Blood cancer occurs when there is an overproduction of abnormal functioning cells in the body. The mass production of abnormal cells suppresses the bone marrow in the production of healthy cells such as platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells.
How many stages of it? There are four stages of blood cancer, which are the following:
Why blood cancer occurs? There is no definite reason yet what are blood cancer causes, but scientists believed that it is formed due to genetic and environmental factors.
Here are some risk factors that make a person is a higher risk of developing cancer in the blood:
Book an appointment with Oncology experts at Oncoplus Cancer care.
Several tests are performed for it diagnosis, which are:
Book an appointment with the best kidney cancer doctors in Delhi for Kidney Cancer Treatment
Can it be treated? There are various blood cancer treatments that are used depending on the type of cancer in the blood and its severity.
Book an appointment with the Best Cancer Specialist at Oncoplus Hospital.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Awareness
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of more than 200 virus-related sexually transmitted infections. It is spread through skin to skin contact and passed to another individual through sexual contact and can affect your genitals, mouth or throat. India has more than 10 million cases per year. There are many types of HPV and it can lead to different types of risk. The lower risk HPV types lead to warts around your genitals, mouth or anus while the high-risk HPVs can cause cancer.
There are about 14 types of high-risk HPV in which HPV16 and HPV18 cause HPV-related cancer. With the increasing risk of low and high, HPV infection is still quite common among people. Adults who are most sexually active get immediate HPV once they become sexually active, in the very initial stage. Our immune system has great control over HPV infections so it can’t always lead to cancer.
In this article, we will cover the cause, risk, prevention and types of HPV. Since there’s a larger stigma towards HPV and there’s less information for everyone to stay informed about, here’s our little guide to help you understand HPV a lot better.
There are several treatment options available to cure bone cancer at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi.
High-risk HPV infections that are long-lasting leads to the cause of cancer to our bodies in areas where HPV infects cells such as cervix, mouth, oropharynx, tongue, anus, vagina, vulva, penis and rectum. HPV attacks the squamous cells of the mentioned organs in the inner lining surface. Hence the HPV-cancer is mostly the squamous cell carcinoma cancer.
HPV-related cancers are the following:
Oropharyngeal Cancer: It is a type of cancer that forms in the tissue of oropharynx. The amount of oropharyngeal cancer is about 70% as it is one of the most common types of HPV-related cancers. It seems to be increasing every year. It affects the back of the throat (pharynx), back of the tongue, soft palate, part of the throat and tonsils. One of the major symptoms of oropharyngeal cancer can be seen as a growing lump in the neck and sore throat.
Cervical Cancer: It is a type of cancer that happens in the cervix cells - the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. Mostly all cervical cancers are caused by HPV. It is either squamous cell carcinomas or adenocarcinomas. It is one of the most preventable types of cancer if it is detected early. Regular screening can help prevent it at a great extent
Anal Cancer: About 90% of anal cancers are caused by HPV-infection. There's an abnormal cell growth in the anal area or the anal canal. It's significant signs and symptoms include bleeding or a lump around the anus. Anal cancer can also be successfully treated if detected earlier.
Vagina Cancer: - About 75% of Vaginal cancer is caused by HPV infection. Though it is very rare and affects about 1% of women. Signs and symptoms of vaginal cancer are watery vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, and painful urination. If it is detected earlier then there's a higher rate of successful treatment.
Penile Cancer: It is a type of cancer that is located on the glands or the foreskin of the penis and can also be found on the shaft of the penis. The major signs and symptoms of penile cancer is a visible lump, mass or a growing ulcer on the penis. It is quite rare and affects men over the age of 50. It can be treated if it is detected in the early stage.
Vulvar Cancer: It is a type of cancer that affects the outer surface of the vagina and mostly affects the older age groups of females. It forms a lump or a sore on the vulva that leads to constant itchiness and bleeding. If it is detected earlier, there's a success rate that it will be treated.
Book an appointment with the best oncologists for cancer treatment as well as diagnosis at best cancer Hospital in Delhi.
HPV-infection doesn't result in any major symptoms. The high-risk HPV often results in cancer and it doesn't cause symptoms. However, with time, the symptoms come over to the surface and can be easily felt or seen. These symptoms are mostly for lower-risk HPV infections: HPV-related infection includes:
1. Warts: Warts appear as a raised bump on the skin, a small, fleshy shaped bump over the skin and spread by skin-to-skin contact. HPV warts are mostly genital warts. It mostly affects the vulva and cervix in women and penis and scrotum in men.
Other types of HPV-related warts are Plantar warts, common warts and flat warts.
2. Cancer: High-risk HPV-infection often leads to cancer. The cancers are mostly cervix, vagina, penis, anus, vulva, oropharynx, tongue, tonsils and others. Some of these cancer types do exhibit individual cancer while others don't in the initial stage.
HPV is a virus that leads to thousands of types of infections and cancer due to skin-to-skin contact via sexual activity. Some of the HPV infections are mild and mere infections that can be easily treated such as warts that occur on the areas of hand, feet or genitals. While other HPV-infection can lead to the chances of cancer. It can affect those who are sexually active and it doesn't showcase any symptoms. HPV-infection can be transmitted to an infant during birth that can lead to genial or repository system infection. However, there's a significant difference between a wart causing HPV-infection and cancer-causing infection.
Cancer-causing HPV infection infects the cells or the organ. It changes the way the cells exited in the organ and how they communicated with each other, causing abnormal growth. The infected cells are usually controlled by our immune system. If the infected cells continue to grow, it eventually leads to the formation of precancerous cells which later develop malignant if not treated in the earlier stage.
According to the researchers, it's been stated that it takes about two decades or even more, for HPV-infected cervical cells to develop into cancer. However, various risk factors can increase the chances of getting cancer pretty early. Those risk factors include giving birth to several children, consumption of oral contraceptives and smoking cigarettes.
HPV-infections are of many kinds and each one exhibits their symptoms. The HPV virus can lead to genital wart and cancer. However, there's no treatment available for the virus but the symptoms can be cured. Here are some of the most common treatment process of the popular symptoms known:
Genital warts caused by HPV infection often resolve on its own without any treatment. If there is no cure from Warts anytime soon, then there are various medications that are advised to apply on the skin. Over the counter (OTC) salicylic acid is one of the most commonly known treatment forms for common warts. Here are some of the medication and surgical procedures if needed in several conditions:
The right type of treatment for warts depends on the condition and area on the body it has occurred. You must seek medical help before selecting any process to intake or done on your body.
Precancerous Cervical cell Changes: Women who suffer through the precancerous state of cervical cell changes are treated with a procedure called Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). The process involves the use of a heated wire loop by an electric current to remove the cells and tissue from the cervix. It is considered quite safe and effective for removing the precancerous cells from the cervix that can turn malignant with time.
Cancer - People with HPV-related cancer receive similar treatment for any type of cancer. The one that is treated differently from other cancers is HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer for those whose Oropharyngeal cancer is not caused by HPV-infection.
Other Precancerous Changes: Precancerous vaginal, penile, vulvar, anal lesion, genital warts and benign respiratory tract changes are treated with topical medicines, surgical procedure, cryosurgery and LEEP.
Vaccines for HPV infection are needed to protect or guard yourself against getting infected with the Human Papillomaviruses. Here are the most common vaccines available for HPV infection.
All of these three vaccines work towards the prevention of HPV type 16 and 18, two of the highest-risk HPVs resulting in about 70% of cervical cancers and other HPV-related cancers.
The month April is known for Head and Neck Awareness month. Cancer, in general, is something that we are entirely terrified of as it is deadly, due to the lack of awareness, the risk is growing wider. Hence through our simple guide, we will try to inform people with valuable details about heads and neck cancer to seek treatment at the right time.
Head and neck cancer renders a group of cancers that start in the squamous cells that are lining the mucosal surfaces in our mouth, throat, nose and sometimes the salivary glands.
Head and neck cancer involves cancers in pharynx, larynx, oral cavity, nasal cavity, sinuses and salivary glands. It is more common in men than in women. It is often diagnosed in people over the age of 50 or quite younger generation.
There are several treatment options available to cure bone cancer at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi.
Many significant risk factors contribute to the development of head and neck cancer. However, each of them can vary based on the location and the type of cancer. Here is more:
Use of Tobacco: Intake of cigarettes, pipes, cigars or even smokeless tobacco brings more comprehensive risk in developing neck and head cancer. The risk is so enormously high that these cancers are fortunately very low/rare among who do not take tobacco.
Lack of Nutrition: Healthy diet plays an exceptional role in body maintenance and also pushing off deadly disease. A diet that lacks Vitamins A and B causes a high risk of neck and head cancer.
Consumption of Alcohol: Excessive intake of alcohol also contributes towards developing head and neck cancer among people.
Poor Oral Hygiene: Since the area between head and neck also consists of oral parts, the risk of developing oral cancer also increases due to lack of cleanliness. Individuals with no proper sanitization of teeth and gums are a higher risk of head and neck cancer.
Unhealthy hours of sun exposure: Excessive exposure to the Sun UV rays puts a person at a higher risk for developing head and neck cancer.
Epstein-Barr Virus: It is also known as human herpesvirus 4 and is very common among human viruses. It spreads mostly through bodily fluids like Saliva. Hence it plays a part in the cause of some type of head and neck cancer.
Human papillomavirus (HPV): It is also one of the prevalent but significant risk factors in some type of head and neck cancer.
Book an appointment with the best oncologists for cancer treatment as well as diagnosis at best cancer Hospital in Delhi.
Symptoms, similar to the risk factors also depend on the type and at which location cancer develops. Here are some of the most common ones to help you figure it out:
Majority cases of head and neck cancer are often preventable with a change in your lifestyle and habits. Other risk factors that involve natural processes like gender and age are not controllable. As we mentioned above, men are more likely to come under the influence of head and neck cancer than women. It is more common among people over the age of 40 than others.
Hence there is a mix of different factors that contribute towards its occurrence, most of them can be controlled and can lead to prevention successfully. Here are some of the crucial steps we should consider:
Tobacco is a deadly substance that must be ceased from consumption. Quitting the use of tobacco can greatly reduce the chances of developing head and neck cancer. Tobacco and others like cigarettes, pipes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc are equally detrimental and injurious to your health and largest contributors of cancers.
Consumption of tobacco holds such significance that almost 85% of shoulders are because of it. Hence it’s recommended to completely quit its consumption to keep you safer from any type of cancer. Or you can start taking the step-through reducing your consumption to witness a positive impact on your health.
UV rays are underrated injurious substances that must be dealt with precaution. Living under heavy exposure to the sun's UV rays can cause cancer. Skin cancer and cancer around the lip area are one of the most likely situations to happen if you come under UV exposure for a long time. Hence it's widely recommended from skincare enthusiasts to doctors to avoid the sun as much as possible. You can either reduce the sun exposure, look out for more shade or use sunscreen as much as possible while stepping out.
Alcohol that is consumed in an inadequate amount brings a greater risk of developing head and neck cancer. Hence it is universally acknowledged to reduce alcohol consumption overtime to get to the safer side of the health chart and exhibiting a lesser chance of developing cancers.
As mentioned above, human papillomavirus or HPV is one of the prime risk factors for it. HPV is one of those sexually transmitted infections that leads to both cervical cancer and it.
Though there’s a vaccine that’s present to protect against cervical cancer caused by HPV, there is no vaccine proven against head and neck cancer. Hence it is widely recommended by experts in cancer treatment to practice safe sex, including oral sex.
Researchers have claimed that most of the neck and head cancer is cured if the growth is detected at the early stage. There’s still no screening methods in place but it's advised for the people who consume alcohol and tobacco to visit for a general health screening annually. Regular health checkups and screening help medical experts to understand the condition of your body and monitor if there’s any abnormality detected in the head and neck area.
Since one of the most common symptoms of head and neck cancer involves the development of swelling or sore, so that helps them to detect early. If you experience such discomforts or unusual growth around the neck and head area, feel continuous and painful problems over the same region then consult your doctors immediately.
Treatment for head and neck cancer is commonly through surgical operations. The surgery involves removal of the cancerous tumour and its surrounding areas that’s under its effect. Like various other cancers, it's often unlikely to remove the tumour completely. In cases like that, surgical operations are then done with radiation therapy or chemotherapy to completely remove the cancerous growth.
Prevention against cancer and the ways to reduce its risk helps to bring a greater change in the body. It helps with early detection and successful treatment.
Here is our basic information about the term cancer and what you need to know about it.
Several types in one- Cancer might seem like a single type of ailment, it has broad meaning and variation. Cancer is not just one type of disease that happens to everyone, it is just a disease name and can vary from person to person based on its type.
Develops at any part of the body- It can originate at any part of the body. The basics of cancer development are when cells grow abnormally and take over standard cells. It disrupts the natural cycle of the body and leads to the formation of tumours which eventually spreads to the other parts of the body, making it all cancerous.
Time of occurrence - Cancer can also occur at any age and are efficiently treatable if detected early. While some cancers are highly contagious, others take some time to show their symptoms.
Mode of Treatment - Not all cancers are treatable through one common practice. Some cancer types are either treated with the surgical operation, others respond better with chemotherapy. There are two or more treatment processes required for the cancer treatment to garner the best results.
Witnessed Symptoms - Generally, cancer forms a lump that is known as a tumour, it is the accumulation of new malignant cells. There are also some cancers like leukaemia (cancer of the blood) that do not form any growth or tumour.
Stages in Cancer - Cancer is also identified with their different stages. Terms like Stage 1 and Stage 2 are often employed to describe the state of the cancer development that helps in the treatment. The Lower stage like Stage 1 and 2 signify that cancer has not spread while higher stages like stage 3 and 4 stage cancer have spread widely. The condition of the cancerous growth over the body determines the type of treatment.
There are several treatment options available to cure bone cancer at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi.
cancer leads to the damage in the genes that either happens via chance or through abundant exposure to malignant chemicals present in the environment. The prime suspect that causes cancer is known as carcinogens. A carcinogen is a chemical that is present in some molecules of tobacco or smoke. However, cancer can happen with environmental agents, genetics or viral factors. The number of growing cancers in the world is not attributed to a single cause, they all vary from each other.
Hence to simply the main causes, we’ve divided them into groups.
Book an appointment with the best oncologists for cancer treatment as well as diagnosis at best cancer Hospital in Delhi.
About 30-40% of all cancer is easily preventable. It is true, with changes in your lifestyle and some careful precaution, cancer can be actively prevented. We know it sounds too good to be true, but it is possible. According to the reports from Harvard School of Public Health, it estimates that about 75% of cancer deaths can be prevented with helpful measures taken.
Here are some of the methods that you can use to prevent the development of cancer in your body:
Use of tobacco brings the most prominent risk for developing cancer. Consumption of tobacco kills approximately 6 million people each year. Most of you are unaware of how many damaging chemicals tobacco contains in itself. Tobacco smoke has about 7000 chemicals which have at least 250 that are harmful while the other 50 are known for causing cancer.
Tobacco leads to the causes of many types of cancers such as cancers of the lung, larynx, throat, mouth, kidney, oesophagus, bladder, pancreas, stomach and cervix. The other tobacco, i.e second-hand smoke causes lung cancer. Hence it should be avoided in all forms.
Lack of exercise and weight gain also contribute to the cause of cancer. There is a link between being obese and overweight that leads to cancers of oesophagus, breast, colorectal, endometrium and kidney. The only solution to getting rid of fat is by doing daily exercise. Addition of a healthy diet and regular physical activity of the body can considerably reduce cancer risk. It’s been said that physical activity leads to a reduced risk of colon cancer. For women as well, regular exercise leads to a reduced risk of breast and reproductive cancers. Exercise itself is a healthy milestone even though you lose weight or not.
Alcohol intake is one of the largest contributors of several types of cancer including oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, oesophagus, breast, liver and colorectum. The amount of alcohol you consume, the greater the risk of cancer increases with abundance. The risk turns more deadly when there's a consumption of alcohol and tobacco at the same time. Hence start slow, start by drinking one drink a day to an average.
Healthy alternatives are not a major assurance of cancer prevention, it does help to reduce the risk hence it benefits indirectly. Here are some things to add in your habits for maintenance of a healthy diet:
Radiation from either man-made or natural sources leads to an increase in developing leukaemia and other tumours in the body. The risk increases if you are under the exposure of the radiation at a young age or either when the exposure is in abundance. Exposure to radiation causes various types of skin cancer such as basal cell carcinoma (BCC), melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
Hence it's vital to seek active prevention from the sun by the use of sunscreen and protective clothing. Try to get medical imaging studies only when it's required. Look out for residential radon that leads to an increase in the risk of lung cancer.
Many cancers are also attributed via infecting agents such as helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B and C, human papillomavirus, and Epstein-Barr virus. Though there are vaccines available for hepatitis B virus and some types of HPV that can rescue you from the risk of developing liver and cervical types of cancer. Many of these infections are sexually transmitted or through contaminated needles.
Contaminants from air, water and soil containing carcinogenic chemicals lead to the development of cancer in varying degrees. Pollution from outdoors is highly malignant to humans as it leads to almost 3.5 million premature deaths and others with lung cancer deaths. Indoor pollution involves households activities like cooking with solid fuels. Especially, cooking with the use of coal fires double the trigger of developing lung cancer mostly in women.
Lowering The Risk of Cancer
As per WHO, Cancer is the world’s leading cause of death, but approximately 30% cases can be prevented with the onset of advanced diagnistric tools. It is true that there is no magic that can keep one away from cancer, but yes a few efforts can be done to improve the odds.
People who are overweight or obese have more chances of developing a few types of cancer, including in esophagus, pancreas, colon, kidneys ,thyroid gland and other organs. Losing weight help reduce the risk of cancer also might cut the number of new cases.
Red meat along with cured meats like bacon, hot dogs, and lunchmeat is considered to be linked to a higher risk of colon and stomach cancers.
Ultraviolet rays from the sun can be harmful more than a sunburn. UV radiations can cause skin cancer. The risk of developing Skin cancer is higher among people who spend much of their time in the sun. Most cases of skin cancer are curable if they are diagnosed early and ofcourse with the right treatment in real time. But unfortunately,Skin cancer can be life-threatening if it spreads to other parts of the body. Sunscreen with a 30 SPF (sun protection factor) or above is recommended everytime on going out in sun.
Vegetables and fruits can help prevent a range of cances in mouth, throat, windpipe and esophagus. Vegetables help your prevent damage that may lead to cancer later in life. It is recommended to consume 2.5 cups of fruits and vegetables a day.
A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains is a better than nutritional supplements to lower the risk of cancer. Supplements do not give the same benefits as whole foods do, and they can throw off the balance of other nutrients in the body. Supplements may help with certain conditions, but do not count on them to prevent cancer.
There are several treatment options available to cure bone cancer at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi.
Foods or drinks with a lot of sugar tend to have more calories. If one has them often, he/she is more likely to take in more calories than he/she burns in a day. That can increase the body weight -- and possibly increase the risk of cancer. It is not necessarily required to skip the sugar entirely, but keep an eye out for things with added sweeteners.
HPV i.e, Human papilloma virus is often passed from person to person through sexual activity. It can stay in the body for years and one might not even notice. It is the cause of nearly all cervical cancers in women and also can cause cancer of the vagina, penis, anus, mouth, and throat. Vaccine is available for girls between the ages of 9 and 26, and boys from 9 to 21. In addition,using condoms can also lower the chances of getting HPV.
Book an appointment with the best oncologists for cancer treatment as well as diagnosis at best cancer Hospital in Delhi.
Those who exercise have less chances to get cancer of the colon, breast, or uterus. After getting up and doing our routine activities, our body uses more energy, digests food faster, and prevents a buildup of some hormones that are linked to cancer. Being active also can help reduce the chances of developing other health problems like heart disease or diabetes.
Smoking causes various kinds of cancer, as well as heart and lung disease. Smoking tobacco is considered to be the major causeing factor for developing cancer. It is wise to quit smoking as early as possible.
Drinking too much alcohol can raise the risk of cancers of the digestive system including stomach, liver, and colon, among others -- as well as breast and throat cancer. It can hurt tissues in the body, damage liver, and mix with other chemicals to harm the cells in body. Men should not have more than two drinks a day, and women should limit it to one.
Patients with hepatitis B virus are more likely to get liver cancer which is one of the fastest growing cancer. And those with chronic liver problems, having multiple sex partners, or those who share needles to use drugs are at a high risk of getting hepatitis B. It can be prevented with the vaccination.
As a famous saying,The sooner the better, works in prevention against cancer as well. If primary signs of cancer are spotted early, possibly recovery is better. There are certain tests available to check for different types of cancers such as breast, colon, prostate, or skin. It is advised to consult your doctor to know which screening tests one should go for and when to get .
Bladder cancer is one of the sixth most prevalent cancers in the world. Cancer in the bladder develops when the urinary bladder cells start to increase and abnormally grow out of control. The cells that abnormally increase are the cancerous cells that later turn to form a tumour and with time, starts to spread and affects the rest of the body.
The bladder in our body is a hollow organ that is located in the lower pelvis. It contains a muscular and flexible cell wall that helps to stretch and squeeze the accumulated urine out of the body. As our bladder is responsible for storing urine which is then carried by the two known tubes called ureters. To pass the urine to the next body part, the bladder contracts to force out the urine through the tube called urethra.
it occurs mostly in men and others above the age of 65 years. Other additional risk factors can lead to the development of bladder cancer as we’ll discuss further in the article.
There are several treatment options available to cure bone cancer at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi.
There are different types of it however 90%of them are mostly urothelial carcinomas. Here are other types that also lead to it:
It leads to the development of tumour in the walls of the urinary tracts which requires checking of the whole tract. It is most common in older adults. Urothelial Carcinoma is often diagnosed quite early when it's possible to cure. However, it can reoccur hence you will have to consistently go for follow-up checkups.
Small-cell Carcinoma spread quickly, creating large tumours and growing out in different parts of the body. These tumour treatments include surgery as well as chemotherapy.
Risk factors and causes are intended to know the same information that is what leads to the development of bladder cancer. Here are the most known causes and risk factors of it:
There’s still not enough research and information available on what exactly leads to the cause of most bladder cancer among people. However, there are enough risk factors that lead to an understanding of the formation of cancerous cells. There are certain changes in the DNA inside the normal bladder cells that lead to the growth of abnormal cells and turn cancerous.
The DNA is the chemical on our cells that make up our genes. Since we get the genes from our parents, we turn to look similar to them but genes control more than that.
Cancer is our body forms when there’s a change in our DNA (gene mutations) that turn on oncogenes or turn off tumour suppressor genes. Other several gene changes lead to the formation of cancerous cells.
Most causes of bladder cancer develop due to acquired gene mutation that usually happens due to the change in a person's lifestyle than from inheritance. These acquired gene mutations result from the exposure of triggering chemicals or radiation that causes cancer. For example, chemicals in tobacco.
Most chemicals that you are unaware of their harmed result in the bladder somehow. Researchers in the field of acquired gene mutation are aiming to develop tests that can detect it at the early stage by finding the DNA changes.
As the name suggests, some people develop it due to their inherited genes from their parents. However, it rarely runs in the families or through inherited gene mutation are its biggest cause.
Some of them inherit a reduced ability to break down cancer-causing chemicals hence are more prone and sensitive towards it. For them, tobacco smoke and other Industrial chemicals can cause immense risk.
Book an appointment with the best oncologists for cancer treatment as well as diagnosis at best cancer Hospital in Delhi.
Risk factors are great to help from the prevention of it and act as an early warning. Here are the most common risk factors that you can change to decrease your chances of developing bladder cancer and others which you can’t:
Sarcoma is one of the rarest kinds of cancer but also one of the most severe ones. Sarcomas are different from other various types of cancer as it develops in the most different type of tissue. it occurs in the connective tissue of the body. Connective tissue is a type of group of cells that contributes towards connecting and supporting different kinds of tissues in your body. Common connective tissues in our body include blood vessels, fat, muscles, deep skin tissue, nerves, bones, fat and cartilage.
Sarcomas are not only present in the bones, muscles, tendons and other connective tissue, they can develop in other parts of the body as well. it is just a general term used for connective tissue and bone tumour. There are more than 50 different types of sarcoma but they are mainly divided into two common groups based on the location of their occurrence.
There are several treatment options available to cure bone cancer at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi.
it is differentiated into two main kinds: Soft tissue (Connective tissue) Sarcoma and Osteosarcoma (Bone Sarcoma). Sarcoma is very rare in adults but it does develop in both adults and children. Here is one of the most common types of sarcoma of soft tissue and Osteosarcoma:
Sarcoma is differentiated into two groups and each shows different symptoms of their development. However, the soft tissue sarcomas are hard to identify as they can develop in any region of the body. However, some helpful signs are still there in its development. Here are some of the most common ones:
Compared to tissue sarcoma, osteosarcoma is pretty visible and it develops quite early. Here are some of the most common symptoms of bone sarcoma:
Osteosarcoma is quite prevalent in youngsters and children than adults. Hence if you experience such symptoms, don’t always mistake them for casual pain or swelling from sports or games. It’s usually bigger than that and if you experience the pain majorly at night then ask for immediate help and support from your doctors.
Book an appointment with the best oncologists for cancer treatment as well as diagnosis at best cancer Hospital in Delhi.
The cause of the Sarcoma is still unclear to researchers and scientists working on its development. However, some suggestive risk factors can contribute towards its leading cause.
Here are some noteworthy risk factors that increase the rate of sarcoma occurrence in the human body:
The diagnosis of sarcoma is done by various tests and procedures to comprehend the various stages of tumour development. Here are some of the common diagnostic steps for sarcoma identification:
Biopsy is done by either piercing a needle through the skin or cutting away the tissue during operation depending on its location.
Sarcoma is majorly treated by surgery through removing cancer. However, other treatments are used after or before the surgery. Not all surgery types work on all sarcoma as each one is different based on their situation. Here are some of the most common treatment for sarcoma:
Surgery helps to remove the cancerous cells of the sarcoma hence stopping it from spreading to the rest of the body. Sometimes when the condition is severe then there’s a need to amputate the arm or the leg of the body to stop cancer from growing to the other parts of the body. However recently the surgeons are trying to preserve the limp function to the extent that is possible. Surgical operation for sarcoma also results in hurting significant structures in the body such as nerves and organs to remove the sarcoma to the best way possible.
It’s one of the most common ways to treat cancerous cells through drug treatment with the help of chemicals to kill the growing cells. Chemotherapy can help with treatment for some types of sarcoma to stop its growth.
Its a type of cancer treatment that involves the use of beams of intense energy to kill the growing cancerous cells in the body. Radiation therapy uses X-rays and also protons and other types of energy to neutralise the growing disease. It’s an external therapy where the radiation comes from the machine and moves around your body.
It’s a drug treatment that works by strengthening the immune system enough to fight out the cancerous cells.
Ablation therapy involves destroying cancerous cells by the use of electricity to heat the cells, or use extreme cold liquid to freeze the cells. Even high-frequency ultrasound waves are also used to destroy the damaging cells to remove the growing tumour.
Anal cancer is an uncommon type of cancer that occurs in the anal canal. The anal canal is a short tube at the end of rectum through which stool leaves the body.
In anal cancer, cancer (malignant) cells form in the tissues of the anus.
It is estimated that, around 50% of all the anal cancers are diagnosed before the cancer has spread beyond the primary site, and approximately 80% of all anal cancers are diagnosed in persons above 60 years old.
Cancer begins when some cells divide abnormally without stopping. As the cancer grows, it can be limited upto nearby tissues while in some cases, can spread to other parts of the body.
There are several treatment options available to cure bone cancer at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi.
Signs and symptoms of anal cancer include:
If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should consult our oncology experts at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi.
There are no certain ways by which anal cancer can be prevented but there are certain measures, that can definitely help reducing the risk of anal cancer. Most common preventive ways are listed below:
Book an appointment with the best oncologists for cancer treatment as well as diagnosis at best cancer Hospital in Delhi.
There are certain treatment options available for anal cancer, these options depend on certain factors such as, stage of the cancer and overall health of the patient.
Oncology experts at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi typically use different procedures to remove anal cancer based on the stage of the cancer:
Oncology experts at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi usually treat anal cancer with a combination of chemotherapy and radiation. These two treatments together enhance each other and improve chances for a cure.
Immunotherapy is a mode of treatment for any cancer that uses the patient’s immune system to conquer cancer. Immunotherapy works by interfering with that process of patient’s body that makes patient unable to attack the cancer cells by blinding his/her immune system.
Palliative care is specialized medical care that focuses on providing relief from pain and other symptoms of a serious illness such as cancer. Palliative care team include doctors, nurses and other specially trained professionals, these specialists work with patient, his/her family and other doctors of patient to provide an extra layer of support that complements the patient’s ongoing care. Palliative care teams aim to improve the quality of life for people with cancer and their families. This form of care is offered alongside curative or other treatments patient may be receiving.
Palliative care can be used parallelly with other undergoing aggressive treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy. When palliative care is used along with all of the other appropriate treatments, patients with cancer may feel better and live longer.
Brain cancer is a cancerous growth of abnormal brain cells in the brain. Some brain tumours are benign/non-cancerous while some are malignant/cancerous. There are several different types of tumours that occur in the brain and the spinal cord. The brain is the central organ governing other organs and systems in the body, so all brain tumours need not to be ignored.
Benign tumours are those, that do not invade nearby tissue or spread to distant areas. While, malignant tumours grow and spread aggressively, overpowering healthy cells by taking their space, blood, and nutrients. Malignant tumours can also spread to distant parts of the body.
There are several treatment options available to cure bone cancer at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi.
The signs of a brain tumour depend on the size of brain tumour, location and rate of tumour’s growth. Typical signs and symptoms any patient of brain tumours may experience, include:
Many different types of primary brain tumours exist. Each gets its name from the type of cells involved. Examples include:
Book an appointment with the best oncologists for cancer treatment as well as diagnosis at best cancer Hospital in Delhi.
In most patients with primary brain tumours, the cause of the tumour is not clear. But doctors have identified some factors that may increase patient’s risk of a brain tumour.
A number of tests and procedures are recommended to rule out the diagnosis.
Treatment for a brain tumour depends on the type, size and location of the tumour, as well as patient’s overall health. Treatment methods commonly used are explained below:
If the brain tumour is located in a place that makes it accessible for an operation, patient’s surgeon will work to remove as much of the brain tumour as possible.
In some cases, tumours are small and easy to separate from surrounding brain tissue, which makes complete surgical removal possible. Whereas, in other cases, tumours cannot be separated from surrounding tissue or they are located near sensitive areas in patient’s brain, making surgery risky. In these cases, the surgeon removes as much of the tumour as is safe.
Radiation therapy destroys cancer cells using high-energy beams, such as X-rays or protons.
External beam radiation can focus just on the area of patient’s brain where the tumour is located, or it can be applied to patient’s entire brain in case where cancer has spread to the brain from some other part of the body and forms multiple tumours in the brain.
Chemotherapy involves medicines to destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy drugs can be consumed orally by the patient in pill form or can be injected into a vein. Many chemotherapy drugs are available and may be used depending on the type of cancer.
Chemotherapy side effects depend on the type and dose of drugs patients receive. Chemotherapy can cause nausea, vomiting and hair loss.
Tests of patient’s brain tumour cells can determine whether chemotherapy will be helpful for patients. The type of brain tumour patients have also is helpful in determining whether to recommend chemotherapy.
Targeted drug treatments aim at destroying cancer cells by identifying and blocking specific abnormalities present within cancer cells.
Targeted therapy drugs are available for certain types of brain tumours, and many more clinical trials are ongoing.
Life of Cancer Patient After Survival
A cancer survivor is that the patient who had cancer and has been cured in real time. Patients who have survived cancer may expect to travel back to their normal lives.
With advancement of diagnostic tools cancer survival rate has been improved in times as compared to what it's going to are 20 years ago. However, still some cancers are more survivable than other types.
Higher survival rates could also be thanks to the subsequent major improvements in cancer prevention and treatment:
Screening tests may find cancers earlier. These tests include:
There are several treatment options available to cure bone cancer at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi.
Cancer survivorship has a minimum of 2 common meanings:
Book an appointment with the best oncologists for cancer treatment as well as diagnosis at best cancer Hospital in Delhi.
Living with a history of cancer is different for every patient. But most patients have the common belief that life is different after cancer.
At the top of treatment, survivors may have the subsequent concerns:
Patients should have information about the psychological also social issues that they're getting to face once they return to home after completing their treatment.
Cancer is usually described as a journey that starts at diagnosis. During treatment, some patients feel that their life is on hold. After treatment ends, it's going to be hard to understand the way to resume normal activities.
Survivors may expect life to return to what it had been like before the cancer diagnosis. for several patients, though, it's not that straightforward . the truth is usually more emotionally and physically complex. Some cancer survivors find they can’t or don’t want to travel back to how life was before their treatment.
Many survivors say that cancer changes them. After treatment, they'll feel different, albeit they appear an equivalent. With time, survivors often find a replacement way of living. Some feel they ought to be happy and filled with wisdom because they survived, but instead feel guilty that this isn’t the case.
Some patients feel as if they need fought a battle and wish time to rest. Others want to return immediately to their previous life.How does a patient feel and cope up with the disease depends on the sort of cancer and treatment.
Many cancer survivors have ongoing health concerns thanks to the cancer or due to treatment. These may include fatigue, difficulty sleeping, pain and depression. The after-effects of treatment can make lifestyle difficult.
Certain major changes in such patients’ life are explained below:
When active treatment is over, some survivors’ needs change and relationships may shift. For example:
What you'll do:
Going back to a daily work schedule may be a thanks to revisit to a traditional routine and lifestyle. most of the people need their job and therefore the insurance it provides.
People with cancer may:
At work, you'll find that, Co-workers might want to assist but parallelly some employers are reluctant to rent someone who has had cancer due to fears the person won't physically be ready to handle work.
Of the issues faced by cancer survivors, damaged fertility is one among the smallest amount understood. The side effects of radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery can leave a patient infertile.
Cancer patients can take special fertility-saving measures before treatment. Adult and adolescent males can make deposits during a depository for future use.
For women the problems are more complex. A woman's fertility-saving measures depend entirely on her cancer treatment and her particular physiology. Eggs are often extracted and frozen, as can embryos. From there, the measures become increasingly tailored to a private woman's needs.
That's why all women cancer patients who have the potential in touch a toddler got to see a fertility specialist during the cancer treatment. Oncologists at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi encourage our female patients also as male patients to undergo fertility evaluation periodically while their treatment.