Many jobs involve sitting in front of a computer for hours in awkward postures. Moving as much as possible is necessary to prevent backache.
Sitting in the same place for hours every day can be taxing on your back. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what’s required from people with desk jobs.
Being seated itself puts some strain on your spine. This strain can increase if you tend to work in a poor posture like slouching or slumping. This often results in recurring back pain.
Moving as much as possible is the solution to preventing back pain due to a sedentary lifestyle. It engages your muscles and improves blood circulation. Watching your posture is also necessary.
This isn’t easy when your job description requires you to sit for hours in front of a computer. But it’s possible to prevent backache at work if you are mindful of your activity level and posture.
Improve Posture
Make sure your head is aligned with and above your shoulders to reduce strain on the neck. Rest your back against the backrest to support its curve. Place a small cushion under the lumbar region.
Rest your elbows and arms on the armrest or desk, relaxing the shoulders. Let your feet rest on the ground and knees bent at ninety degrees.
Take Short Breaks In Between
Give your body the chance to move a bit with microbreaks every hour or so. You can stretch your muscles, do some sitting exercises or walk around. Set alarms to remind yourself to take one-minute breaks throughout the day.
Find Reasons To Walk
The more opportunities you have to move around, the better. Go to your colleague’s cubicle instead of texting or calling them. Don’t spend your lunch break in your cubicle; go outside.
If your home is near, consider walking or cycling to work instead of driving.
Consider Sit-Stand Desk
Many workplaces allow employees to use sit-stand desks. Use them to switch between sitting and standing after every hour. This promotes blood circulation and reduces pressure on the spine.
If you don’t have a standing desk, try standing between work for a few tasks like taking phone calls.
Set Your Screen
Adjust your monitor’s height so that its top is just below eye level. This helps you look at the monitor without bending your neck up or down.
Place Keyboard And Mouse Within Reach
Place the keyboard close in front of you and the mouse next to it. Other items like a pen holder and sticky notes should be within your arm’s reach.
Get Some Exercise
Schedule some time for exercising at your home or gym. You can work out before or after work hours to strengthen your joints and muscles. Incorporate seated exercises between work to prevent stiffness.
Empty Your Pockets
Overstuffed back pockets might cause discomfort and backache when you sit on them. Empty the back pockets for comfort. Place your wallet, mobile and other items on the desk or in a bag.
Monitor Your Steps
Use a pedometer to track how much you’ve walked in a day. Aim for 10000 steps daily.
Use Phone Properly
Take calls on speaker mode or with earphones instead of putting the phone between your ear and shoulder.
Role Of Exercise For Cancer Patients During Treatment Exercising improves a cancer patient’s physical and mental wellbeing during the treatment.
In the past, doctors would recommend resting as much as possible. But recent studies show that being physically active is more beneficial.
Exercise is well-known for its ability to reduce the risk of cancer. Research shows that it can improve a patient’s health and prevent cancer from recurring in survivors.
Benefits Of Exercising For Cancer Patients
Working out helps you improve your physical and mental wellbeing during cancer treatment. It can help manage some side effects of cancer therapies.
Some noted benefits of exercising during treatment include:
Increased strength and endurance
Control on weight
Diminished depression and anxiety
Improved mood
Reduced pain
Rise in self-esteem
Better sleep
Less fatigue
Some studies show that exercising during treatment changes the tumor microenvironment and triggers a strong anti-tumor response in the body.
Cancer survivors are less likely to develop cancer again if they include workouts in their routine.
How Much Exercise Is Needed?
Exercise guidelines for cancer patients and survivors are as follows:
Perform 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. If not possible, try to be as active as you can be.
After surgery, return to normal daily activities as soon as your surgeon clears you.
Perform strength training twice every week.
Incorporate stretches and balance training into your daily routine.
Avoid inactivity as much as possible.
What To Include In Workout Routine
Your doctor and cancer exercise specialist is best suited to advise you on what exercises to include in your routine.
Your workout routine may include:
Stretching daily improves flexibility and posture. It boosts the flow of blood and oxygen to your muscles and helps in the body’s repair process.
Many patients face difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath. Breathing exercises can help you inhale and exhale better. They also improve endurance and reduce anxiety.
Balance Exercises
Balance exercises counteract the loss of balance and mobility due to cancer treatment. They can help you return to normal activities safely and prevent falling.
Aerobic Exercises
Aerobic exercises, like walking, increase your heart rate and strengthen your lungs and heart.
Strength Training
Strength or resistance training twice a week is recommended to counteract weakness caused due to muscle loss.
Risks during Exercise For Cancer Patients
People suffering from certain diseases or side effects from treatments need to be careful. These may include anemia, bone density loss, weakened immune system, radiation therapy, and neuropathy.
Loss of bone density makes you vulnerable to injuries. You must avoid exercises that strain your neck and increase the risk of falling.
Senior citizens and people with nerve problems also need to take precautions against injuries.
If your treatment has weakened your immune system, then you need a germ-free environment to work out.
It’s important to keep track of your blood count to know whether it’s safe to exercise or not.
Consult your doctor before starting a workout routine during or after cancer treatment. They may recommend a cancer exercise specialist to help plan your schedule based on your needs.
Gallbladder cancer develops in the gallbladder, a tiny organ located under the liver, behind the lower right ribs. The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile, which helps digest fats. High risk factors for gallbladder cancer are obesity and medical conditions that end up affecting the gallbladder, for instance gallstones, cysts or polyps. Women are twice as likely to develop this type of cancer than men.
Gallbladder cancer is rather rare, but when it does occur, it is largely diagnosed in its advanced stages. Gallbladder cancer can also prove to be difficult to diagnose, in part because the gallbladder is rather small and buried deep within the body, making tumours much harder to find. Also, the symptoms will not typically appear until the cancer has reached an advanced stage.
At Oncoplus, South Delhi’s best cancer hospital, we deploy a range of diagnostics and techniques to better diagnose and stage all cancer treatment and tailor customised cancer treatment plans for our patients’ needs. We also provide support and counselling that may help you manage the side effects of your treatment, so you can better maintain your strength, stamina and keep the quality of life you want to: throughout treatment.
We target and treat gallbladder tumours with highly sophisticated, evidence-backed treatment and technology. A multidisciplinary team of gallbladder cancer experts will answer all your questions and recommend the best cancer treatment options based solely on your unique diagnosis and needs.
The Common courses of treatment for gallbladder cancer include:
Surgery is a common treatment for gallbladder cancer, and is used to remove the tumor or relieve symptoms. It may also be used to help alleviate pain if the cancer is more widespread.
Chemotherapy may be used in addition to surgery to reduce the risk of recurrence or in cases where the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
Radiation therapy
Radiation may also be used after surgery or as a palliative treatment if the cancer has progressed.
Support and care
We understand managing the side effects of gallbladder cancer treatment is most critical to maintaining your quality of life. In addition to treating your cancer with evidence-based conventional approaches, our team will recommend various supportive care therapies designed to help you stay strong throughout treatment. They may include:
Nutritional support
Every patient has the option of meeting with a registered dietitian.
Pain management
Pain management is a branch of medicine focused on reducing pain and improving quality of life through an integrative approach to care.
Oncology rehabilitation
Oncology rehabilitation includes a wide range of therapies designed to help you build strength and endurance.
The various types and causes of bone cancer explained…
Though rarer than most types of cancer, the risk is highest for those between 10 and 30 years of age, particularly during a teenage growth spurt. This could mean a link between rapid bone growth and the risk of developing tumors. The risk does decrease with middle age but again rises in older adults (usually over the age of 60).
We’ve constantly provided the best treatment for cancer in South Delhi for the best part of two decades, and we also provide treatment for bone cancer in Delhi, with our oncology departments are comprised of the best cancer doctors in Delhi. If you are looking for treatment for bone cancer in Delhi, this article could be of some help.
Bone cancer happens when a tumor forms in a bone. A tumor could be malignant; it’s growing aggressively and spreading.
A malignant tumor is often referred to as cancerous. Cancer that begins in the bones is rare.
Primary bone cancers are the most serious of all bone cancers. They form directly in the bones or surrounding tissue.
Cancer can also spread ( or metastasize), from another part of your body towards your bones. This is secondary bone cancer, and this type is more prevalent than primary.
The Common types of primary of bone cancer are:
Multiple myeloma (MM)
Multiple myeloma is the most prevalent form of bone cancer, this happens when cells grow in the bone marrow and cause tumors in other bones. MM will usually affect older adults.
Among bone cancers, MM has one of the best outlooks, and many people who have it www won’t need treatment.
Osteosarcoma (Osteogenic sarcoma)
Osteosarcoma generally affects children and adolescents, but it can also include adults. It usually originates at the tips of the long bones in the arms and legs.
Osteosarcoma may also start in the hips, shoulders, or other locations. It affects the hard tissue that provides the outer layer of your bones.
Chondrosarcoma can occur in the pelvis, thigh areas, and shoulders in older adults.
It forms in the tough connective tissue between your bones. This is the second most common primary cancer.
Ewing’s sarcoma
A much rare cancer that either begins in the soft tissues surrounding the bones or directly in the bones of children and young adults.
The long bones of the body — such as the arms and legs — and the pelvis are commonly affected.
What are the symptoms of bone cancer?
The symptoms of bone cancer are:
pain and swelling in bones
tangible hard mass formation in the long bones of the limbs
fatigue or tiredness
Less common symptoms include:
bones that break easily
sudden weight loss
What causes?
The exact cause of bone cancer isn’t known to us, but there are some factors that may increase the chances.
These are:
Abnormal cellular growth
Healthy cells continually divide and replace older cells. After completing this process they die. Abnormal cells, however, continue living. They start forming masses of tissue that turn into tumors.
Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy, which kills dangerous cancer cells, can be used to treat bone cancer. However, osteosarcoma may form in some people who receive the treatment. The use of high doses of radiation may be a factor in this development.
Who is at risk ?
The following may be risk factors for bone cancer:
having a family history of cancer, especially bone cancer
having received radiation treatment or therapy in the past
having Paget’s disease, which is a condition that causes the bones to break down and then grow back abnormally
currently or previously having had multiple tumors in the cartilage, which is the connective tissue in the bone
Despite what many believe, lung cancer isn’t limited to smokers. Non-smokers are also at risk when they’re exposed to cancer-causing agents.
Abstaining from cigarettes doesn’t guarantee complete protection from lung cancer.
Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer and should be avoided. But non-smokers can also suffer from this disease.
Lungs can be exposed to carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) through other means. This may include secondhand smoke, exposure to radiation, etc.
The misconception that only smokers get lung cancer is harmful. It stigmatizes patients by creating a false impression that they are responsible for their condition. It may also cause people who don’t smoke to dismiss symptoms. They may delay getting treatment until it’s too late.
So, we need to look at other possible causes of lung cancer and take precautions.
Causes Of Lung Cancer In Non-Smokers
Non-smokers may be exposed to factors that cause mutations or changes in their lung cells. Some causes of lung cancer in non-smokers include:
Secondhand smoke: A non-smoker’s risk of getting cancer increases with the amount of secondhand smoke they inhale near a smoker. The smoke may come from the lit end of a cigarette or might be exhaled during smoking. Both kinds are hazardous to health.
Radon exposure: Radon is the next greatest cause of lung cancer after smoking. The gas may be present in buildings. It breaks down into tiny particles that damage lung cells.
Asbestos exposure: Many old buildings have materials that contain a cancer-causing mineral called asbestos.
Radiation: Exposure to radiation, like during radiation therapy, might be a cause.
Family history: People with relatives suffering from lung cancer are at risk of it.
Genetic: Mutations in lung cells may lead to cancer.
Air pollution: Areas with high air pollution see a high number of cases.
Most people don’t develop symptoms until the advanced stages of lung cancer. These may include:
A new cough that persists
Blood in cough (even small amounts)
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Hoarse voice
Pain in bones
Unexplained weight loss
Consult your doctor if any of these symptoms persist and worry you.
How To Prevent It?
Preventing cancer isn’t always in our hands but you can reduce the risk with the following steps:
Do not smoke: Every cigarette you have increases your risk of getting cancer dramatically. While abstaining from smoking isn’t a foolproof way to avoid cancer, it’s one of the most effective ways. So, don’t start smoking even out of curiosity.
Avoid secondhand smoke: Request smokers to avoid smoking near you. Avoid areas where people like to smoke. Seek non-smoking zones when going out.
Eat fruits and vegetables: A healthy diet with different types of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk considerably. They are rich in vitamins and other nutrients. But you should avoid vitamin supplements because they may increase the risk according to some researchers.
Avoid carcinogens at work: If your work involves dealing with chemicals, you need to take precautions to avoid inhaling them. Follow safety guidelines set by the employer and wear safety kit provided for the job.
Exercise: Working out most days of the week can reduce the chances of getting the disease.
It takes a few tries before you can overcome smoking addiction. You need to distract yourself from the cravings to quit smoking.
Abstaining from cigarettes and other tobacco products is hard. But it is the right step towards a healthy life.
You may notice your heart rate become normal just twenty minutes after quitting. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Many smokers are aware of the health risks but are unable to quit. They get strong urges when they try to quit, due to which they tend to relapse. But you can overcome the hold these cravings have on you.
Schedule Quit Day
Some preparation before quitting can be helpful. Decide when to quit, preferably within the next few weeks. You can either reduce your intake until the quit day or continue as you do before going cold turkey.
Clean Up
You need to remove smells and sights that remind you of smoking from your home and car. Dispose of cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters. Wash your clothes, carpets, etc. and use air fresheners.
Consider Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Nicotine replacement therapy can help you resist cravings. Your doctor may recommend:
Nasal sprayer or inhaler with prescription nicotine
OTC nicotine patches, lozenges or gum
Prescription medicines without nicotine like bupropion and varenicline.
Take Help
Inform your family and other close ones about your decision to quit smoking. People who have successfully quit can be helpful. Request other smokers to not smoke near you.
You can sign up at a support group. Many groups offer free counselling and nicotine patches.
Resist the temptation to have just one drag. The temptation usually passes after ten minutes. Distract yourself through other activities like chewing gum, exercising, etc.
Identify Triggers
Your urge to smoke might be the strongest during some situations. Identify and plan how to deal with them.
For example, if you light a cigarette when drinking alcohol, cut your intake. If it happens when you talk on the phone, doodle with a pen to keep your hand busy during the call.
Stress is one of the most common triggers of smoking. Avoiding stressful situations can reduce urges considerably.
Try relaxation techniques like yoga and tai chi. Exercise to blow some steam, make time for your hobby or get massage therapy.
Become Active
Physical activity is effective at distracting you from the temptation to smoke. It doesn’t have to be intense. Even short bursts like running on the stairs or taking a walk can help.
Think Of Your Motivation
Different people have different reasons for wanting to quit tobacco products. These may include:
Wanting a healthier lifestyle
Wanting to live long
Protecting loved ones from secondhand smoke
Trying to set a good example for children
Remind yourself of your reason and motivate yourself to overcome the temptation to light a cig.
Try Again
Quitting smoking is harder than it sounds, so it’s understandable if you give in to your craving. Many people need multiple tries before they quit completely. So, don’t get discouraged by it.
Think about what triggered you to take a drag and plan for how to avoid it for your next try.
The signs you should be wary of
No more than 29% of people survive pancreatic cancer for more than a year post an interventional procedure that is required in its advanced stage. This clearly makes timely detection and intervention all the more important. It is, therefore, necessary to be aware of this medical condition and the availability of treatment options.
Understanding the Clinical Aspects of the Disease
The pancreas is a delicate organ divided into three main parts and it produces the digestive juices that flow into the digestive tract; these juices help with the digestion of partially digested food by the stomach. The body and the tail of the pancreas produce insulin which plays a major role in controlling blood sugar. The pancreas is clearly quintessential for the digestion and absorption of food in our bodies.
The disease has no known causes, and this is what makes detection even more critical, while scientists try to find the root causes but to date have been unable to pinpoint the same. Some potentially attributable causes like lifestyle choices like smoking, drinking, high BMI among others can potentially trigger as well as increase odds of developing pancreatic cancer. The main reason behind most cases of pancreatic cancer is detected late is because of the location of the organ itself, according to oncologists here at Delhi’s best pancreas cancer hospital. Since it is located located in the posterior part of the body, nascent tumors don’t show up nor do other symptoms. It is only by the time the tumor starts spreading simultaneously affecting other organs that patients begin to realize or exhibit any symptoms. Some of the rather commonly observed signs of pancreatic cancer are the late and unforeseen onset of diabetes around 50years of age, jaundice, sudden weight loss, itching on the skin to name a few.
Beginning with yellowing skin, the tumor at the head of the pancreas affects the exocrine function which causes digestive failure in the process. Some patients may also report a sudden new-onset of diabetes if the tumor starts off toward the tail of the pancreas. About 95% of all cancerous (malignant) tumors in the pancreas, the abnormality formed in the head which (due to its closeness with the intestine) also affects the functioning of the small intestine. Patients may experience itchiness all over their bodies due to the deposit of bile salt crystals under the skin.
As cancer is a silent killer but extremely potent and lethal, it’s time to rely on advanced technological treatment options to better manage the patient outcomes and we offer the best treatment for pancreatic cancer in south Delhi, using the latest technologies available with the best chances of success offered as well.
A from of cancer that affects the cells of the cervix (the lower part of the uterus) is known as cervical cancer. This particular cancer is caused by a human borne virus called the human papillomavirus (HPV), and is generally transmitted via sexual contact.
The body’s immune naturally prevents the HPV from causing major harm to the body. However, HPV can survive for years, and gradually over time in some women, it can turn the cells of the cervix into cancerous ones. Cervical cancer makes up a large number of the total cancer cases found in Indian women.
Here are a few things should to know about cervical cancer in India.
It is reportedly the second most common cancer found to afflict Indian Women
Cervical cancer accounts for around 16.5% of the all-cancer cases among Indian women and is the second most prevalent form of cancer in the same with breast cancer being the most prevalent. Studies suggest about 160 million women in India between the ages of 30 and 60 are at higher risk of developing this cancer with close to one lakh new cases registered in 2018 alone.
As south Delhi’s best hospital for cervical cancer, we urge you to get check-ups regularly.
For Indian Women with cervical cancer, the diagnosis comes too late
Studies have shown countries with an historically low socio-demographic index (SDI) invariably have a higher mortality rate for women afflicted with this cancer, and late diagnosis is unfortunately still reality
There are a number of factors behind women being diagnosed late.
In India it is usually the case that most people get treatment after their cancer reaches relatively advanced stages; this includes women and makes treatment harder and lessens chances of recovery.
Those who manage to get to a doctor on time, find treatment restrictively or not available at all; and the options can be disarmingly expensive.
Unlike women in the developed parts of the word who are enrolled via government into regulatory screening programmes that detect cervical cancer among others rather early; women in India and the subcontinent in fact, do not have similar access to or inclination for such screening programmes with stigma or shame around exposing the body’s sensitive parts in India playing a massive role.
South Delhi’s best doctors for breast cancer explain.
Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer that afflicts women and makeup up almost 14% of all reported cancer in Indian women. Some statistics suggest that an Indian woman is diagnosed with breast cancer around every four minutes in India, these are figures based on diagnosis only, not unreported or undetected cases. Cases of breast cancer have been rising in both urban and rural India with a report in 2018 on Breast Cancer statistics reported 1,62,468 new cases and 87,090 deaths from the same. Even the best cancer hospital in south Delhi can
Cancer is highly curable if detected early, and but survival becomes harder and harder in the advanced stages and even the best breast cancer hospital in south Delhi cannot help after highly advanced stages. It is staggering to learn that more than 50% of all breast cancer cases in Indian women are stage 3 and 4 cases. Post this, survival for women is around 60% for Indian women, as compared to 80% in bc North America.
Women can be aware of symptoms and identity the symptoms if they occur like the formation of lumps that might in fact be cancerous in nature. The obvious reason for lower survival rates for Indian women is lack of awareness, no culture of regular checkups which is translated into low early screening and diagnoses numbers.
Kerala reports the highest number of cancer cases in India while others like Mizoram, Haryana, Delhi and Karnataka also report high number of cases.
Indian women in between the ages of 30-50 are at most risk of developing this type of cancer, and with age the risk increases till it is highest by 50-65 years. One out of twenty-eight Indian women is likely to develop this type of cancer during her lifetime and It is more (1 in 22) for urban women than for rural women (1 in 60). Another report indicated that cancer caused 5% of the total disability-adjusted life years amongst the Indian population in 2016.
Knowing the symptoms will help with early detection which will help fights cancer.
Tips for coping up with stressful times for cancer survivors
Feeling stressed? You are not alone!
Stress and anxiety are common once anyone is diagnosed with cancer. The feeling of hopelessness and fear always dwells heavily in people suffering from cancer.
Even when the treatment ends, the patients are still unable to recover from the trauma they once had and worry about the reoccurring of the disease, thereby oftentimes the constant struggle and anxiety leads to an unhealthy lifestyle.
Finding that you have cancer is an emotional and difficult journey and after the cancer diagnosis, people generally feel stressed, depressed and afraid. It’s a struggle for them to cope during these difficult times. Which is completely understandable as the disease is deadly and demands a lot of strength, courage and determination to fight against it.
Here are some life-changing tips for cancer survivors and advice from doctors and other survivors who once had the same experience as you are having now:
1. Accept your condition and try to control your fear
Fear of recurrence or coming back of the disease is the root cause of your entire problem including stress, anxiety and feeling of hopelessness. It is the most common emotional strain that each cancer patient goes through even after the completion of their treatment.
This fear always comes in the way of happiness and leading a healthy life. Accordingly. it is necessary to overcome this fear because nothing good would ever come out of it. It will only add to your problems and worries and worsen the situation even more.
So, don’t be so hard on yourself, you have already witnessed a massive challenge and even overpowered it. So you need to realise that you can get through this problem as well if you try a little hard and acknowledge yourself.
2. Seek support and don’t isolate yourself
Going through cancer is a difficult time and people often tend to isolate themself which eventually results in depression and anxiety. There are a lot of tools and help that are available to deal with the cancer survivors going through these hardships.
If you feel that you are not receiving enough care and treatment then voice out your concern. Let the others know that you are looking for support, care and companionship. There are a lot of people who care about you and your wellbeing, and you are immensely important to them. Keep that in mind that there are people who care and love you and they will continue to do so. Even after the treatment ends, don’t feel guilty/embarrassed to ask for help.
3. Stay connected to your family, and your loved ones
A cancer diagnosis affects the entire family and burdens them with stress, especially to the primary caretakers. It’s not just you who struggle and experience hardship, your family has also gone through it. Staying in touch with your family, friends and your loved ones who love, care and have faith in you is important.
If you can’t talk to them personally, then stay connected via Whatsapp, video chat, calls and other devices because these are the people who care about you. So, don’t feel ashamed or guilty to ask for help and be grateful to them. Together we can move mountains.
4. Express yourself, share your thoughts and fear
Conversation among your family and friends is understated but proves to be greatly beneficial for our mental health. Don’t hesitate or feel guilty about expressing and sharing your thoughts and fears. You can also perform other helpful activities like writing a journal, diary or blog to release stress and expressing your feelings.
If you don’t feel like writing then you can paint, draw, create crafts and other activities. You can also talk to other cancer survivors because they’ve also gone through the same difficulties as you. Sharing the same thoughts and hurdles can help you open up and help in understanding the situation you’re in currently.
5. Practice yoga and meditation
Yoga and meditation have a huge impact on your mind and body. Practising meditation and yoga helps to release stress and anxiety and reduce the risk of you having any other diseases. Regular practice of yoga and meditation boosts your mental health, increases attention and concentration and puts your mind at ease.
The correct time to do yoga and meditation is in the morning or early morning for at least 20 min per day. You should do meditation after practising yoga as it will calm and relax your whole body. The best yoga poses for enhancing your mental health are the following:
The eagle pose
The high lunge pose
The tree pose
6. Maintain a healthy and normal lifestyle
Try to remain healthy and happier as possible. You know we want the best for you. Take your time to adjust with your daily life activities and work on your goal, priorities and lead a normal life. This can help in boosting your energy level and keeps you engaged so that negative thoughts do not cross your mind.
Eat diets full of green veggies and fruits to keep your body healthy and refreshing. Avoid Bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, skipping your meals and keep yourself physically and mentally fit.
7. Get enough sleep
Lacking a considerable amount of sleep can lead to poor mental health. Enough sleep can overcome stress, lower the risk of other diseases and enhance your mood. Have a fixed bedtime and waking uptime. According to numerous studies, one should get 7-8 hours of sleep which allow the body to function properly.
8.Listen to your body & stay connected with your health provider
Monitor and take care of your body and don’t ignore any symptoms. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your caretaker if you have questions regarding your health and body. If you feel something isn’t right or when you notice something abnormal, contact your doctor right away. Keep your doctor daily updated about your physical and mental health.