A liquid biopsy is a test done on a blood sample to detect whether cancer cells from a tumour are circulating in the blood or to look for pieces of DNA from tumour cells that are moving in the blood. A liquid biopsy can be used to help detect cancer at an early stage and may also be used to plan treatment or to find out how successfully the treatment is working or if the cancer returns. After taking multiple samples of blood over a period of time doctors may better understand what type of molecular changes are taking place in a tumour.
Over the last decade, the idea of precision medicine has changed dramatically and renewed medical oncology; the use of patient-tailored therapies has also greatly improved all measurable outcomes of the best cancer treatment available. Liquid biopsy is a revolutionary technique that has unlocked hitherto unexpected perspectives. As explained above, it detects and isolates circulating tumour cells, tumour DNA and exosomes, it is also a source of genomic and proteomic information on patients with cancer. A lot of technical difficulties have been overcome because of this newly developed technique and next-generation sequencing analysis. This allows doctors a broad range of applications of liquid biopsy to a wide range of treatments for cancer.
At first only correlated to prognosis, liquid biopsy data is today being studied for cancer diagnosis, including screenings, and most importantly for predicting the response or resistance to treatments. Particularly, identifying the specific mutations in targeted genes can help make better therapeutic decisions, both for the appropriateness of treatment and in the prior identification of secondary resistance, along with early diagnoses for disease progression. Unfortunately application is still far from reality but dedicated research is paving the way for a new era in oncological treatment .
It is also found that liquid biopsies provide a noninvasive approach to tumour molecular profiling without having to extract tumour tissue. The future development of liquid biopsies can have many clinical applications, for people seeking the best cancer treatment. It will allow screening the presence of disease, clear patient case profiling and therapy selection.
For anyone concerned that current methods are inadequate, liquid biopsies may hold the promise of overcoming many drawbacks associated with tissue biopsies, it is likely that the latter will remain the standard for years to come
Is COVID-19 more dangerous for people with blood cancer
In this unfortunate time of Coronavirus, all of us have to be careful, get vaccinated, and take extra care. However, those of us who live with terminal or long term diseases like cancer have to be even more vigilant than others because of much greater risk of exposure and far poorer outcomes if we were to get
infected by the virus. Having cancer, and going through certain treatments for cancer can greatly suppress the body’s immune system, and this side effect in particular is very worrisome in any prospective fight against Covid-19.
Recent research findings from a study conducted in the UK on cancer patients who had COVID-19 revealed that when it came to this particular virus, all cancers did not carry
the same risks. Particularly, patients who had blood cancers like leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma were found to be more prone to facing severe cases of COVID-19, and leukemia patients in particular were found to be at more than twice the odds of dying from the virus, as suggested by findings by the U.K. Coronavirus Cancer Monitoring Project (UKCCMP).
From March; the study compared recorded data from 1,044 cancer patients who had COVID-19 to about 145,000 cancer patients who didn’t have it. After taking factors like age, sex and tumor type into consideration, the investigators found:
• Patients who had blood cancer were at a fifty seven percent higher risk of getting a severe case of COVID-19 compared to patients with other cancer types.
• Blood cancer patients who underwent chemotherapy fairly recently were also at a higher risk of dying from COVID-19.
• Patients who had leukemia were at a “significantly increased case-fatality rate.”
• Patients above 80 had the greatest odds of succumbing to the virus.
• However, patients who also had prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and cancers of the female reproductive system seemed to be at far lower risk of getting infected or dying from COVID-19.
In theory those who have blood cancer could be harder hit by COVID-19, since hematological malignancies can cause abnormalities with bone marrow—the spongy tissue inside the bones that makes white and red blood cells and platelets. Without white blood cells, the ability to fight infections also decreases. In the case of blood cancers ‘The Lancet Oncology’ has reported cytotoxic treatments like chemotherapy and radiation reduce the number of white blood cells, potentially putting blood cancer patients’ at greater risk of infection.
Myeloma have antibody COVID vaccine response ?
Patients who have active chronic lymphocytic leukaemia or multiple myeloma seem to have significantly lower antibody responses to COVID-19 vaccines than healthy individuals, according to recent reports, with the studies suggesting that both cancer treatment and the cancer itself might be responsible for this.
An Israeli study found individuals who had leukaemia and myeloma had a greatly lower rate of immune response to the two-dose vaccines from Pfizer and BioNTech compared with healthy people who got the same.
Patients with myeloma and leukaemia are more predisposed to developing infections because of inherent immune defects related to their primary disease and also as a result of therapy. The mechanisms underlying the immunodeficiency in both could also impair the response to vaccination markedly.
Other findings reported that senior patients with multiple myeloma were also likely to have far less robust responses to these vaccines.
The key takeaway is that the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccines produces rather low levels of neutralizing antibody response among senior patients who have multiple myeloma.
We need more research and data to know the overall results of the second dose as well as the results among younger patients with multiple myeloma. But remember, it is vitally necessary for myeloma patients to get the both doses of the vaccine for a better response.
Almost 75 days after the first vaccine dose, no patient developed COVID-19 infection during the period and no substantial differences were found associated with the vaccine.
According to results, only 39.5% of patients with myeloma had a positive antibody-mediated response to the vaccine.
For multiple myeloma after a single dose of the vaccine, antimyeloma therapy appeared to negatively affect the neutralizing antibody production, although study of more patients is needed to evaluate the effects of specific antimyeloma regimens on the immune responses of anti-COVID-19 vaccination, the researchers noted. But there was good response after both doses.
Get both vaccine shots, they will surely help
Impact of covid-19 on cancer
As the coronavirus strains mutate and evolve, scientists are finding out a lot more about the virus and how it indeed affects people of different ages, medical histories, and other underlying conditions. From the very beginning, experts came to realize that older adults and people who had medical conditions like heart complications, cancer, diabetes, etc are at greater risk from COVID-19. The recent mutations in India and the rapid rate at which the infection has spread are worrying, even more so if you have a cancer patient. First off, there is not much to worry about if you follow all necessary guidelines and take precautions seriously.
COVID affects the lungs and when the lungs don’t work fully, the heart works harder to pump oxygen-filled blood into the body. This extra stress can prove dangerous for people as hemoglobin comes to become redundant for carrying oxygen.
Over the past two years, people who visit us seeking the best cancer treatment in Delhi have indeed proved to be at slightly higher risk. People undergoing cancer treatment in Delhi are thought to be immunocompromised; the capacity to fight the diseases is not adequate. Added to being immunocompromised, cancer patients who are older or have comorbidities such as heart disease, or diabetes will probably find the fight back harder. If a cancer patient contracts the COVID – 19 infection the probability of organ-related complications rises due to going for treatment like radiation therapy, kidney removal, or chemotherapy which suppress the immunity. If you’re currently undergoing treatment for cancer in Delhi, or anywhere; read on to know how cancer affects COVID-19 recovery.
General guidelines like washing your hands frequently and properly with soap and water for 20 seconds, using sanitizes with 60 percent alcohol, wearing a mask, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unclean hands, social distancing, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces daily, etc should be adhered to.
Yes you can! Make the most of technology and video call your doctors and avoid moving out, we do teleconsultations for cancer patients and they’ve proven effective.
Ideally, don’t skip any chemotherapy but in case you’ve missed out due to the lockdown then you can’t really do anything about it. In cancer treatment normally, after every 3 months, we can alter the treatment but if the gap widens to more than 3 months and is between 2 consecutive cycles then the benefits are lost. So get in touch with our consultants and we will arrange the safest cancer treatment in Delhi for you, in accordance with strict covid protocols and international safety guidelines.
Coping with intimacy and Cancer treatment.
Not everyone who has cancer or is in remission will experience changes in sexual desire or how they think about themselves sexually and they might not notice any changes at all. However, we may find cancer changing our body, and this might affect the way we feel about ourselves and sex: trust us this is completely normal and justified.
Some might lose interest in sex altogether and feel very beat down while some people feel they would like to have more sex more than usual. If someone is in a relationship, a crisis like cancer can end up bringing couples much closer together.
As people are different, so are their different sexual needs, it really is impossible to say exactly if and how cancer will affect anyone’s sexuality and sex life. Certain forms of cancer and their ensuing treatment can have an effect on your ability or change your desire to have sex more than others. If you are in a loving caring relationship your concerns might be different from someone who is single.
If feelings towards your body, or what you think of having sex change during the cancer treatment, it doesn’t mean it’ll last forever. Effective communication with your partner or doctor on your worries can help ease them.
Living with cancer or getting treatment can cause sickness or feelings of being sick, fatigue, mood changes, irritation, depression, bladder and bowel troubles, oral issues, breathing complications, hormone changes, and body image issues. tiredness (fatigue)
People might not feel like having sex if they have any of these side effects or feelings: and that is completely understandable.
Some people say they feel less attractive to themselves because of them. There might not be enough energy for you to take as much interest in your appearance or grooming as you once did.
If you are a partner of someone in this situation, you might worry about your partner seeming so low and out. This is understandable. But remember that many people feel much better once treatment is over, or if their symptoms improve.
Painkillers can help if you have a lot of pain because of y our cancer, just plan a little in advance. For example, you could take the painkillers 30 to 60 minutes beforehand and not worry later.
This can last for some time after cancer treatment is over. Many people feel better and stronger within a couple of months after treatment. But some feel exhausted for as long as a year, particularly if they had intensive chemotherapy.
Not wanting to or not feeling like having sex if you are very tired is totally understandable. So a gentle simple touch can help propel feel cared for and get rid of any anxiety and depression they may have.
Feelings can be better than sex if you and your partner like being close to each other, touching, kissing, talking or just holding hands.Life is beautiful and it’s always better when you’re loved and supported. It is always good to agree on what is acceptable to each of you, so have a word with other about your concerns and fears. Don’t be afraid of sharing what you like, and don’t like. Talking about sex can be a little uneasy, but talking about your real feelings and what you both want as individuals can be very reassuring, and can feel a lot like love.
Foods that can lower the risk of Cancers
Cancers have been universally considered as one of the deadliest diseases, after reaching a specific stage, it is very well known for being fatal, though a few cancers can be cured, yet numerous people die every year because of cancers across the world. Awareness and early detection are key, precaution and catching the disease at an early stage can assist with management. A lot of time cancer becomes serious and it becomes very tough to detect in the initial stages. Taking precautionary measures to catch the disease at an initial stage can prevent it from getting serious and fatal, this makes preventive health check-ups of extreme importance.
It can become extremely difficult to manage the disease if people diagnosed with it do not make necessary lifestyle and diet changes. Most clinicians advise to give up certain habits and bring about change in the diet to stay away from cancer. Speak with our expert nutritionist at Oncoplus Hospitals, Defence Colony, New Delhi on what you should and shouldn’t eat.
There are numerous foods, which can help you stay away from this dreadful disease. A few of them are given below. Try and include them in your daily diet to keep cancers at bay.
Diseases like cancer slowly grows in the body. In a few cases there are almost no symptoms of the disease, it is therefore extremely necessary that early detection is done to catch the disease at an early stage. Get in touch with leading oncologists at Oncoplus Hospital, Defence Colony, New Delhi, and stay ahead of Cancer, always remember Cancer Can be cured, if caught early.
Cancer affects people mentally and physically
Depression is quite common with those diagnosed with cancer. Studies state that, about one in four people with cancer have clinical depression. People often go through feelings of sadness, emptiness and hopelessness. Often there is loss of interest in things, people have also reported trouble in thinking straight or concentrating. There is extremely high levels of fatigue, tiredness, and exhaustion. A few symptoms also include nausea, stomach pains, or digestive problems. Cancer patients may also struggle with changes in mood, agitation or restlessness, sleep disturbances, including insomnia or oversleeping. Depression symptoms normally overlap with the side effects of cancer and its treatments and normally lasts longer, is more powerful, and more prevalent than feelings of sadness, which are temporary.
If these feelings are there for more than two weeks, it is very much possible that you, or a loved one with cancer, may be experiencing depression. People with cancer also get very anxious, commonplace symptoms include excessive worrying, irritability, trouble focusing and unable to feel at ease. People who are diagnosed with cancer spend a lot of time thinking about the future, finances and family. This consumes numerous aspects of their daily living and reduces their ability to function.
Prolonged thinking can also take shape of panic attacks, which are periods of high anxiety that normally lasts for ten minutes or less, though people have reported longer durations as well. When people experience a panic attack, they have an increased heartrate, they are short of breath, break into cold sweats, feel numb and dizzy. For someone who is already fighting with cancer should seek consultation from a mental and behavioural sciences expert at Oncolplus Hospital, Defence Colony as the added challenge of going through anxiety can seem discouraging.
People who are diagnosed with Cancer should pay attention to their mental health along with their physical health. When you manage your mental health the first thing that you should do is be very honest and open about your feelings with those around you, try seek help to avoid negative thoughts. There are a few things that one shouldn’t do for instance; don’t avoid the issue, hoping that it will go away on its own. Don’t misinform others by telling them you’re fine, when you’re not. Don’t depend on alcohol or other substances to cope up with depression and anxiety. Self-medication will not help in alleviating the symptoms, and can prove harmful.
However there are a few things that one should do, accept your feelings, talk to loved ones, family or a mental and behavioural sciences expert at Oncoplus, about your thoughts and feelings, as struggling with depression and anxiety can be devastating. Speaking with your loved ones can assist you with ways to cope.
Take care oy your physical health, some people stop taking care of their physical needs out of frustration. Remember, now is the time to eat good, get lots of rest, and exercise as much as you can during the course of your treatment, remember Cancer can be cured.
If a doctor says you require chemotherapy, your thoughts will naturally turn to some notions of what might happen. You may see yourself in hospital for days, hooked to an IV drip. We’ve provided the best chemotherapy in Delhi for years, and successfully treated thousands right here at the best cancer hospital in Delhi, Oncoplus.
The truth however is there are many ways to get chemo, like pills and skin creams.
So read this article from one of Delhi’s best cancer doctors to learn some surprising facts about chemotherapy.
A hospital isn’t the only place you can get chemo, treatment at home, in a doctor’s office, at a clinic, or in an outpatient wing of a hospital are some places where you don’t have to stay even for one night.
You might not even need to get chemotherapy via an IV. Your doctor can suggest methods like getting shots in the arm, thigh, hip, leg, or belly, or getting it through an infusion port, a device placed underneath your skin that connects to a vein. There are special creams or gels that you can rub on your skin and take pills, capsules, or liquids that you can swallow.
Chemotherapy basically means killing cancer cells, so it’s normal for us to assume that the goal is to eliminate a tumour. But doctors use chemo for other reasons
Chemo isn’t always as hard as you might imagine. Some people can make changes and work during treatment. Working part-time or from home on days when you don’t feel too well can help you do well at work without getting too exhausted.
There are numerous ways chemo can affect you, from feeling fatigue and constipation to hair loss, nausea, and mood changes. But it’s not the same symptoms for everyone. Some will experience few side effects or even none at all. The symptoms you get depend in part on what drugs you take. But it’s difficult to predict until you begin treatment.
You can always call us and talk to our expert oncologists on what to expect with chemotherapy.