Cancer is a serious and life-threatening illness that affects millions of people worldwide. Unfortunately, there are many health rumours about cancer that circulate in society and can cause confusion and misinformation. As a result, it is critical to be aware of the cancer-related health rumours that are circulating in society in order to seek evidence-based information about your health. By doing so, you can make informed decisions and protect yourself from misinformation. Oncoplus Hospital is considered to be one of the best hospitals in Delhi for cancer. This blog will teach you about some of the most common cancer myths as well as actual cancer facts.

Common cancer myths and the truth about cancer:

  1. Myth: Cancer is contagious and can be spread from one person to another.

Fact: This statement is completely false. Cancer is not a contagious disease, and it is not a viral disease that spreads through sitting, eating, or sleeping together with the cancer patient. It is caused by genetic mutations or environmental factors, such as exposure to toxins at home or at work, that increase the risk of developing cancer.

  1. Myth: Cancer is always a death sentence.

Fact: It is true that cancer is a very serious illness, but it is not always a death sentence. Many people who are suffering from cancer can live long and healthy lives with proper treatment and care. How long a cancer patient lives or dies from the disease is entirely dependent on factors such as whether the cancer is slow or fast growing, how much cancer spreads in the patient’s body, and the patient’s overall health, among others. In fact, the advancement in medical technology and treatments has improved the survival rates of cancer patients.

  1. Myth: Cancer is caused by stress or emotional trauma.

Fact: While stress can have a negative impact on the overall health of a cancer patient, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that stress causes cancer. In reality, the causes of cancer are complex and multi-factorial, including both genetic and environmental factors.

Read More Blog:- Myths And Facts About Brain Tumors

  1. Myth: Radiations from cell phones cause cancer.

Fact: Cell phones release low-frequency radio waves. These rays are non-ionizing types of energy and do not cause any damage to the genes of the patients.

  1. Myth: Consuming sugar will lead to cancer.

Fact: There is no evidence to support the claim that consuming sugar leads to cancer. The accumulation of excess sugar in the body can lead to other health problems like weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, etc. But it is not the sugar itself that causes cancer. A moderate amount of sugar can be included in a balanced diet. Eating a balanced diet and having a healthy lifestyle reduce the risk of cancer and other health problems.

  1. Myth: Abiopsy leads to the spread of cancer disease in the patient’s body.

A biopsy is a medical procedure in which a sample of tissue is taken from the patient’s body to diagnose abnormal tissue growth, such as cancer. But scientific evidence does not support this myth. In fact, a biopsy is essential for diagnosing cancer and is considered safe by the medical community. During a biopsy, a small portion of tissue is removed from the body, and the surrounding tissue remainsuntouched. This minimises the risk of spreading cancer cells if they are present. Biopsy results can help healthcare providers determine the best course of treatment for a cancer patient. Without biopsy results, it is impossible to diagnose the cancerous cells in the patient’s body, and doctors cannot be able to provide appropriate treatment to the patient.

  1. Myth: Deodorants or chemicals cause cancer.

Fact: There is no scientific evidence found to support this claim. It is important to note that cancer develops in the human body for a variety of reasons, including genetics and lifestyle factors such as smoking, sun exposure, poor diet, etc. The use of deodorants is not the cause of cancer, and the chemicals used in deodorants are completely safe to use.

In conclusion, it is important to be cautious of the information we read and share about cancer. Before you believe any of the myths about cancer, always consult your healthcare professional to learn the actual facts about this complex and serious illness. If you or a loved one has cervical cancer, you can go to Oncoplus Hospitals, which offer the best cervical cancer treatment to their patients.

Ovarian cancer is a disease in which cancer cells form in the ovaries, the female reproductive organs that produce eggs. Unfortunately, ovarian cancer often has few symptoms in its early stages, making it difficult to diagnose. It means that the cancer is often not detected until it has spread to other parts of the body, which makes it more difficult to treat. In order to receive ovarian cancer treatment or therapy as soon as you detect any of these symptoms, it is crucial to be aware of the early warning signs of ovarian cancer.

The following are the most common early warning signs of ovarian cancer:

Bloating: A feeling of bloating or pressure in the abdomen is one of the most common early warning signs of ovarian cancer. This can be accompanied by a feeling of fullness, even after eating a small amount of food.

Abdominal Pain: Abdominal pain or discomfort is another common symptom of ovarian cancer. This pain can be a dull ache, a sharp stabbing pain, or general discomfort.

Changes in Bowel Habits: Changes in bowel habits, such as constipation or diarrhoea, can be an early warning sign of ovarian cancer.

Unexplained Weight Loss: Sudden or unexplained weight loss can also be a symptom of ovarian cancer. This weight loss can be accompanied by a feeling of weakness or fatigue.

Pelvic Pain: Pain or discomfort in the pelvic area is another early sign of ovarian cancer. This pain can be a constant ache or a sharp pain that comes and goes.

Increased Abdominal Size: An increase in abdominal size or swelling can be an early warning sign of ovarian cancer. This increase in size can be accompanied by a feeling of pressure or fullness in the abdomen.

Urinary Symptoms: Changes in urinary habits, such as a need to urinate more frequently or an urgent need to urinate, can also be a symptom of ovarian cancer.

So if you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Your doctor will be able to perform a physical exam and any necessary tests to determine if you have ovarian cancer.

Risk elements for ovarian cancer:

There are several factors that can increase the risk of developing ovarian cancer. These include:

Age: Ovarian cancer is more common in women over the age of 50.

Family History: Women with a family history of ovarian, breast or colon cancer are at an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Reproductive History: Women who have had no children, had children later in life, or used hormone replacement therapy are at an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Infertility: Women diagnosed with infertility or undergoing fertility treatments are at an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer.

It is essential to keep in mind that not all women who experience these symptoms have ovarian cancer. However, if you experience any of the early warning signs of ovarian cancer, it is important to pursue medical attention as soon as feasible.

Procedures to Lower Your Risk of Ovarian Cancer:

Although there is no proven way to prevent ovarian cancer, but reducing the risk of ovarian cancer can be achieved by adopting a healthy lifestyle and making certain lifestyle changes. Here is the following advice that may be helpful::

Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of ovarian cancer. Keeping your body weight within a healthy range can help reduce the risk.

Exercise regularly: Physical activity is linked to a reduced risk of ovarian cancer. Make an effort to work out for at least 30 minutes every day.

Read More Blog: – Physical Activity And Cancer Risk

Eat a healthy diet: Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in processed and red meat can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.

Read More Blog: – How Your Dietary Habit Influence Cancer Disease

Limit alcohol consumption: Drinking alcohol can increase the risk of ovarian cancer. Limit alcohol consumption or avoid it altogether.

Use oral contraceptives: Using oral contraceptives for several years can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.

Avoid using talcum powder in the genital area: Regular use of talcum powder in the genital area is linked to an increased risk of ovarian cancer.

Consider genetic counselling: If you have a family history of ovarian cancer, you may be at a higher risk. Consider genetic counselling to assess your risk and discuss preventive measures.


Remember, these tips are not guaranteed, and it is important to talk to your doctor about your individual risk and what steps you can take to reduce it.

In conclusion, the early warning signs of ovarian cancer can be subtle and easily overlooked. However, it is essential to be aware of these symptoms so that you can seek medical attention as soon as possible if you experience any of them. If you have a family history of ovarian, breast, or colon cancer, or if you have any other. When it comes to treating ovarian cancer, choosing the right hospital can make a big difference in the outcome of the treatment. Oncoplus, a specialized hospital for ovarian cancer treatment, can provide the necessary resources, expertise, and advanced technology to help patients get the best possible care. Depending on how far cancer has gone, our experts will choose the optimal course of action, which almost certainly involves combining two or more therapies.

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the cells of the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. It is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and can be prevented with screening tests and HPV vaccines. Early detection and treatment can protect women from having cervical cancer. But if a woman is diagnosed with cervical cancer, then it can be a life-altering experience for her or develop a feeling of stress in her. It is normal to feel this way, but it is crucial to find ways to manage stress as it can have a significant impact on both physical and emotional well-being. You don’t have to get disappointed in this situation, as there are various treatment options available to treat cancer. And Oncoplus Hospital offers the best cancer treatment in Delhi for all cancer types. In this blog, you will learn ways to manage stress after a cervical cancer diagnosis.

5 ways to manage stress after a cervical cancer diagnosis

Cervical cancer can be a traumatic experience, both physically and emotionally. However, it is essential to find ways to manage stress to reduce its impact on your health and wellbeing. Here are five ways to help manage stress after a cervical cancer diagnosis.

  1. Discover Cervical Cancer Treatment Options:

There are various factors on which the treatment for cervical cancer depends, like your overall health status, the stage of the cancer, and your desire to maintain fertility. Generally, people are unaware of the treatment options and how these therapies affect their finances. So, if you are diagnosed with cervical cancer, first you should get a second opinion and talk to your doctor about the questions that are rising in your mind related to cancer, like treatment costs and side effects, etc.

Read More Blog: How Does Raising Awareness About Cervical Cancer Aid In Its Prevention?

  1. Seek support from loved ones:

Whether it is a family member, friend, or therapist, talking to someone about your feelings and concerns can be incredibly therapeutic. It can provide a sense of relief and support. This will also help boost your morale, as emotional support is very important. Because when you share your thoughts and feelings with someone whom you love, this helps to reduce your stress level. It’s important to have a support system during this difficult time. Joining a support group specifically for people with cervical cancer can also provide a sense of community and make you feel less alone.

  1. Exercise Regularly:

Physical activity is a great way to reduce stress and improve overall health. Regular exercise can help reduce anxiety and depression, boost your energy levels, and improve your sleep. Even a simple walk can help clear your mind and give you relief from stress. Exercise releases endorphins, the “feel-good” hormone, which helps to improve your mood and overall well-being.

Read More Blog: Physical Activity And Cancer Risk

  1. Practice Meditation:

Mindfulness helps you be present in the moment and focus on your thoughts and feelings without making any kind of judgment. The mindfulness technique is very effective in reducing stress levels and anxiety. This can be practiced through meditation, deep breathing, and yoga.

  1. Take Good Care of Yourself:

It is very important that you take care of your physical and emotional well-being during this time. You should eat a healthy and nutritious diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, as this will help boost your energy levels, reduce stress, and improve your mood. It is essential to get enough sleep, as a lack of sleep increases stress levels and leads to exhaustion. You should get at least seven hours of sleep per night to manage stress and improve your overall health. Not only this, you should go for regular health checkups to diagnose the changes in your health.

In conclusion, a cervical cancer diagnosis can be a stressful experience, but there are many ways to manage stress and improve your well-being. Everyone responds differently to stress, and it may take time to find what works best for you. By talking to someone, exercising, practicing mindfulness and meditation, getting enough sleep, and eating a healthy diet, you can reduce the impact of stress on your life and improve your overall health and wellbeing. These stress management techniques will help you improve your overall health during this difficult time.



Brain tumors originate in the brain, and it is the abnormal growth of tissue that disrupts the functioning of the brain. Generally, there are two types of brain tumors: malignant and benign. In both tumor types, malignant brain tumors are cancerous and benign brain tumors are non-cancerous. If the patient wants the best cancer treatment in Delhi, they can consult with the oncologist at Oncoplus Hospital. In some people, tumors grow at a very fast rate, and in others, they grow at a very slow speed. The growth of a brain tumor is entirely dependent on its size, location, and type. It is important to note that a brain tumor can affect people of all ages. It is suggested that early diagnosis and timely treatment help fight brain tumors. There are various myths and misconceptions among people about brain tumors that can cause unnecessary fear and confusion. However, it is critical to be aware of the existence of brain tumors. In this blog, you will read about the myths and facts about brain tumors.

Symptoms of brain tumors:

The symptoms of a brain tumor differ depending on whether it is malignant or benign.

  1. Headache that occurs early in the morning or if there are changes in the pattern of headaches.
  2. People might experience different types of seizures.
  3. If the person is feeling issues in their body, such as loss of consciousness and loss of control over body functions,
  4. Loss of vision
  5. Nausea and vomiting
  6. Changes in personality or memory
  7. Fatigue
  8. Loss of balance

Read More Blog:- Brain Stroke: Warning Signs, Symptoms, And Prevention

6 Brain Tumor Myths and Facts:

Myth 1: Cell phones cause brain tumors.

Facts: There is no scientific evidence to support that the use of cell phones or any other types of radiation causes brain tumors. The radio frequency radiation of these devices affects the skin before it reaches the brain and causes a negative effect on the person’s health. Hence, there is no convincing evidence that the use of cell phones causes brain tumors.

Myth 2: Brain tumors are always dangerous.

Fact: Some of the brain tumors are dangerous, but many of the tumors can be treated and cured with surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, which helps to kill cancer cells. The prognosis for a brain tumor depends on the type of tumor, its location, and the patient’s overall health. Brain tumors are dangerous, but we are treating them.

Myth 3: Brain tumors are always cancerous.

Fact: Not all brain tumors are cancerous. Benign brain tumors have abnormal growths but do not spread to other parts of the body and are typically less aggressive than malignant tumors. These types of tumors are non-cancerous and can be completely treated.

Myth 4: Brain tumors only occur in older adults.

Fact: Brain tumors can occur in people of all ages, including children. In fact, brain tumors are also found in children and newborns in our country.

Myth 5: Brain tumors cannot be prevented by changing one’s lifestyle.


Fact: A person’s lifestyle does not cause brain tumors. By changing your lifestyle, you cannot stop brain tumors from developing. On the other hand, adopting a healthy lifestyle is good for your general health. A healthy lifestyle includes regular exercise, a balanced diet high in fiber, and the refusal to drink alcohol, chew tobacco, or smoke.

Myth 6: Brain tumors always cause severe headaches.

Fact: Headaches can be a symptom of a brain tumor, but not all patients with headaches have a brain tumor. There are various causes of headache, so it should be examined properly. Other symptoms of a brain tumor include seizures, changes in vision, difficulty speaking or walking, and changes in personality or behavior.

In conclusion, brain tumors are a serious health concern, but many myths and misconceptions surrounding them can cause unnecessary fear and confusion. It is important to understand the facts about brain tumors and to consult with a medical professional if you suspect you or a loved one may have any symptoms of this disease. Regular check-ups, early detection, and treatment are the keys to surviving and overcoming brain tumors. At Oncoplus Hospital, patients get the best cancer treatment in Delhi.


Sarcomas are uncommon tumours that often arise from bone or muscle. Bone sarcomas and soft tissue sarcomas are the two main forms of sarcomas. These are a group of aggressive cancers that affect the bones and surrounding soft tissues. Resection, or surgical removal, is the primary treatment for these sarcomas, but it is important to monitor the patients after the resection of the bones to check for any signs of recurrence or new malignancies. It has been found in many cases that sarcomas reoccur in patients’ bodies. So, surveillance strategies for sarcomas are very crucial for the patients, but they depend on the tumour-specific biology, tumour location, treatment, and also on the pattern of recurrence of the tumour after STS resection. Oncoplus Hospital is the leading hospital and provides the best sarcoma treatment in Delhi. In this blog, we will learn the different surveillance strategies following resection of bone and soft tissue sarcomas.

Different surveillance strategies follow resection of bone and soft tissue sarcomas.

  1. Imaging Studies

Imaging studies, such as X-rays, PET/CT scans, and MRI scans, are the primary means of surveillance following resection of bone and soft tissue sarcomas. This follow-up testing helps in detecting local and distant recurrences of STS. It detects the spread of the cancer to other parts of the body. These studies allow doctors to monitor the affected area for any signs of recurrent disease or new malignancies. X-rays can detect bone abnormalities and changes, while CT scans and MRI scans help detect changes in the surrounding soft tissue. If there are any suspicious areas detected during imaging tests, a biopsy may be performed to obtain a sample of the tissue for further testing. This will help determine whether the cancer has returned or if the suspicious area is due to another condition.

  1. Physical Examination

Physical examination is also a crucial component of post-operative surveillance for patients with bone and soft tissue sarcomas. Postoperative surveillance contains the history and physical examination of the patients every 3 to 6 months for 2 to 3 years, and afterwards it is performed annually. Doctors will typically perform a thorough examination of the affected area, checking for any signs of swelling, redness, or tenderness. This examination can also help detect changes in the affected limb or joint, which may indicate the presence of recurrent disease.

  1. Blood Tests

Blood tests can also be used to monitor patients following resection of bone and soft tissue sarcomas. These tests can detect markers of disease progression, such as elevated levels of cancer markers. It measures the levels of specific substances in the blood that are associated with different types of cancer. If, in this case, cancer markers are detected, it is a sign of the presence of recurrent disease, and further tests may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.

  1. Visits to the Clinic for Follow-up

Clinical follow-up visits are an essential component of post-operative surveillance for patients with bone and soft tissue sarcomas. During these visits, patients will meet with their doctor to discuss their progress and receive a physical examination. The doctor may also request imaging studies or blood tests in order to monitor the patient’s condition.

In conclusion, surveillance strategies following resection of bone and soft tissue sarcomas are crucial to the overall treatment plan as they help improve the patient’s health. The combination of imaging studies, physical examination, blood tests, and clinical follow-up visits can help detect any signs of recurrent disease or new malignancies, allowing for early intervention and improved patient outcomes. It is important for patients to adhere to their recommended surveillance schedule and to report any changes or concerns to their doctor promptly. You can visit Oncoplus Hospital, the best cancer hospital in Delhi, for the treatment of bone and soft tissue sarcomas. Their oncologist has years of experience and uses advanced technology to treat cancer patients to provide the best treatment plan possible.






Cervical cancer is the cause of death among all women. Cervical cancer begins in the cervix’s cells, and the cervix is the narrow end of the uterus. The cervix connects the uterus to the vagina. Cervical cancer grows gradually over time. In this type of cancer, the cervix cells undergo changes, which are termed “dysplasia,” in which abnormal cells start to develop in the cervical tissue. If these abnormal cells are not removed, they will spread rapidly in the cervix and surrounding areas over time. January is cancer awareness month, which is why Oncoplus Hospital raises awareness about cervical cancer, and the best cervical cancer treatment is also available here. In this blog, you will learn about cervical cancer.

Types of Cervical Cancer:

Cervical cancers are of two types: squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Generally, up to 90% of cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinomas that develop from cells in the ectocervix. Cervical adenocarcinomas, on the other hand, are a rare type of cancer that grows in the endocervical glandular cells and is also known as clear cell carcinoma or mesonephroma.

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer:

Usually, cervical cancer is difficult to detect because it doesn’t have symptoms. This is because many women don’t even realize they are suffering from cervical cancer.

In the early stages of cervical cancer, the symptoms that women suffer are as follows:

  1. When the women have vaginal bleeding after sex or menopause.
  2. If the regular periods are longer or heavier than normal.
  3. Women suffer from vaginal bleeding between periods.
  4. The odor of vaginal discharge is stronger or contains blood.
  5. If the woman feels so much pain during sex.

In the advanced stage of cervical cancer, the symptoms that women suffer are as follows:

  1. If there is a pain in the bowel and bleeding from the rectum,
  2. When a woman experiences pain while passing urine or when there is blood in the urine.
  3. If a woman experiences abdominal pain or fatigue, consult the doctor.
  4. Or if there is swelling in the legs.

Factors That Increase Your Risk of Cervical Cancer:

  1. If a person has a weak immune system, then their body cannot fight HPV infections.
  2. If the person smokes or breathes in secondhand smoke, this will also increase the risk of cervical cancer.
  3. If the person becomes sexually active before 18 years of age or if they have multiple sexual partners, then they have a high risk of HPV infections.
  4. Cervical cancer also occurs in those who use oral contraceptive pills or give birth to many children.

Methods for Preventing Cervical Cancer

According to your age, health, and lifestyle, cervical cancer occurs in women. But some precautions can be taken to prevent cervical cancer. The precautions are as follows:

  1. Get vaccinated against HPV infections.

There are vaccines available for both adults and young children to protect against HPV infections. It is essential to give the vaccine to a person before they are exposed to HPV. This vaccine will help prevent cervix cancer. Usually, the side effects of this vaccine are mild, such as redness, soreness, and swelling at the injection site. HPV vaccination is recommended for children between the ages of 9 and 12. This vaccination is not recommended for those who are older than 26 years of age.

  1. Regular Pap Tests:

The Pap test is the best test for the early detection of cervical cancer, and it is also known as a Pap smear. A Pap test can also be combined with an HPV test.

  1. Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA):

VIA is a test that is done with a few tools and also with the naked eye. In this process, white vinegar is applied to the cervix. The doctors then observe the abnormalities on the cervix, which turn white when exposed to vinegar.

  1. No Smoking:

To protect yourself from cancer, you should not smoke, as smoking leads to squamous cell cervical cancer.

Treatment for Cervical Cancer Is Available:

The treatments that are available for cervical cancer are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy. These treatments help kill cancer cells.

Everyone should discuss cervical cancer with their doctors and choose an appropriate screening test as a precaution. Screening tests are recommended for people in their early teens, especially those who are at high risk of developing cervical cancer. Oncoplus Hospital is the best cancer hospital in Delhi for cancer patients.


Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is the first form of breast cancer. It occurs when the abnormal cells present themselves inside a milk duct in the breast. Generally, these cells are non-invasive, meaning they do not spread out of the breast, but if left untreated, some DCIS cells can become invasive breast cancer that can spread. DCIS is frequently found during a mammogram for breast cancer screening. DCIS is also known as stage 0 breast cancer or intraductal carcinoma. DCIS is treatable, and the treatment options that are available for a woman are simple mastectomy and breast-conserving surgery (BCS). In this blog, you will read about the symptoms, causes, risk factors, and treatment of DICS.

Read More Blog: A Guide On Breast Cancer

Symptoms of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS):

Generally, there are no specific symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). In the majority of cases, DICS is diagnosed through mammography, and it appears as a new calcium deposit and sometimes distortion of the breast tissue. But in a few cases, the symptoms are as follows:

  • Itchy skin.
  • Breast lump.
  • Nipple discharges (like blood) are found.

Causes of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS):

The reason for ductal carcinoma in situ is not clear. But it normally forms when the DNA of breast duct cells experiences genetic mutations. The cells appear abnormal when the genetic mutations occur, but they do not spread out of the milk duct. The major factors that contribute to DCIS are your living environment, the genes passed down from your parents, and your lifestyle.

Risk factors for DCIS:

The risk factors for ductal carcinoma in situ (DICS) are as follows:

  1. Having a first child after 30 years of age
  2. If menopause begins after the age of 55,
  3. You will never be pregnant in your life.
  4. Background history of breast cancer in the family.
  5. having a menstrual period before the age of 12
  6. If you have a family history of breast cancer, such as atypical hyperplasia,
  7. If you have previously received radiation therapy to your breasts or chest,
  8. If you have dense breast tissue,
  9. Growing age is also a risk factor for DICS.
  10. If you have a genetic mutation, this also raises your risk of breast cancer.

DICS Grade:

Generally, the DICS grade tells the doctors how much the cell appears like normal breast cells. It helps your doctor determine the best course of treatment for you and how the DCIS may behave. The DCIS grade is divided into three grades: low grade, which slowly grows; intermediate grade; and high grade, which quickly grows in your breast. Normally, high-grade DCIS comes back after treatment and spreads into the other breast tissue.

Treatment Options for DICS

  1. Mastectomy:

If the area of DCIS is very large, then a simple mastectomy is needed. In this treatment, the entire breast is removed. This treatment is required when the breast contains multiple areas of DCIS or if BCS cannot entirely eradicate the DCIS, meaning cancer cells are still present in or near the surgical margins. Many doctors perform a SLNB (sentinel lymph node biopsy) in addition to a mastectomy as there are chances of finding invasive cancer. The majority of DCIS patients who undergo mastectomy do not require radiation therapy and may opt for immediate breast reconstruction.

  1. Breast-conserving surgery (lumpectomy):

In BCS, the doctor removes the tumor and also a small portion of healthy breast tissue that surrounds it. With BCS, lymph node removal is not required. After BCS, radiation therapy is performed. This lessens the possibility of cancer returning in the same breast. The women, who are at an early stage of DCIS, can choose between mastectomy and breast-conserving surgery (BCS).

  1. Hormone Therapy:

Hormone therapy is used to block hormones from reaching cancer cells. If the DCIS is hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, this therapy is effective. It isn't a treatment for DCIS, but it is the therapy that is given after surgery or radiation in order to decrease the chances of developing DCIS. The treatment with tamoxifen for any woman or an aromatase inhibitor for women past menopause after the surgery can reduce the risk of DCIS or invasive cancer.

Read More Blog: Hormone Therapy For Prostate Cancer

The type of cancer that can be treated is ductal carcinoma in situ. The best cancer treatment in Delhi is available for patients. The available treatments for DISC will lower your chances of developing breast cancer. If you experience any side effects like breast swelling, breast soreness, skin irritation, etc., then immediately discuss them with your doctor.


Have you familiar with the term ‘Brain Stroke’ or ‘Brain Cancer’? Or have you or your loved one ever faced it? By knowing why strokes happen and making lifestyle adjustments to lower your risk, you can reduce the chances of your loved one having a stroke or tumor. Or you may consult with the best hospitals in Delhi for brain cancer treatment.

Brain stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability on the globe. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 15 million people worldwide get a stroke yearly. It could seem challenging to determine whether you are at risk and what to do if someone you love has a stroke due to how rapidly and unexpectedly it can occur. It’s crucial to comprehend the risk factors and symptoms of a stroke so that you can seek aid right away because the damage happens swiftly and can be fatal. So here in this blog, we will discuss about brain stroke, types of brain stroke, warning signs, symptoms and preventions.

What is brain stroke called?

A sudden bleed in a brain blood vessel or a blood vessel obstruction in the brain causes brain stroke, a frequent neurological illness today. A stroke is also known as a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or a brain attack, which can sometimes be treated or avoided. Because a stroke prevents oxygen from reaching the brain, brain cells and tissues gradually deteriorate, which may eventually result in brain death. The risk of stroke can also be increased by other medical conditions such as high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol (hyperlipidemia), type 2 diabetes, and a history of stroke, heart attack, or irregular heartbeats.

Read More Blog: Glioblastoma Everything You Must Know About This Brain Cancer

What are the types of a brain stroke?

Ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack (TIA) and hemorrhagic stroke are the three types of brain stroke that arise in the human brain.

  • Ischemic stroke occurs when the arteries carrying blood to the brain get blocked, and these blood clots or drastically reduced cerebral blood flow are the leading causes of these blockages.
  • Although TIA is not typically regarded as a full-blown stroke, it happens when the blood supply to the brain is temporarily compromised. It is a crucial indicator that a potential stroke may occur.
  • A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when an artery in the brain breaks, leaking blood that increases pressure inside the skull, expanding the brain and harming its cells and structures. Some leading causes of this stroke include uncontrollable high blood pressure, excessive blood thinner use, accidents, and protein buildup in blood vessels.

Warning signs of a brain stroke

The signs of a brain stroke might appear unexpectedly and swiftly. Understanding the warning symptoms is essential to receive immediate medical care and avoiding death or disability. The warning signs of a stroke with the acronym FAST are facial drooping, arm weakness, and speech problems. Stroke can strike abruptly, with catastrophic effects. Severe headache, disorientation, dizziness, nausea, loss of balance, numbness, difficulty speaking or walking, vision problems, and weakness are some more stroke signs that may appear in the human body.

What are the symptoms of a brain stroke?

Strokes block oxygen flow to the brain, which can cause substantial, permanent damage and even be fatal if not feasted quickly. Knowing the signs of a stroke is essential because the quicker someone seeks medical attention, the less severe the damage will be. There are some symptoms through which you can be aware of the stroke, that is-

  • Sudden onset numbness or weakness typically affects one side of the body and affects the face, arms, or legs.
  • An inability to communicate due to confusion.
  • Difficulty speaking or understanding.
  • Fuzzy vision.
  • Dizziness, loss of balance, and immobility.
  • Unknown cause of a severe headache.
  • Sickness or vomiting.
  • Sudden dizziness.

Brain stroke treatments-

While the causes of different strokes vary, the treatment for strokes remains the same. Strokes brought on by blood clots are typically treated by removing the blood clot using methods like Surgery, Mechanical thrombectomy, and Clot-busting drugs.

Surgery- A frequent kind of treatment for blood clots is surgical removal, which involves physically opening the artery through surgery and having the lump removed by the doctors. But surgery to remove the brain tumor carries risks like infection and bleeding in brain tumor surgery.

Mechanical thrombectomy- A catheter must be placed into a significant blood artery to administer mechanical thrombectomy. This instrument handles the automatic evacuation of clots. The odds of a successful outcome are higher if the surgery is performed within 6 to 24 hours of the stroke.

Clot-busting drugs- Blood clots can be removed with the aid of thrombolytic drugs, thereby reducing the risk of stroke. One of the most widely used medications to treat strokes is alteplase IV r-tPA.


What are brain stroke preventions?

Prevention is always preferable to treatment; therefore, you should lower your stroke risk by changing to a healthy lifestyle. You may continue your healthy lifestyle modifications by keeping your blood pressure and blood sugar levels within the normal range. You should eat a healthy diet, abstain from smoking and engage in frequent physical activity.

Brain strokes can happen to anyone, and many different things can cause them. Brain stroke occurs due to many environmental, genetic, and lifestyle variables. You can dramatically reduce your stroke risk by making lifestyle changes. Brain stroke prevention may benefit from preventive medicine and appropriate medical advice. But if you are suffering from a brain stroke or tumor, you should consult Oncoplus, the best cancer hospital in Delhi, India, for brain stroke or brain tumor treatment.


6 Lifestyle Changes to Improve Life after Breast Cancer Treatment

In India, breast cancer affects more women than any other type of cancer, and it is the most common cancer among women nowadays. If women are breast cancer survivors, there is no one right way to heal, feel better, cope, or change their life. There are many types of breast cancer treatment in India, and people from globally visit here for the best treatment. Because the cost of treatment in India is quite low as compared to other countries.

Read More Blog: Common Misconceptions About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can start in one or both breasts of women as well as men also. Now, you must be wondering that it can be start in men also, right? But yes, indeed, men can also have breast cancer. Although receiving a cancer diagnosis is never pleasant news, it frequently offers people a teaching opportunity. After many cancer diagnoses, people began considering ways to enhance their health. Any physician will advise you about specific lifestyle modifications that can increase people's chances of survival. Additionally, these adjustments may help the patient feel better and be better able to handle the illness.

Finding out that you have breast cancer can be financially, emotionally, and mentally devastating. Fortunately, if breast cancer is detected early and the patient receives proper treatment, there is a good chance that they will live a long, healthy and happy life. However, it would help if you changed your lifestyle to make the most of your life better after breast cancer treatment. Just keep in mind that life can be joyful after cancer. So here are some tips to help you live a regular and healthy life.

Changes in lifestyle for cancer survivors

A nutritious diet and regular exercise can help cancer survivors manage their cancer treatment's side effects. Cancer survivors can also enjoy healthy or stable life by applying these lifestyle changes to their daily routines. Let's talk about some lifestyle modifications that cancer survivors can use to make a significant improvement in their life.

Eat a healthy diet

Healthy eating habits among cancer survivors help to prevent cancer recurrence and other chronic diseases, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and excess weight. After cancer treatment, a survivor can regain strength by following a balanced diet of whole and low-fat foods. Experts advise adopting a diet high in plant-based foods, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc., and some lean proteins like chicken, meat, fish and low-fat dairy products. You should avoid foods containing extra calories, red meat, processed meat, etc.

Read More Blog: How Your Dietary Habit Influence Cancer Disease

Maintain your physical fitness

Substantial evidence supports the idea that regular physical activity at greater levels can lower the risk of cancer. Following breast cancer treatment, you could put on a lot of weight, which might change your appearance. Therefore, it is essential to get back in shape through physical activity. One can begin with low-impact workouts that burn calories without putting too much stress on the body, such as walking, cycling, dancing, or yoga. To steadily improve your strength and endurance over time, you should gradually increase the quantity of exercise you do each day because it is considered that physical fitness is essential after cancer treatment.

Read More Blog: Physical Activity And Cancer Risk

Managing challenging feelings

After cancer treatment, you may deal with some of your most troubling feelings, including stress, anxiety, depression, fear of recurrence, and other strong emotions that can affect your recovery. It may slow your recovery and make it harder to maintain a healthy life. It would be best if you got involved in fun or entertaining things like getting together with your friends, watching a movie, laughing loudly or walking the dog, which can reduce stress and cheer up your mood.

Avoid alcohol, tobacco & smoking

Most cancer survivors who experience stress and anxiety believe drinking alcohol, using tobacco products, and smoking is the best ways to cope with their condition. But they aren't aware that it raises the danger of developing chronic illnesses and premature death. Doctors advise using stress-reduction strategies like guided visualisation, meditation, and yoga for at least 30 to 40 minutes daily. Spend time engaging in your hobbies or favourite activities to shield yourself from unwanted influences. You will also receive rigorous advice from your consultant to abstain from tobacco, alcohol and smoking.

Routine post-treatment check-ups

A routine check-up is crucial for cancer survivors because it helps to spot physical changes, control side effects from cancer therapy, and keep track of your general health. To help you heal your treated body, your consultant will collaborate with you to develop a personalised follow-up care plan. Your regular check-up can be of any kind, like blood tests, body-check-up, physical exams, etc. To manage your lifestyle effectively, your consultant may also suggest you to consult a dietitian, psychologist or physiotherapist.

While changing one's lifestyle is a dynamic process that is frequently in crisis and flux throughout breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, it is not a written prescription that never changes. The first and most crucial step is to take care of oneself; this is self-care. So, apply these strategies we've covered in the blog to start caring for your body and soul. If your loved ones have any problems related to breast cancer, then you must consult the experts at Oncoplus, as it is considered the best cancer hospital in Delhi, India. Since cancer treatment can have many side effects and the changes may affect you physically or emotionally. But no need to worry about this, as you can easily overcome the issues.





What are the most common cancers in women?

Cancer causes death in both men and women, but there are some cancers that affect women the most. Generally, cancer occurs in women due to environmental factors, lifestyle decisions, and also because of family medical history. Women have no control over their family history, but they can make healthy lifestyle choices by maintaining their body weight, getting regular exercise, and also by quitting smoking if they smoke. The cancers that affect women the most are breast, colorectal, cervical, skin, endometrial, lung, and ovarian cancers. The best cancer treatment for women is available at Oncoplus Hospital. In this blog, you will learn about the common cancers that affect women.

The following are the most common cancers that affect women:

  1. Breast Cancer:

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, and it can occur in women of any age. The risk of cancer goes up when they get older. Early detection of breast cancer, when it is small and has not spread, can be easy to treat and does not cause death. Every woman should be aware of the risk factors for breast cancer and what she can do to reduce her risk. Age, family history, genes, race, dense breast tissue, previous radiation treatment to the chest, if menopause continues after age 55, late pregnancy, birth control pills, being overweight and drinking, and so on are all risk factors for breast cancer.

Read More Blog: Breast Cancer Beyond The Basics

  1. Skin Cancer:

Skin cancer is more common in women with fair skin than in women with darker skin. Skin cancer occurs when there is abnormal growth of skin cells in the body and is caused by direct skin exposure to sunlight. The three most prevalent kinds of skin cancer are malignant melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma. Exposure to UV rays, having light skin, having a weak immune system, having precancerous skin disease, being female, being older, having a history of sunburn, having previously had skin cancer, having human papillomavirus (HPV), and having previously received radiation therapy are all risk factors for developing skin cancer. To prevent skin cancer, you should avoid direct exposure to the sun, wear sun-protective clothing, apply sunscreen lotion to your entire body, avoid recreational sunbathing, do not use sun lamps or tanning beds, and examine the skin regularly.

3. Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer occurs when there is abnormal cell growth in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. When cells in the ovaries and fallopian tubes grow out of control and develop tumors, it leads to ovarian cancer. The factors that increase the risk of developing ovarian cancer include older age, inherited gene changes, family history of ovarian cancer, being overweight, postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy, endometriosis, and the age when menstruation started and ended. Epithelial ovarian cancer is the most common type of cancer, and its subtypes include serous carcinoma, endometrioid carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma, and mucinous carcinoma. If you want to prevent ovarian cancer, then you must exercise regularly, avoid carcinogens, use oral contraceptives, be pregnant or breastfeed, and follow a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Lung Cancer

When abnormal cells in the lungs grow out of control, it causes lung cancer. If the cells grow, then they form a tumor, and if the tumor spreads outside of the lungs, then it is known as metastases. Lung cancer basically affects the lungs of your body, i.e., the two spongy organs that let you breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. The windpipe is known as the trachea, which is divided into the bronchia, bronchioles, and alveoli. A person can experience lung cancer in any of these locations. The risk factors for lung cancer are smoking and secondhand smoke. The symptoms of lung cancer are shortness of breath, a prolonged and lasting cough, chest pain, and bloody mucous. If you want to prevent lung cancer, then quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke.

Read More Blog: Early Diagnosis Helps Fight Lung Cancer

  1. Endometrial cancer:

This type of cancer occurs in the endometrium, which is the inner lining of the uterus. When the woman gets older, the risk of endometrial cancer increases. A woman's risk of developing this cancer can be increased if you use things that affect hormone levels, such as estrogen without progesterone and tamoxifen for breast cancer prevention. The factors that increase the risk of endometrial cancer are the early onset of menstrual periods, late menopause, if the women do not have children, obesity, and if there is a history of infertility.

These are the most common types of cancers that affect women. If you want to prevent all these types of cancers, then maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly, quit smoking, avoid direct exposure to sunlight, stay away from tobacco, and have regular health check-ups.