call us today and book an appointment.
The number of people who require oral cancer treatment in Delhi keeps growing year on year while the country reports more than 1 million oral cancer cases each year. Oral cavity cancer, or oral cancer, is cancer that begins in the mouth (which is also called the oral cavity).
Oral cancer develops in the tissues of the mouth and/or throat. It falls under a broader group of cancers known collectively as head and neck cancers. Most of these developments in the squamous cells in the mouth, tongue, and lips. This occurs most commonly in people aged 40 years and older. Oral cancers are hard to detect early on and unfortunately, most cases are discovered after they’ve spread out to the lymph nodes of the neck. Lab testing or imaging are required to diagnose it, but early detection is always key when it comes to beating oral cancer. This article from one of Delhi’s best oncologists will help you learn about the risk, stages, and more associated with oral cancer.
Oral cancers include cancers of the lips, tongue, inner cheek lining, gums, the floor of the mouth, and the hard and soft palate. Our dentists are usually the first healthcare providers who notice signs of oral cancer.
You may know this, but the biggest risk factor for oral cancer is using tobacco which smoking and chewing tobacco. People who consume heavy an amount of alcohol and tobacco are at even greater risk, and even more so when used regularly.
Other risk factors are human papillomavirus(HPV) infection, long exposure to UV rays, family history of oral cancer, weak immune system, poor nutrition, genetic syndromes and men are twice as likely to get oral cancer.
The common symptoms of oral cancer include a sore on your lip or mouth that won’t heal, an unnatural growth anywhere in the mouth, bleeding from the mouth, loosening teeth, pain while swallowing, a lump in the neck, persistent earaches, sudden weight loss, numbness in the chin, lower lip, face or neck, while and red patches on the lips or in the mouth, tongue pain in the jaw and tongue
Detecting oral cancer early on can greatly improve the chances of survival, with more than 60 percent of all oral cancer fighters surviving at least 5 years. The survival rate for those who detect cancer by stage 1 or
2 is anywhere between 70 to 90 percent.
So remember to keep getting regular oral checkups, and look out for symptoms, in case you’re looking for the best cancer hospital in Delhi, look no further than Oncoplus, where we celebrate your strength and resolve in choosing to fight cancer by providing you the best cancer treatment available.
Dealing with Pancreatic Cancer, Expert Opinion It’s complicated and symptoms are hard to detect
The incidence of pancreatic cancer may be rare, but it doesn’t mean the number of people seeking treatment for pancreatic cancer in Delhi will not rise.
Pancreatic cancer develops within the tissues of the pancreas, which is an absolutely vital organ located behind our stomach. The pancreas plays a critical role in the digestion process by producing enzymes that help the body digest fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.
The pancreas also produces two very important hormones: glucagon and insulin which are responsible for keeping glucose under control and metabolism. Insulin assists the cells in metabolize glucose to produce energy and glucagon helps raise glucose levels when they are too low.
Due to the location of the pancreas, pancreatic cancer can prove more difficult to detect and is often diagnosed in advanced stages of the disease.
Pancreatic cancer will not show symptoms until it has reached an advanced stage of the disease and because of this reason, there typically aren’t really any early symptoms of pancreatic cancer.
Even once cancer has advanced, the most common symptoms can be subtle. They can be appetite loss, unexpected weight loss, stomach, and lower backaches, blood clotting, jaundice, and depression.
Pancreatic cancer that has spread can worsen preexisting symptoms and as cancer will spread, people experience some additional symptoms.
The exact cause of pancreatic cancer is in fact: unknown. This cancer occurs when abnormal cells begin to grow inside the pancreas.
Normally, healthy cells will grow and die in moderate amounts but in cancer, there is an increased amount of abnormal cell production, and these cells will take over the healthy cells in the end.
While doctors and researchers don’t know what exactly causes these mutations/changes in the cells, they do know some common factors that may increase the risk of developing this type of cancer.
The two most significant risk factors include inherited gene mutations and acquired gene mutations. Genes control the way our cells act, so changes to those genes can lead to cell abnormalities which lead to cancer.
Your treatment will depend on the stage where the cancer is, but getting early treatment is essential, as always when it comes to dealing with cancer. Get in touch with our expert oncologists at Delhi’s best hospital for cancer treatment, Oncoplus.
Even though it is rarer then common cancers in women, Endometrial cancer cases are growing in india with more women slated to seek treatment for endometrial cancer in Delhi, and India. This cancer is a type of uterine cancer that begins in the inner lining of the uterus which is called the endometrium.
According to studies, approximately 3 in 100 women will be diagnosed with uterine cancer at some point in their lives, and more than 80 percent of all women with uterine cancer will survive for five years or longer after receiving the diagnosis.
In case you have this cancer, early diagnosis and the getting the best treatment for cancer in Delhi will definitely increase your chances of remission.
Abnormal vaginal bleeding is the most common symptom of this cancer. This can range and vary with noticeable changes in the length and heaviness of menstrual periods, vaginal bleeding or spotting between menstrual periods, vaginal bleeding post menopause. Some other symptoms of endometrial cancer can be watery or bloody vaginal discharge, some pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis, experiencing pain during sex.
In case you experience any of these symptoms, make an appointment with the best cancer doctors in Delhi at Oncoplus. These symptoms aren’t always a sign of a serious condition but please get them checked out to be safe.
Menopause can also cause abnormal vaginal bleeding and even some other non-cancerous conditions cause this but in some cases, it can be a sign of endometrial cancer or other types of gynaecological cancer.
Our expert cancer doctors can help you identify the exact causes of any symptoms and give you appropriate treatment, if needed.
With time, endometrial cancer can spread from the uterus to other parts of the body, based on this the cancer is classified into four stages
When people are diagnosed with endometrial cancer, the stage of the cancer determines which treatment options are available and best for the long-term outlook. Endometrial cancer is easier to treat in the early stages of the condition, and if you get regular checkups you can rest easy.