Cervical Cancer: Preventive measures

Cervical cancer is caused when certain alterations occur in the cervix, cervical cancer takes place slowly over time. There are certain factors responsible for causing cervical cancer majorly Human papillomavirus (HPV) – a sexually transmitted infection.
A number of preventive measures can reduce the chances of developing cervical cancer. A few are discussed below:

1. Having fewer sexual partners

Getting involved with multiple partners sexually, increase the risk of exposure to HPV and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Those women, who are infected with HPV, do not know that they have HPV until they experience some changes in the cervix. That is the main reason why health screening is important. The more sexual partners a female has, the risk of transmitting the HPV virus becomes higher which eventually leads to a high risk of developing cervical cancer.

2. Use of Condom

Since HPV is spread by skin contact of the genital areas, so the use of condoms can help prevent HPV infection by adding a barrier of protection.

3. Stop Smoking

Cervical Cancer
However, smoking is not related to HPV infection but few studies have proved that women who smoke are at more risk of getting HPV infection in comparison to non-smoker women. The reason is smoking ruins the overall immune system, which eventually makes someone susceptible to get infected. Smoking is a risk factor, which can be prevented. Quitting smoking may help reduce the chances of developing cervical cancer.

4. Healthy Diet

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A healthy diet, maintenance of healthy body weight, and regular physical activities can reduce the risk of cervical cancer. This is because a healthy lifestyle boosts our immune system and reduces the Cancer developing changes in the body.
In addition, few fruits and vegetables contain natural antioxidants that help fight diseases such as cancer.
Book an appointment with the medical oncologists for cervical cancer treatment as well as a diagnosis at the best cancer Hospital in Delhi

5. HPV Vaccination

treatments of Cervical Cancer
Vaccination targets a number of different strains of the HPV virus preventing the risk of cervical cancer. The vaccine is given in 2 to 3 shots over the period of six to 12 months. The vaccine is injected into the muscle of the thigh or upper arm.
Women are instructed to involve in regular vaccination programs to reduce the frequency of cervical cancer.

6. Check-Ups and Screening

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Vaccination targets a number of different strains of the HPV virus preventing the risk of cervical cancer. The vaccine is given in 2 to 3 shots over the period of six to 12 months. The vaccine is injected into the muscle of the thigh or upper arm.
Women are instructed to involve in regular vaccination programs to reduce the frequency of cervical cancer.

7. Birth Control

A Gynaecologist places a birth control device knowns as an Intrauterine device (IUD) in the uterus. However, it is not certain but it is believed to be related to the immune system.

Consult Gynaecologist and Oncology team expert at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi.

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A Guide on Cervical cancer and its treatment

Cervical cancer begins in the lowest portion of a woman’s uterus called the uterine cervix. Cervix connects the uterus with the vagina. Cervical cancer develops over time and is the fourth most common type of cancer for women worldwide.

Signs and symptoms of Cervical Cancer

A Guide on Cervical cancer and its treatment

  • Abnormal bleeding per vaginum or abnormal vaginal bleeding: Unusual bleeding after sexual intercourse, bleeding after menopause, bleeding and spotting between periods
  • Heavier menstrual bleeding than usual
  • Pelvic pain
  • Discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse
  • Unusual discharge from the vagina: the discharge may be colorless or may contain some blood and may occur between the periods or after menopause.
  • Back pain
  • Pain during urination
  • Swelling in legs
  • Urinary incontinence and blood in the urine
  • Symptoms like shortness of breath, confusion, and bone fractures
  • In the advanced stage of cancer, Kidney failure due to a urinary tract or bowel obstruction

These symptoms may also indicate other health problems that are not related to cervical cancer, but it is suggested to consult the expert if you experience any of the above-mentioned symptoms to increase the chances of successful management of the case.

Risk factors for Cervical Cancer

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  • HPV -Human papillomavirus infection: The most important risk factor for cervical cancer is infection by the human papillomavirus, which is a group of more than 150 related viruses. This virus can spread from one person to another person via skin contact.
    There is no cure for HPV infection but there are ways to treat warts occurred due to infection and abnormal cell growth caused by HPV.
  • Smoking: Females who smoke are at more risk to get cervical cancer as compared with non-smoker females. Research proves that few substances present in smoke damage the DNA of cervix cells that may contribute to the development of cervical cancer.
  • A weakened immune system: Women with a weak immune system put them at higher risk for getting HPV infections.
  • Chlamydia infection: A kind of bacteria, Chlamydia, which is spread by sexual contact, can infect the reproductive system. Infection caused due to Chlamydia bacteria can cause pelvic inflammation, leading to infertility.
    Women show no signs, who are infected with chlamydia unless they are tested for chlamydia during a pelvic examination.
  • Less intake of fruits and vegetables: Females who take fewer fruits and vegetables may be at more risk for cervical cancer.
  • Obesity or overweight: Overweight Women are more likely to develop cervix cancer.
  • Long-term use of birth control pills or oral contraceptives: Research suggests that women who take oral contraceptives for a longer time are at more risk of getting cervical cancer. The risk goes down again after the birth control drugs are stopped, and normalizes about 10 years after stopping.
  • IUD or Intrauterine device use: Women with IUD have some risks related to cervix cancer so it is suggested to discuss the possible risks and benefits with her doctor before opting for IUD.
  • Having multiple pregnancies: Women who have had more than 3 full-term pregnancies are more likely to have the risk of cervical cancer development.
  • Family history of cervical cancer: If someone in the family had cervical cancer that increases the risk.
  • Multiple sexual partners: If any woman is involved with multiple sexual partners, more are the chances that she may develop cervical cancer.
  • Age: The average age of a woman who is diagnosed with cervical cancer is 48.

Book an appointment with Oncology experts at Oncoplus Cancer care.

Stages of Cervical Cancer

The stage of Cervical cancer like any other cancer indicates the extent to which it has spread in the body. Different stages of any cancer help the oncologist to define the best treatment plan and increase the chances of survival.
Generally, cervical cancer has five stages:
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  • Stage 0: This stage is referred to as carcinoma in situ (CIS) because, in this stage, the abnormal cells are present only on the surface of the cervix.
  • Stage I: In this stage, cancerous cells have outgrown from the surface into deeper tissues of the cervix and possibly into the uterus but have not spread to any surrounding lymph nodes or organs.
  • Stage II: In this stage, the tumor has spread beyond the cervix and uterus, affecting nearby lymph nodes but does not involve the pelvic walls or the lower part of the vagina.
  • Stage III: In this stage, the cancerous cells have invaded the lower part of the vagina or pelvic wall.
  • Stage IV: In this stage, cancer has spread to the bladder or rectum, or to the organs in other areas of the body.

How to diagnose Cervical Cancer

1. Physical examination and Medical history

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The first step is the evaluation of the patient by the doctor to define the general state of the patient’s health.

2. Pap Smear

Pap smear is an important and preventive diagnostic tool in diagnosing cervical cancer as this test can reveal abnormalities of the cervix before they progress into cancer.
The Gynaecologist in Pap smear test removes a tiny amount of tissue from the cervix. It is a matter of only a few seconds. The sample is sent to the laboratory for analysis.

3. Human Papillomavirus Testing

HPV testing is done as a Pap smear test is done. The collected sample is sent to the laboratory to analyze for the Virus.

Women with symptoms of cervical cancer or abnormal Pap results are recommended to undergo the following tests:
  1. Colposcopy: A lighted magnifying instrument called Colposcope is used to visualize the vagina to see the surface of the cervix closely and clearly. If the Gynaecologist detects any abnormality, a biopsy is done in this case. A biopsy is the removal of a small piece of tissue from the vagina, which is sent to the laboratory to look for the abnormal area if it is a pre-cancer, true cancer, or neither.
  2. Blood tests: A blood cell count help analyze any liver or kidney-related problems.
  3. CT scan: CT scans are usually done in case of large tumors or if there is concern about cancer spread.
  4. MRI: MRI shows soft tissue parts of the body sometimes better than other imaging tests.
  5. Pelvic ultrasound: shows an image of the target area on a monitor.
  6. A chest x-ray is done to see if cancer has spread to the lungs. This is usually done when the cancer is in an advanced stage.
  7. PET scan (Positron emission tomography): PET scan is helpful in assessing the affected site other than the cervix as it scans the whole body.

Book an appointment with the medical oncologists for cervical cancer treatment at the best cancer Hospital in Delhi

Treatment Options for Cervical Cancer

Similar to another type of cancer, treatment for cervical cancer too depends on certain factors, such as the stage of cancer, age of the patient, and other health problems the patient may have.
Various treatment options for cervical cancer include Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of the three.

1. Surgery

Surgery is a common treatment method when cancer has not spread from the cervix to other sites in the body.
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  • Surgery to remove cancer only. It is possible to remove a very small cervical cancer entirely with a cone biopsy. This procedure removes a cone-shaped piece of cervical tissue leaving the rest of the cervix intact.
  • Trachelectomy: Surgery to remove the cervix. Trachelectomy procedure removes the cervix and some surrounding affected area in early-stage cervical cancer, leaving the Uterus intact.
  • Hysterectomy: Surgery to remove the uterus along with the cervix. Hysterectomy means removal of the Uterus if it is affected.

Treatment for advanced cervical cancer

Cancer Surgery is not the only option when cancer has spread beyond the cervix. Advanced stage cancer requires more extensive treatment, which involves either radiation therapy or a combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

2. Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy uses beams of high-energy X-rays or radiations to kill the cancer cells. Radiation therapy can be used after surgery in case the experts detect an increased risk that cancer can come back.

3. Chemotherapy in Delhi

Chemotherapy destroys cancerous cells using certain chemicals or medications. Chemotherapy targets cancer cells that cannot be removed by surgery. Since chemotherapy is a drug treatment so can be given through a vein or taken orally in pill form. Some cervical cancer patients undergo chemotherapy sessions for weeks, while other patients may receive them for months.
In few cases where cervical cancer is advanced locally, chemotherapy is combined with Radiation therapy to enhance the effects of radiation and prevent the symptoms of advanced cancer to distant sites in the body.

4. Targeted therapy

Targeted therapy interrupts the cellular processes that promote the growth of cancer cells using certain drugs. Target therapy is used for advanced cancers. This type of therapy stops the tumors to make new blood vessels, which is required for tumor growth.

5. Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy helps the immune system to fight cancer using certain medicines. Immunotherapy is considered in advanced cancer and when other treatment options are not working.

6. Palliative care or Supportive care

Palliative care is supportive care provided by a professional team of doctors, nurses, and other specially trained professionals. Such a team aims at improving the quality of life for patients with cancer and their families. These team professionals work closely with the patients and their families to provide extra support that complements their ongoing care.
With such care along with all of the other appropriate treatments, cancer patients may feel better and live longer.

Book an appointment with the Best Cancer Specialist at Oncoplus Hospital.

Kidney cancer begins in the kidneys, also called as renal cell carcinoma. This cancer is the most common type of kidney cancer in adults.
Children are more likely to develop a kind of kidney cancer known as Wilms’ Tumour.
In many cases, kidney cancer can be detected at an early stage, when the tumour is small and is limited to the kidney.

Symptoms of kidney cancer

Common signs and symptoms a patient may experience due to kidney cancer include:
Kidney cancer treatment and diagnosis

  • pink, red, or cola-colored blood in the urine
  • Pain in the back that does not go away
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Tiredness or fatigability
  • Fever-on and off-types

Causes of kidney cancer

There is no known and clear causing factor for renal cell cancer, the most common form of kidney cancer, though there are several risk factors.

Risk factors

Factors that may increase the risk of kidney cancer include:
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  • Older age: The risk of kidney cancer increases as the age advances.
  • Smoking: Smokers are more likely to develop kidney cancer as compared to non-smokers.
  • Obesity: Obese or overweight people have a higher risk of kidney cancer than people with an average body weight do.
  • High blood pressure (hypertension): High blood pressure enhances the risk of kidney cancer.
  • Treatment for kidney failure: Patients who undergo long-term dialysis to treat chronic kidney failure have a greater risk of developing kidney cancer.
  • Certain inherited syndromes: Patients born with certain inherited syndromes such as those who have von Hippel-Lindau disease, Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome, tuberous sclerosis complex, hereditary papillary renal cell carcinoma, or familial renal cancer are more likely to have the risk of kidney cancer.
  • Family history of kidney cancer: If any person had kidney cancer or any other cancer in his/her family, in that case, he/she is more likely to have kidney cancer.
  • Exposure to certain substances in the workplace: for example, exposure to cadmium or specific herbicides increases the risk of having kidney cancer.

Diagnosis of Kidney cancer

Tests and procedures done for kidney cancer Diagnosis are:
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  • Blood and urine tests
  • Imaging tests: an ultrasound, a computerized tomography (CT) scan, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to visualize the tumor.
  • Biopsy – Removing a sample of kidney tissue

Book an appointment with Oncology experts at Oncoplus Cancer care.

Kidney cancer staging after diagnosis

Once the kidney cancer has been diagnosed, the next step is to define the staging of cancer means to determine the extent of cancer. Stages in Kidney cancer are:
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  • Stage I: At this stage, the tumor is limited to the kidney, and size can be up to 2 3/4 inches in diameter.
  • Stage II: At this stage, the tumor is still limited to the kidney but the size is more than that at stage I.
  • Stage III: At this stage, the tumor spreads beyond the kidney to the surrounding tissue and nearby lymph nodes.
  • Stage IV: At this stage, cancer extends outside the kidney, to multiple lymph nodes, or to distant parts of the body, such as the bones, lungs, or liver.

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Treatment of Kidney cancer

Like other cancer, kidney cancer treatment depends upon certain factors including the patient’s general health, the type of kidney cancer, and the extent of cancer.


Surgery is considered the main treatment for kidney cancer, with the goal of removing the tumor while preserving normal kidney function. Surgical procedures performed to treat kidney cancer may include:
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  • Nephrectomy: Removing the affected kidney. A complete (radical) nephrectomy involves the removal of the entire kidney, a border of healthy tissue, and nearby tissues such as the lymph nodes, adrenal gland, or other structures.
  • Partial Nephrectomy: Removing the tumor from the kidney. In this procedure, the surgeon removes the tumor and a small margin of healthy tissue that surrounds it not the entire kidney. Partial nephrectomy or Kidney-sparing surgery is a common treatment in cases when patients have only one kidney.

Nonsurgical treatments for kidney cancer

In some cases, alternative options are available to kill small tumors without surgery. These options are:

  • Cryoablation: Treatment to freeze cancer cells. In this process, a special hollow needle is inserted into the kidney tumor through the patient’s skin using ultrasound or other image guidance. Then cold gas in the needle is used to freeze or cool down the cancer cells.
  • Radiofrequency Ablation: Treatment to heat cancer cells. In this procedure, a special probe is inserted into the kidney tumor through the patient’s skin using ultrasound or other imaging to guide the placement of the probe. An electrical current is passed into the cancer cells through the needle, causing the cells to burn or heat up.

Treatments for advanced and recurrent kidney cancer

Kidney cancer that recurs and spreads to other parts of the body may not be curable but may be controlled with some treatment methods. A few such options available at Oncoplus Cancer care are discussed below:

  • Surgery to remove as much of the kidney tumor as possible: When surgery cannot remove all cancer, in those few cases it may be helpful to remove as much of cancer as possible.
  • Biological therapy/Immunotherapy: Drugs that use your immune system to fight cancer: This uses the patient’s body’s immune system to fight cancer.
  • Targeted therapy: Targeted treatments block specific abnormal signals present in kidney cancer cells preventing them from multiplying. These drugs treat kidney cancer that has spread to other areas of the body.
  • Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-powered energy radiations, such as X-rays, to destroy cancer cells.

Consult our Oncology team experts to get an opinion.

Preventive measure for kidney cancer

Taking few essential steps to improve one’s health may help reduce the risk of kidney cancer. To reduce the risk, try to:
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  • Quit smoking
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Control high blood pressure
  • Eat a healthy diet

Book an appointment with the Best Cancer Specialist at Oncoplus Hospital.

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the lungs and is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women.

Symptoms of lung cancer

Signs and symptoms of lung cancer occur when the disease is in advanced stage. Common signs and symptoms of lung cancer include:
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  • cough that does not go away
  • Blood oozes out while coughing(even a small amount)
  • Pain in chest
  • Shortness of breath
  • Hoarseness in voice
  • Losing weight for unknown reason
  • Bone pain
  • Constant Headache

Types of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Surgery
Lung cancer is classified into two general categories based on the appearance of lung cancer cells under the microscope. The two types of lung cancer are:

  1. Small cell lung cancer: Small cell lung cancer occurs in heavy smokers.
  2. Non-small cell lung cancer: This type of cancer is an umbrella term for several types of lung cancers that appear similar. A few cancers include squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and large cell carcinoma.

Causes of lung cancer

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Smoking is the main causing factor contributing to the majority of lung cancers. Both smokers and people exposed to passive smoke are at risk of developing lung cancer.

Risk factors for lung cancer

Some risk factors like smoking can be controlled by quitting smoking but there are few other risk factors that cannot be controlled.
A few risk factors for lung cancer are:
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  • Smoking
  • Exposure to secondhand smoke or passive smoking
  • Exposure to radon gas
  • Exposure to asbestos and other carcinogens
  • Family history of lung cancer

How to diagnose lung cancer

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This is recommended to people who are above 50 years old and have smoked heavily for several years however healthy. Experts at Oncoplus cancer care motivate people to consider annual lung cancer screening using low-dose CT scans.

  • Imaging tests: X-ray of lungs reveal an abnormal mass or nodule.
  • CT scan: reveal small lesions in lungs that may not be detected in an X-ray.
  • Sputum cytology: Sputum is examined under a microscope to rule out the presence of lung cancer cells.
  • A tissue sample (biopsy): A sample of abnormal cells is extracted and sent to a laboratory to make a diagnosis. The careful analysis provides a guide to the oncology team to define the plan of treatment.

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Stages of lung cancer

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Once the lung cancer has been diagnosed in a patient, the Oncology team works to determine the stage of cancer to know to what extent cancer has spread.
Staging is determined after certain investigations as mentioned above. Like any other cancer, stages of lung cancer are also classified in the range of 0 to 4, where 0 indicates that cancer is limited to the lung while stage 4 indicates cancer has spread to other parts of the body including the liver.

Treatment options available at Oncoplus cancer care

Lung cancer surgery

The treatment plan for lung cancer is based on a number of factors, such as your overall health, the type, and the stage of your cancer.
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Common procedures to remove lung cancer include:

  • Wedge resection: removal of a small section of lung that contains the tumor also a margin of healthy tissue.
  • Segmental resection: removal of a larger portion of the lung.
  • Lobectomy: Removal of the entire lobe of one lung
  • Pneumonectomy: removal of the entire lung

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy uses high-powered energy radiations to destroy cancer cells. For patients with locally advanced lung cancer, radiation therapy can be used before surgery or after surgery.
It is usually combined with chemotherapy treatment if surgery is not an option.

Chemotherapy in Delhi

Chemotherapy drugs are given through a vein in the patient’s arm (intravenously) or taken orally to kill cancer cells. In chemotherapy, a combination of drugs is given in a series of treatments over a period of weeks or months, with breaks in between allowing the patient to recover from side effects of chemotherapy.

Targeted drug therapy

Targeted drug treatments block abnormalities in cancer cells focusing on specific abnormalities present within cancer cells causing cancer cells to die.

Immunotherapy in Delhi

Immunotherapy uses a patient’s immune system to fight cancer, done for patients with advanced lung cancer. Immunotherapy interferes with the process of how cancer cells attack one’s immune system.

Palliative care

People with lung cancer often experience signs and symptoms of cancer also the side effects of treatment. Palliative care known as supportive care in cancer is a specialty area of medicine that involves working with an expert to minimize the signs and symptoms of cancer inpatient.

Book an appointment with the Best Cancer Specialist at Oncoplus Hospital.


Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women after lung cancer leading to death in women.

Symptoms of breast cancer

The first most sign of breast cancer in women usually appears as a lump in the breast or an armpit or an area of thickened tissue in the breast.
Other common signs and symptoms include:
A guide on Breast Cancer

  • a sunken or inverted nipple
  • a rash around the nipples
  • Flaking, peeling, or scaling of the skin on the nipple or breast
  • pain in the breast or armpit that does not go with the monthly cycle
  • redness of the skin of the breast
  • discharge (possibly containing blood) from a nipple
  • a change in the size and shape of the breast

However most lumps in the breast are not cancerous, hence it is suggested that a woman should visit a doctor for an examination if she notices a lump on the breast.

Stages of breast cancer

The stages of any cancer are defined by the oncologist based on the severity or to what extent cancer has spread in the body. Similarly, stages in Breast cancer are also defined based on the size of the tumor and the extent it has spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body.
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Stages are explained below:

Stage 0:

At this stage, the cancerous cells are limited to within the ducts and have not spread surrounding tissues, this stage is known as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

Stage 1:

At this stage, the tumor becomes 2 centimeters (cm) in size. At this stage, the cancerous cells have not affected any lymph nodes.

Stage 2:

At this stage, the tumor is 2 cm across in size also; it has started to spread to surrounding lymph nodes, or the tumor can be 2–5 cm across in size but has not spread to the nearby nodes.

Stage 3:

At this stage, the tumor is up to 5 cm across in size, and it has spread to several lymph nodes or the tumor is larger than 5 cm also has spread to a few lymph nodes.

Stage 4:

At this stage, the cancer cells have spread to distant organs including the bones, liver, brain, or lungs.


The exact cause of breast cancer is not known but a few risk factors make it more likely to occur. These are listed below:
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1. Age:

The risk of breast cancer in women increases with increasing age. The chances of developing breast cancer at the age of 20 years are approx. 0.06% and it increases up to 3.84% by the age of 7o years.

2. Genetics:

If there is a family history of having breast cancer, then the chances of developing breast cancer increase. That’s why women are recommended to seek genetic screening who have a family history of breast, ovarian, fallopian tube, or peritoneal cancer.

3. Women with a history of breast lumps or breast cancer:

Those women who have had breast cancer previously, are at more risk to have it again than those who have no history of the disease.
In addition, having some types of noncancerous breast lump increases the chance of developing breast cancer later in life.

4. Dense breast tissue:

Women with dense breasts are likely to develop breast cancer so Oncologists at Oncoplus cancer care suggest all women seek a regular cancer screening.

5. Estrogen exposure:

Extended exposure to estrogen increases the risk of breast cancer.
For women who start their menstrual cycle earlier or entering menopause at a later than the average age, estrogen level is high in such women.

6. Body weight:

Women who are obese or overweight after menopause may also have a higher chance of developing breast cancer, possibly due to increased estrogen levels.

7. Alcohol consumption:

A higher rate of regular alcohol consumption is said to contribute to the development of breast cancer.

8. Radiation exposure:

Undergoing radiation treatment for different cancer may be a risk factor to develop breast cancer later in life.

9. Hormone treatments:

According to the studies, oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy may increase the risk of breast cancer.

Diagnosis of Breast cancer

Several diagnostic tests and procedures are done to rule out the accurate diagnosis:
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Breast exam

The Oncologist checks the breasts for lumps and other symptoms.

Imaging tests

Mammogram: This is a type of X-ray that is done during an initial breast cancer screening. It produces images that help an expert detect any lumps or abnormalities in the breast.

Ultrasound: Sonography helps a doctor to differentiate between a solid mass and a fluid-filled cyst.

MRI: MRI is used as a screening tool for those at higher risk of breast. It combines different images of the breast to help a doctor identify cancer or other abnormalities in the breast.

Biopsy: In a biopsy, a sample of tissue from the breast is extracted and is sent to a laboratory for analysis.
This rules out whether the cells are cancerous. If cells are cancerous then a biopsy indicates the type of cancer.

Diagnosis also involves staging cancer to determine:

  • the size of a tumor
  • to what extent it has spread
  • whether it is invasive or non-invasive

Book an appointment with the best cancer doctors in Delhi for Breast Cancer Treatment

Treatment options for breast cancer

Treatment depends on several factors, including:

  • the type and stage of the cancer
  • the person’s sensitivity to hormones
  • the age
  • the overall health of the individual

Important treatment options include:

  1. Surgery
  2. Radiation Therapy
  3. Targeted drug therapy
  4. Hormone therapy
  5. Chemotherapy

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Cancer Surgery

Surgical intervention depends on the type of cancer and individual preference. Types of surgery include:

Mastectomy: This procedure involves the removal of the lobules, ducts, fatty tissue, nipple, areola, and some skin. In some types of breast cancer, The OncoSurgeon removes the lymph nodes and muscle in the chest wall as well.

Lumpectomy: This involves removal of the tumor and a small healthy tissue around it.
This procedure can help stop the spread of cancer to other parts of the body. This type of procedure is considered a treatment option when the tumor is small and can be separated easily from its surrounding tissue.

Sentinel node biopsy: this biopsy is done when breast cancer reaches the sentinel lymph nodes, which are the first nodes to which cancer can spread, and then it can spread into other parts of the body through the lymphatic system.

Axillary lymph node dissection: If cancer cells are found in the sentinel nodes, then several lymph nodes in the armpit may be removed which can prevent cancer from spreading.

Reconstruction: As the name suggests, the surgeon reconstructs the breast to look more natural after mastectomy. The patient party and the surgeon decide this unanimously. This can definitely help the patient to cope with the negative psychological effects of breast removal.

The breast can be reconstructed at the same time as performing a mastectomy or later. A breast implant is placed in most cases to give natural look to the breast.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy involves targeting the tumor with controlled doses of radiation destroying the remaining cancer cells. The patient may undergo radiation therapy a month after surgery.


Chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells if there is a high risk of recurrence or spread.

Hormone blocking therapy

Hormone blocking therapy prevents hormone-sensitive breast cancers from recurring after treatment.
Hormone blocking therapy is considered as the only option for patients who are not suitable candidates for surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy.

Book an appointment with the Best Cancer Specialist at Oncoplus Hospital.

Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments of Blood Cancer

Blood cancer is very dangerous for our health, we need to find out its symptoms on time and start the treatments as soon as possible if we find symptoms in our health routine we should contact the doctor and inform that what happens. after consulting the doctor and get positive we should not delay we should start treatments of blood cancer.


Blood cancer is the type of cancer that originates from the bone marrow as bone marrow is the integral source of blood production. blood cancer affects the production and function of a patient’s blood cell.

There are two type BLOOD CANCER:


    Leukemia is the cancer of the white blood cells caused by the rapid production of abnormal white blood cells because of which they cannot fight infections rightly. Leukemia can occur in both adults as well as children.
  2. MYELOMA :
    Myeloma is the cancer of plasma cells, which are a type of white blood cell also known as our body’s defense mechanism. In this type of cancer, the body’s ability to fight infections is inhibited leading to frequent illness. Myeloma can develop in any location where there is blood plasma.


Since the symptoms of Blood Cancer can be confused by flu or other common illnesses so these may often be ignored or overlooked. The symptoms differ from patient to patient as these depend on certain factors including the type of blood cancer, the stage of cancer, the progression (acute or chronic).

A few common signs of blood cancer may include the following:
Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments of Blood Cancer

  • Anemia
  • Fever or infections
  • Swelling of Lymph nodes
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Pain in the bone
  • Swelling of liver or spleen
  • Night sweats


There are no exact known causes for developing cancer, but studies prove that some factors may increase the chances a person can have cancer in his/her life. Risk factors can be different for different types of cancer, but there are a few common risk factors for all types of cancer. A few are listed below:

Chemical exposure:

Exposure to chemicals like benzene, formaldehyde, heavy factory smoke and chemicals, etc. can also cause blood cancer.

Radiation exposure:

Exposure to radiation can also cause Blood cancer. The higher the dose of radiation, the more the risk of developing blood cancer.


smoking causes cancer
Smoking is said to be one of the major risk factors for causing blood cancer because tobacco is likely to damage or change the DNA of blood cells that causes abnormal growth causing blood cancer. It can also reduce the body’s immunity, making the body more prone to illness.

Diet for treatment of blood cancer:

Today, more than 50% of the world’s population do not follow a nutritious diet, a few foods, however, increase the risk of cancer. They are as follows:

  • Processed meat
  • Microwave popcorn
  • Aerated drinks
  • Diet food and beverages
  • Refined flour
  • Refined sugars
  • Dirty fruits and vegetables
  • Farmed salmon
  • Hydrogenated oils

Diagnostic Tests for Blood Cancer

The most common tests used to diagnose blood cancer available at Oncoplus Hospital are:

Complete blood count

Treatments of Blood Cancer in Delhi 
This blood test measures the concentration of various types of blood cells-red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelet cell count, in the given sample. This test determines abnormalities in the blood cells or their concentration in blood. Bone marrow biopsy may help in confirming this diagnosis.

Bone marrow biopsy/aspiration

Removal of bone marrow sample for testing is called bone marrow biopsy or aspiration, the difference being the follows:

  • Bone marrow aspiration: to extract a liquid bone marrow sample.
  • Bone marrow biopsy: Removing a small amount of bone marrow tissue.

This test determines if the cancer is affecting the bone marrow, the type of blood cancer, and the stage of cancer. The main purpose of this test is to confirm blood cancer as well as bone marrow disorders if any also detect any DNA abnormalities in the sample.

Lymph Node Biopsy

Blood cancer affects the blood cells that successively means the immune system fully gets affected. The lymphatic system is responsible for human immunity. It includes tonsils, spleen, and lymph nodes. The lymph nodes are present in hundreds of the body, which contain white blood cells to fight infections.
In lymph node biopsy, a small cut is made and the node is taken, and the cut is closed by stitches. This test provides information about blood cancer, type, and stage.

Spinal tap

It is also referred to as lumbar puncture. A fine needle is inserted in the space between the bones in the lower back and cerebrospinal fluid is extracted from the spine. This fluid is examined under a microscope to assess the progress of blood cancer, whether it has spread to the spinal cord.

Flow cytometry

This check determines the blood and bone marrow cells to research an amendment within the white blood cell count that might cause cancer.

An instrument known as a flow cytometer is used to measure the number and percentage of cells and their characteristics.

Karyotype test

Symptoms, Diagnosis of Blood Cancer 
This check maps the forty-six human chromosomes of a cell to see the changes within the chromosomes and their arrangement.

The appearance of This checks for abnormalities within the size, shape, range, and arrangement of the blood cells or bone marrow cells.

Different Blood Cancer Stages and Metastasis

The stage indicates the extent of cancer progression. The stage of cancer helps the specialist to define the correct treatment option for blood cancer.  Staging of blood cancer is classified based on blood cell counts and accumulation of these cells within other organs like the spleen, liver, etc. Stages are assessed after a proper evaluation of the patient.
Book an appointment with the Cancer Doctors in Delhi for Blood Cancer Treatment

Treatments of Blood cancer Options

The treatment of blood cancer depends on several factors including the type and stage of cancer, age of the patient, and the organs involved by cancer.
The most crucial treatment options available for blood cancer at Oncoplus are explained below:

1. Chemotherapy Treatment

Symptoms of Blood Cancer 
Chemotherapy destroys the rapidly growing cells in the body using chemical drug therapy. It is one of the most reliable and effective treatments to cure blood cancer.

Book an appointment with an Oncologist at Oncoplus.

Chemotherapy Procedure: How it is done?

In Chemotherapy, chemical/drugs/medicines are injected into veins or the larger muscle, which then travel along the bloodstream to reach the cancer cells. These drugs stop the cancerous cells from spreading further in the body. Chemotherapy is conducted in stages allowing the patient to handle the side effects of treatment, however, these are generally short-termed and medication is prescribed after every session of therapy.

Side effects of Chemotherapy in blood cancer treatment:

Few organs including the Heart, Lier, Brain, Testicles, Ovaries, kidneys are affected due to chemotherapy. Other common side effects of chemotherapy include:

  • Appetite changes
  • Hair loss
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Anemia
  • Fatigue
  • Constipation

The oncologist and team at Oncoplus takes care of the tolerance levels of the Patient before proceeding with the treatment.

2. Radiation Therapy for Blood Cancer Treatment

Radiation therapy damages the DNA in the cancerous cells using high-energy radiation, which further restricts their growth and reproduction.

Side effects of radiotherapy in treatment of blood cancer:

  • Hair loss
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Skin problems
  • Sore throat
  • Heartburn

Since radiations are of high energy so it is advised to have a nutritious diet after radiotherapy also regular exercises contribute to the benefits of the patient’s health after radiotherapy.

3. Stem Cell Transplantation for Blood Cancer treatment

Since other treatment methods destroy the cancerous cells so patient’s body needs more new cells to maintain the normal functioning of the body.  Stem cells are the cells of the bone marrow that develop further to produce new blood cells.
Blood Cancer treatment in Delhi

4. Blood Targeted Therapy for Blood Cancer treatment

This type of therapy targets the specific molecules that help cancer to grow and spread across the body. The main agenda of this therapy is to target the genes, proteins, and supporting blood vessels. This therapy is done alone or in combination with chemotherapy.

Side effects of Blood targeted therapy are :

  • Increasing blood pressure
  • Skin problems
  • Gastrointestinal perforation
  • Problems with blood clotting and wound healing

Book an appointment with the Best Cancer Specialist at Oncoplus Hospital.