How does your diet influence cancer disease?

As we all know, cancer is the leading cause of death. But very few people know that a healthy diet can prevent all types of cancer. A nutritious diet can reduce the risk of developing cancer. There are some foods that contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that may raise or lower cancer risk. Some people who have unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fast food, etc. are more at risk of having cancer. Normally, people who eat a low-fiber and high-fat diet increase their risk of developing cancer. All types of cancer treatment are available at the Oncoplus hospital in Delhi. In this blog, you will learn about the dietary habits that influence cancer disease.

Foods Influencing Cancer Disease:
1. Sugar and refined carbohydrates:

Consuming refined carbohydrates raises blood sugar levels and increases the risk of developing prostate cancer. So, instead of consuming sugary soft drinks, white bread, pasta, sweetened cereals, and processed foods such as pizza, etc., the person should consume unrefined whole grains such as brown rice, barley, whole wheat or multigrain bread, oatmeal, and non-starchy vegetables, etc. This will lower the risk of prostate cancer and help you maintain your health.

  1. Fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables have numerous health benefits because they contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that reduce the risk of cancer in the mouth and stomach. Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage contain an antioxidant, i.e., sulforaphane, that reduces the tumor size by more than 50%, and vegetables such as tomatoes and carrots decrease the risk of prostate and lung cancer.

  1. Processed Meat:

Processed meat is the kind of meat that has been salted, cured, or smoked in order to preserve its flavor. The meat includes salami, chorizo, ham, bacon, and hot dogs. According to a thorough analysis of the data, those who consume a lot of processed meat have a 20–50% higher chance of developing colorectal cancer than those who consume little to no processed meat at all. Additionally, some studies show that eating red meat also increases the risk of developing cancer.

  1. Fiber Food:

Fiber-rich foods move very quickly through the digestive system and lead to easy digestion. This food has been linked to a lower risk of cancer. The foods that contain fiber include whole grains such as barley, oats, spelt, bulgur, and corn. The pulses, such as beans, split peas, and lentils, are rich in fiber.

  1. Alcohol:

If the person consumes alcohol, then it will increase the risk of cancers of the mouth, liver, oesophagus, breast, bowel, pharynx, and larynx. Consuming alcohol at a high level will increase the risk of cancer. Men should consume two drinks per day, and women should consume one drink per day. For smokers, the danger of cancer is significantly higher.

The foods that prevent cancer

The foods that help fight cancer are flaxseeds, vegetables, fruits, spices, beans, legumes, nuts, olive oil, garlic, fish, dairy products, and plant-based diets.

The foods that increase cancer risk are:

The foods that increase the risk of cancer are low-fiber and high-energy. Artificial sweeteners, cured, pickled, or salted foods, burnt or barbecued foods, peanuts, and alcohol are all examples.

Obesity Is Associated With Cancer:

If you eat more calories than your body requires, then it will result in weight gain. People become obese when they consume foods with added sugar and fat. Sugary drinks, full-fat dairy products, and high-fat meats are all high-calorie foods that contribute to obesity. Obesity causes higher cancer risks.

According to the studies, healthy dietary habits provide protection against cancer, such as a diet high in whole foods and lean protein, which prevents cancer. A diet consisting of processed meats, refined carbs, salt, and alcohol increases the risk of cancer. Hence, people suffering from cancer must follow a healthy and balanced diet to improve their quality of life.




Physical Activity Reduces Cancer Risk:

Physical activity is defined as body movements that require energy and use your muscles rather than resting. This includes walking, running, exercising, swimming, dancing, biking, doing housework, and participating in sports. If you perform moderate to vigorous physical activity on a regular basis, it will lower your risk of cancer as well as other chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, etc. The physical activities will make you sweat and increase your heart rate. According to the research, if you avoid sitting and do any kind of physical activity, it will lower your risk of having cancer as well as lessen the side effects of cancer treatment. In this blog, you will learn how physical activity lowers your risk of cancer.

How will exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?

According to the study, people who exercise regularly have a lower risk of developing cancer. Inadequate physical activity causes a variety of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, poor bone health, stroke, and depression. If you make a schedule to perform exercise on a regular basis, it will help you before, during, and after the treatment of cancer. If you rest or sit too much, then your body will not function properly, and your muscles will also get weak. Cancer specialists always urge their patients to be physically active as much as possible because it also lessens the side effects of cancer treatment.

If you exercise, then your body and brain will work better, reduce fatigue, improve your muscle strength, lessen your depression, sleep better, improve your immune system, increase your appetite, maintain a healthy weight, improve the quality of your life, decrease the risk of having cancer in the future, and most importantly, reduce the side effects of cancer treatment.

Physical Activity Lowers Cancer Risk:

  1. Colon Cancer:

Studies reveal that people who exercise frequently have a lower chance of developing colon cancer. People who exercise regularly have a 40% to 50% lower risk of colon cancer than those who don’t exercise. Persons who remain active throughout their lives have the lowest risk of developing colon cancer.

  1. Breast Cancer:

Women who engage themselves in exercise or any kind of physical activity will lower their risk of breast cancer. Inactive women have a higher risk of having cancer; this means that if the activity level of the women is low, it is more likely that they will suffer from cancer. It is very important that women increase their activity level to reduce their risk of cancer.

  1. Bladder Cancer:

Individuals who engaged in the most physical activity had a lower risk of bladder cancer than those who engaged in the least amount of physical activity. People who spend their leisure time doing physical activity will reduce their risk of bladder cancer.

  1. Endometrial cancer:

Endometrial cancer is basically cancer that develops in the lining of the uterus. Women who are physically active have a lower risk of endometrial cancer than those who are inactive. This is because physical activity reduces obesity, and obesity is a major risk factor for endometrial cancer.

  1. Kidney Cancer

The most physically active people had a lower risk of renal cancer than the least active people. The person can utilize their leisure time for physical activity to reduce the risk of kidney cancer.

  1. Stomach Cancer

People who are in the habit of doing regular exercise have a lower risk of stomach cancer compared to those who are less active.

Guidelines for Promoting Physical Activity in Children and Adults:

  1. Children should cut down on TV time and the time they spend playing video games.
  2. Do not use too many computers or electronic devices, as this will reduce your physical activity.
  3. Students should participate in physical activities in school.
  4. Adults should do yoga or participate in dancing to increase their physical activity.
  5. For doing exercise regularly, you should ask your friends, co-workers, or family members to support you.

To lower the risk of cancer, it is very necessary that you schedule exercise in your daily routine. Patients who are suffering from cancer should exercise less vigorously as compared to non-cancer patients. The main motto is to be as active as you can. Hence, you should schedule exercise in your daily routine to reduce cancer risk and make yourself more active.

What Things Should You Know About Thyroid Cancer?

Thyroid cancer is a cancer that starts in the thyroid, which is a butterfly-shaped gland found at the base of the neck. It makes hormones that help control the body’s temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, weight, and blood flow. In the beginning, this cancer did not show any symptoms or causes. But when it grows slowly, it is very dangerous. Small thyroid cancer can be diagnosed through CT and MRI scans, and it can be cured with treatment. The thyroid cancer treatment is available in the cancer hospital. Treatment options for thyroid cancer are surgery, radiation, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, and radioiodine therapy. In this blog, you will learn about the symptoms and treatment options for thyroid cancer.

Thyroid Cancer Symptoms:

The symptoms of thyroid cancer include the following:

Risk Factors for Thyroid Cancer:

Generally, the risk factors for thyroid cancer are low iodine intake, obesity, an enlarged thyroid, if you have a family history of thyroid cancer or thyroiditis, if there is exposure to radioactive rays from nuclear weapons, gene mutations, which also cause endocrine diseases, and if you have had radiation therapy for head and neck cancer.

Thyroid Cancer Types:

The different types of cancer cells include:

  1. Papillary thyroid cancer

This type of thyroid cancer is also known as differentiated thyroid cancer. It can happen at any age, but it most commonly affects people between the ages of 30 and 50.This type of cancer is small, and it spreads to the lymph nodes in the neck. But it is curable and rarely fatal.

  1. Follicular Thyroid Cancer:

Follicular thyroid cancer is a type of cancer that affects people who are older than 50 years. It generally occurs in people who don’t get enough iodine in their diet. Generally, this cancer does not spread to lymph nodes, but it spreads to other parts of the body, such as the lungs or bones.

  1. Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer

This aggressive type of thyroid cancer grows quickly and is very hard to treat. It affects people over the age of 60 and causes severe symptoms such as neck swelling as well as difficulty breathing and swallowing.

  1. Medullary thyroid cancer

This type of cancer basically occurs in people who have a family history of thyroid disease. Genetic mutation is the major cause of this disease. It generally begins in the group of thyroid cells known as C cells. The C-cells produce calcitonin, and this hormone helps to control the level of calcium in the blood at an early stage.

Treatment Options for Thyroid Cancer:

The treatments for thyroid cancer include:

  1. Radioiodine Therapy:

In this therapy, the doctor gives the patient a pill or liquid to swallow that contains a higher dose of radioactive iodine. This radioiodine will destroy the thyroid cancer cells, and the thyroid gland will absorb all the radioiodine. This therapy is completely safe for the patient.

  1. Radiation Therapy:

In this therapy, a machine is used in external radiation therapy to deliver energy beams to the tumor spot. And placing the radioactive seeds in or around the tumor is known as “internal radiation therapy.” This radiation not only prevents cancer cell growth but also kills them.

  1. Chemotherapy:

In chemotherapy, intravenous or oral chemotherapy medicines helps to stop cancer growth as well as kill cancer cells.

  1. Hormone Therapy:

In this therapy, it blocks the release of hormones therapy that are causing cancer to spread in the body.

  1. Surgery:

In the surgery, the surgeon will either remove part of your thyroid gland or the entire gland. This treatment is determined by the size and location of the tumor.

The thyroid cancer is fully curable, and the treatment stops the cancer cells from growing and spreading in different parts of the body. If the treatment does not cure thyroid cancer, it will prevent the cancer cells from spreading.

Common Misconceptions about Breast Cancer:

In cancer disease, there is a group of disorders in the body in which the body’s healthy cells are invaded and abnormal cells grow up. And in breast cancer, there is a collection of cancer cells in the breast tissue that can later spread to other parts of the body. Breast cancer develops when cells grow incorrectly and new cells form in the body that are not needed. If this happens, then it creates a tissue mass known as a lump or tumor. When cancer cells spread to other parts of the body, they damage other organs, and this is known as metastasis. Many people talk about breast cancer, but that is not always based on facts. In this blog, you will read about the common misconceptions about breast cancer.

7 Myths about Breast Cancer:

  1. Myth: If you don’t have a family history of breast cancer, then you are not at risk.

Fact: Generally, 5–10% of breast cancers that occur in women are hereditary, in which abnormal changes in some genes are passed from parent to child. But most of the women who are diagnosed with breast cancer do not have any close family members who suffer from this disease. So, regardless of the family’s medical history, the major risk factors for breast cancer are age, gender, environment, and lifestyle.

  1. Myth: Wearing a bra can increase the risk of cancer.

Fact: There is no evidence showing that wearing a bra can increase the risk of breast cancer. But according to the theory, wearing a bra, particularly one with underwire, will prevent the flow of lymph fluid out of the breast, and this will build up the poisonous compounds in the tissue.

  1. Myth: Mammograms are unsafe and lead to breast cancer.

Fact: A mammogram of the breast helps in detecting the early stage of breast cancer. The radiations produced by the process are not harmful in this technology. Breast compression during a mammogram does not cause cancer and does not spread throughout the body.

  1. Myth: Breast cancer occurs in older women and middle-aged women.

Fact: Breast cancer can also occur in younger women as well as men. The risk factors for breast cancer are gender and age, but breast cancer affects 1 in every 25 women who are under the age of 40. Breast cancer can affect women of all ages, and if any woman develops symptoms of breast cancer, she should monitor her breasts and report any unusual changes in her body to her doctor.

  1. Myth: Carrying a phone in your bra can result in cancer.

Fact: Thereis no evidence that suggests that carrying a phone can lead to cancer. Breast cancer generally occurs in women because of lifestyle and environmental factors. And if you want to reduce the risk of cancer, you should maintain a healthy weight, engage in regular exercise, and also not drink alcohol.

  1. Myth: If there is a lump in the breast, then it means there is breast cancer.

Fact: Normally, very fewbreast lumps turn into cancer. But if you find any kind of change in the breast tissue, or if there is a persistent lump in your breast, you must consult your doctor for an examination. For the betterment of your health, you should schedule screening mammograms and maintain proper communication with your doctor.

  1. Myth: Consuming too much sugar leads to cancer.

Fact: There is no proof that consuming too much sugar contributes to cancer. There is a widespread misconception that sugar can feed cancer and increase its growth. Whether the cells are healthy or cancerous, they use the glucose in the blood. This is a fact: cancer cells use sugar more quickly than healthy cells.

Whether you have breast cancer or not, it is very important that you educate yourself about breast cancer. So that you can make an intelligent decision about the breast cancer treatment option, such as screening.

Symptoms and Causes of Anemia Caused by Iron Deficiency:

Anemia is caused when your blood does not have an adequate amount of healthy red blood cells, which provide oxygen to the body’s tissues. In this situation, it is natural that your body has weakness, is short of breath, and feels tired all the time. This is the common type of anemia that occurs due to the iron deficiency that your body requires to make hemoglobin. Iron supplements are available on the market to cure anemia. But if the patient has internal bleeding, then doctors recommend that they undergo further testing or treatment.

There are many people who do not know that they are suffering from iron-deficiency anemia. Generally, women suffer more from iron deficiency, as there is a loss of iron in the blood due to heavy menstruation or during pregnancy. Not only this, but a poor diet or intestinal diseases also lead to iron-deficiency anemia. In this blog, you will read about the symptoms and causes of anemia caused by iron deficiency.

Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia:

The symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia are general fatigue, pale skin, weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, cravings to eat items that have no nutritional value, swelling in the tongue, headache, brittle nails, cold hands and feet, dizziness, and an irregular heartbeat.

The Main Causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia

The main causes of iron-deficiency anemia are as follows:

  1. Blood loss due to menstruation:

If girls have heavy menstrual bleeding, then due to the excess of blood loss, they suffer from iron-deficiency anemia. And in the case of pregnancy, women’s bodies require more iron in order to create sufficient oxygen for the baby. During pregnancy, mother and child both require blood for proper oxygen.

  1. Inadequate Iron Intake:

A deficiency of iron occurs in your body when you eat a small amount of iron over a long period of time. It is recommended to consume nutritious foods that are high in iron, like meat, eggs, and green leafy vegetables. Pregnant women and young children require more iron-rich foods in their diets because iron is essential for the growth and development of the body.

  1. Genetic Issue:

There are some diseases, such as celiac disease, that run in families and make it difficult to absorb sufficient iron. The issue occurs due to genetic disorders or mutations. This type of genetic disorder prevents your intestines from absorbing iron. Other genetic disorders can also result in anemia.

  1. Internal bleeding:

Internal bleeding can also occur from medical disorders, which can result in iron-deficiency anemia. Examples of internal bleeding are colon cancer, stomach ulcers, and polyps in the colon or intestines. All types of cancer treatment are available in Delhi. Not only this, but regular use of painkillers like aspirin can lead to stomach bleeding.

  1. inability to absorb iron

The ability to absorb iron in your body can also be affected by intestinal conditions or surgeries. Even if you consume an adequate amount of iron in your diet, diseases like celiac disease or gastric bypass surgery will reduce the amount of iron in your body.

How to Diagnose Iron-Deficiency Anemia

Iron-deficiency Anemia can be diagnosed with a complete medical history and physical examination. Doctors recommend an iron deficiency check-up when there are problems in your body like complaints of tiredness, abnormal paleness, a fast heartbeat, etc. The medical examination of iron deficiency is through a blood test that measures the amount of hemoglobin present in your body, which will measure the amount of iron present in the blood. Other tests for iron deficiency are bone marrow aspiration or biopsy, and upper or lower endoscopy.

Treatment for iron-deficiency anemia can be determined by the doctor according to your age, health, and medical history. Eat an iron-rich diet like meat, chicken, fish, broccoli, whole-wheat bread, etc. to raise the iron level in the blood. It is suggested that, before taking an iron supplement, always consult your doctor for your daily iron requirement.

Early Diagnosis Helps Fight Lung Cancer

Lung cancer starts in the lungs when the cells in the body start to grow out of control. This form of cancer kills more people per year as compared to other forms of cancer. According to the research of the American Lung Association, if lung cancer is diagnosed in its early stages, it is easy to stop, the chances of survival increase, and the lung cancer treatment is more likely to be successful.

If cancer care is delayed, then the chances of survival are less, and so many problems get associated with the treatment. Hence, early diagnosis provides care to the patient, which is very important for their health. In this blog, you will learn how early diagnosis helps fight lung cancer.

Two Types of Lung Cancer:

  1. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC):

Generally, 80% of the people who suffer from lung cancer have NSCLC. There are three types of NSCLC: adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma. These types of lung cancer begin in different types of lung cells, but their treatments are normally similar.

  1. Small cell lung cancer (SCLC):

SCLC is also known as oat cell cancer. This type of lung cancer spreads and grows more quickly than NSCLC. Generally, when someone suffers from SCLC, the cancer is already spread throughout their body when it is diagnosed. After this, the cancer grows quickly in the patient’s body, and it responds to chemotherapy and radiation therapy. But, for many people, cancer returns after some time.

Symptoms of Lung Cancer:

Normally, the symptoms of lung cancer do not develop until the cancer is at an advanced stage. That is why smokers who are between the ages of 55 and 77 should be regularly screened for lung cancer if the symptoms are not observed.

  1. If the patient has a worse cough that does not go away,
  2. In case the patient found blood in the cough or rust-colored sputum.
  3. chest pain with a shortness of breath
  4. Patient suffers from loss of appetite and weight loss.
  5. Regularly if the person is feeling tired or weak.

What are the causes of lung cancer?

The causes of lung cancer are smoking, exposure to radon, air pollution, and secondhand smoke. Sometimes, the person who doesn’t smoke suffers from lung cancer when they are exposed to asbestos, diesel exhaust, or other chemicals. And gene changes also result in lung cancer.

Hence, lung cancer can be cured with an early diagnosis. The patient should go for CT scans, because early diagnosis is very important. If the lung cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, then it increases the chance of a high survival rate and also ensures a successful treatment. If you are not a smoker and haven’t smoked for years, you should talk to your doctor about the benefits of a CT scan. Don’t wait until it’s too late, as it can save your life and also reduce the cost of treatment. But if you have any symptoms, then you must consult your doctor right away.

Do Solar Panels Increase the Risk of Cancer?

Some people have a myth about solar panels that they release dangerous radiation, which is harmful for human beings and leads to cancer. But the fact is that all these myths about solar panels are false. Up till now, there has been no evidence found that proves that the solar panel or radiation causes cancer.

In this rapidly technological age, it is very important for people to take care of their health. But solar panels are made with non-toxic silicon cells, and it is this beneficial strategy that reduces the risk of lung cancer. Because the electricity that is generated by these solar panels is direct current and doesn’t generate electromagnetic fields. In fact, it improves the environment by reducing emissions from natural gas fracking. All type of cancer can be cured with Cancer treatment. In this article, you will read about the cancer myths of people related to solar panels in detail.

How is solar energy produced by solar panels?

Normally, solar panels are placed on the roofs of homes, businesses, and solar farms. These panels use solar technology known as photovoltaic (PV) technology. When the sun emits solar radiation, then the cells in the solar panel use photovoltaic technology to absorb the radiation and then convert it into electricity. After this, people store this electricity in batteries.

And in large power plants, solar panels use solar technology known as concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) and then turn it into electricity.

Can Solar Panels Cause Cancer?

Domestic solar panels are made up of silicon that is completely safe for humans. And solar panels have a protective covering of glass that prevents human exposure. As a result, people do not come into direct contact with solar panels, so it is not harmful to them. Also, there is no evidence that says that solar panels are causing cancer in humans. But, it has been observed that, according to other electricity-generating sources, solar power reduces the risk of Lung cancer as it does not create any kind of pollution.

Are the materials used to make solar panels toxic?

Solar panels are generally made up of glass, an aluminum frame, plastic, and wires. The cells on solar panels are made up of silicon that is used to capture sunlight, which is totally safe for humans.

In these panels, there is a small amount of hazardous materials, i.e. lead, which is used in wiring, but it is encased behind protective glass and an aluminum frame, so there is no risk. And most importantly, people do not come into direct contact with solar panels, even if the solar panels are placed on the roof of their house.

Do the radiations emitted by solar panels pose any health risks?

Electricity comes from solar panels, and when it is transmitted to the power grid, it emits weak electromagnetic fields. In a photovoltaic (PV) system, the solar panel generates direct current, which is converted into alternating current with the help of a solar inverter. This is a source of electromagnetic (EM) fields and radio frequency (RF) radiation.

However, because they have very low-frequency radiation at the low end, neither of these radiations causes any health problems. Whereas high frequency radiation is harmful, which can lead to DNA and cell damage.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there has been no evidence that shows that solar panels are harmful to human health. But, if there is any health issue that exists from low-level electromagnetic fields, then it will be very small compared to the other health issues that occur in people.

Altogether, solar panels and its radiation do not cause cancer in humans but it provides benefit like it reduces the air-pollution which leads to lungs cancer. For the treatment of lung cancer, you can visit the best cancer hospital in Delhi.

According to the research of 2022 by American Society of Clinical Oncology, immunotherapy helps to improve the health of people who are suffering from advanced liver cancer and biliary tract cancer. This therapy improves the immune system of the patient by using their own body parts to fight diseases such as cancer. In other words, immunotherapy boosts the body parts of the patient so that they work smarter and fight cancer cells.

Biliary Tract Cancer develops in the bile duct (slender tubes) inside the liver (intrahepatic) or outside the liver (extrahepatic).The bile duct connects your liver to the small intestine and the gallbladder. Bile duct cancer mostly occurs after the age of 50 and is also known as cholangiocarcinoma. In this blog, you will read about liver cancer treatment with immunotherapy.

Symptoms of Biliary Tract Cancer:

The Causes of Biliary Tract Cancer:

Normally, bile duct cancer occurs if the cells in the bile duct have changes in their DNA. And DNA is the chemical that is present in the cell and gives instructions to the cell on what to do. If there are changes in the cell, then it can give rise to tumors that can destroy healthy body tissues.

Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and nitrosamines are some of the chemicals that cause bile duct cancer. People who work in rubber plants or in the automotive industry are generally exposed to these chemicals.

Factors that Increase the Risk of Biliary Tract Cancer:

How Does Immunotherapy Help to Prevent Liver Cancer?

People who are suffering from advanced liver cancer cannot be cured with surgery. According to recent research, to prevent liver cancer, doctor’s use a combination of immunotherapy drugs, i.e., tremelimumab targets CTLA-4 & durvalumab (Imfinzi) targets the PD-1 protein, which helps people deal with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. This immunotherapy uses the body’s parts and improves the immune system so that it fights against cancer cells.

And people who are suffering from advanced biliary duct tract cancer also get relief from immunotherapy. To prevent biliary duct cancer, the combination of immunotherapy drugs, i.e., durvalumab (Imfinzi) with chemotherapy drugs like gemcitabine (Gemstar) and cisplatin, helped the patients live longer.

Liver cancer and biliary duct cancer cannot be removed with surgery. The patients can visit the best cancer hospital in Delhi for immunotherapy treatment. So, the immunotherapy treatment improves the health of patients suffering from cancer. The overall response rate of these immunotherapy treatments is that they stop the cancer from growing or shrinking in patients. But the side effects of this treatment are anemia, neutropenia, and nausea.


Read More Blog : Immunotherapy For Cancer Treatment In Delhi

A mastectomy is a treatment for breast cancer in which all the breast tissues, extra fat, and skin are removed by the surgeon from a breast in order to prevent breast cancer. And mastectomy with aesthetic flat closure means when a person decides to leave their chest flat after the mastectomy treatment rather than having breast reconstruction surgery.

According to the research, many surgeons do not support this decision to go flat. But, there are some women who feel comfortable with their decision to go flat, and there are a few women who are not satisfied with their decision.

A person who is suffering from breast cancer can make their final decision by consulting with their doctors. The best oncology hospital in Delhi is Oncoplus Hospital, where patients get the best advice and treatment for cancer. You will learn about mastectomy with flat closure treatment here.

What is going flat after a mastectomy?

When a woman undergoes mastectomy surgery and chooses to have a flat chest, they do not go for breast reconstruction after mastectomy or decide to have no reconstruction. Women who decided to have a flat closure for various reasons: they did not want to have additional surgeries; they did not want a foreign object in their body; they wanted to avoid the risk of surgery complications; and also avoid the risk of other health issues in their body.

Patients can make the decision of no breast reconstruction according to their lifestyle and preferences. Going flat after a mastectomy is the best option for a woman who has suffered from discomfort, pain, and surgery-related complications.

When do doctors recommend mastectomy for breast cancer?


How to Recover From Mastectomy with No Breast Reconstruction

The patient who undergoes mastectomy with no breast reconstruction usually recovers more quickly than those who undergo mastectomy with breast reconstruction. To achieve flat closure, the patient goes through one procedure, but sometimes more than one.

In the first week after mastectomy, the patient feels pain as well as discomfort around the wound area. Normally, it takes 3 to 6 weeks to recover from a mastectomy. If the patient wants to recover quickly from mastectomy, then they should take rest when they feel tired, avoid lifting weights, walk regularly, and avoid activities like aerobics or jogging. If the patients want to drive again, they must ask their surgeon when they can drive again.

The best cancer treatment in Delhi is available at Oncoplus Hospital, where the latest technology is available to fight against cancer.

Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) is basically a tumor that originates in the gastrointestinal tract of the human stomach. In 2021, approximately 4,000 to 6,000 people will be diagnosed with GIST in the United States. GIST has no known cause, but it is linked to a mutation in the expression of the KIT protein.

If the person is suffering from Stromal Tumors, then they will feel abdominal pain, vomiting, blood in the stool, fatigue, and a feeling that their stomach is full even if they eat a small amount. The top oncology hospital in Delhi, which provides cancer treatment, is the Oncoplus Hospital. A CT scan is the best way to diagnose GIST in the body.

Normally, targeted therapies are used to cure the genes and proteins that help the cancer cells grow. This therapy treatment is provided in advanced cases when the patient’s tumor cannot be removed or when they do not respond to chemotherapy. In this article, you will learn about targeted drug therapy, which is used to treat GIST.

What are the factors on which the treatment depends?

At Oncoplus Hospital, you will get the best oncologist in Delhi. The doctors first determine various factors before giving the treatment to the patient. Like, the size of the tumor, genetic makeup, location of the tumor, whether the tumor has spread or not, and whether the tumor has ruptured on its own or because of surgery.

Targeted Drug Therapy 

The drugs prescribed by doctors to treat targeted therapy are:

  1. Imatinib:

This is the first drug that is used to treat people suffering from GIST. It targets both KIT and PDGFRA proteins and blocks the tumor cells’ growth. Normally, this drug is helpful in advanced stages when the GIST is not completely removed with surgery or if the tumor is large and hard to remove, so in that situation, Imatinib is used to shrink the tumor to make the surgery possible.

  1. Sunitinib:

This drug is given to a patient whose tumor has not been stopped with Imatinib or if the patient cannot continue to take Imatinib for a long time. In this situation, doctors prescribed them Sunitinib, which is best for advanced GIST. It targets the KIT gene and also helps in preventing blood vessel growth in tumor. But there are some side effects of this drug, such as high blood pressure, heart problems, increased bleeding, and also liver problems.

  1. Ripretinib:

When Imatinib and Sunitinib are not helpful for treating people, then Ripretinib is given to the patient in advanced cases of GIST. This drug helps to shrink and slow tumor growth. It also targets kinase proteins such as KIT and PDGFRA. But sometimes the patients face some side effects like headaches, vomiting, high blood pressure, etc.

For more information about the targeted therapy for treating advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors, you can visit the top oncology hospital in Delhi.