What are the four ways to decrease your risk of oral, head, and neck cancer?

Oral, head, and neck cancer is a group of cancers that affect the different parts of the patient’s head and neck, such as the mouth, throat, nose, etc. These types of cancer can be life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated early. However, there are several ways in which you can decrease your risk of developing oral, head, and neck cancer, such as by avoiding tobacco and alcohol, limiting prolonged sun exposure, and preventing HPV infection. As April is oral, head, and neck cancer awareness month, Oncoplus Hospital, the best cancer hospital in Delhi, gives prevention tips to people so that they can protect themselves from these types of cancer. In this blog, you will read about the four effective ways to decrease your risk of oral, head, and neck cancer.

Effective ways to decrease your risk of oral, head, and neck cancer:

  1. Avoid tobacco and alcohol.

Tobacco and alcohol use are the leading causes of oral, head, and neck cancer. If the people want to protect themselves from these types of cancer, then they should stop smoking cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. Using smokeless tobacco products like chewing tobacco or snuff can increase the risk of developing oral cancer. Keep in mind that secondhand smoke also increases the risk of having head and neck cancer. People should avoid consuming heavy alcohol, as it also increases the risk of developing oral and throat cancer. People who consume the combination of tobacco and alcohol are at increased risk of developing oral, head, and neck cancer.

Read More Blog:- Tobacco And Cancer – What Are The Risks?

If you smoke or use tobacco products, then quitting is the best thing you can do to improve your overall health and well-being. Your healthcare provider can help you quit smoking and provide you with the medications available that can help you quit. You can visit the Oncoplus Hospital, as they have the best oncologist in Delhi, for treatment. If you consume alcohol, it is important to do so in moderation. If you have a history of heavy alcohol consumption, then talk to your healthcare provider about ways to quit.

  1. Regular dental checkups for good oral hygiene

It is crucial to practice good oral hygiene for maintaining good oral health, as this reduces the risk of developing oral, head, and neck cancer. It is advised to brush your teeth twice a day and use an antibacterial mouthwash to prevent gum disease and tooth decay, because this can increase the risk of oral cancer. People should visit the dentist for regular dental check-ups, as it is important for maintaining good oral health. Because during a dental examination, the dentist will check all the signs to see if there are any symptoms of oral cancer.

  1. Protect your skin from prolonged sun exposure.

If you are prolonged exposed to the sun harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, then this will increase the risk of developing skin cancer on the lips and face. Hence, it is important to protect your skin from the sun by wearing protective clothing and also by using a sunscreen regularly with an SPF of 30 or higher. It is advised that if you spend a lot of time outdoors, you avoid being in direct sunlight during peak hours.

Read More Blog: Skin Cancer

  1. Get the HPV vaccine.

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted infection that can increase the risk of developing oral, head, and neck cancer. The HPV vaccine can protect against the cancer-causing HPV subtypes that are most commonly associated with oral and throat cancer. A vaccine prevents infection, which happens during sexual activity. You can also reduce your risk of developing HPV by limiting your sexual partners and using barrier methods during sex. This vaccine is recommended for children between the ages of 11 and 12. It is also recommended for individuals up to age 26 who have not yet been vaccinated.

In conclusion, oral, head, and neck cancer are serious health problems, and they can be life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated early. Hence, these are some of the effective ways that can decrease your risk of oral, head, and neck cancer. But if you or your loved one is experiencing any kind of symptom of oral cancer, you can visit the oncoplus hospital, as they provide the best oral cancer treatment for the disease.

Head and neck cancers are a group of cancers that occur in the larynx, throat, lips, mouth, nose, and salivary glands. Tobacco, alcohol, and infection via human papillomavirus (HPV) increase the risk of head and neck cancers.

Our hospital has empanelled some of the best Head and neck cancer doctors in Delhi, and we are the best hospital in south Delhi for head and neck cancer for this reason, and we urge you to read this article.

Head and neck cancer makes up for 30 percent of all cancer cases diagnosed in India. Oral cancers are the most prevalent form of cancer among males and fourth most common in females of the country. Almost 60-80 percent of all these cases are diagnosed in their advanced stage compared to around 40 percent in developed economies.

A number of risk factors can be associated with head and neck cancer, and our team; made up of the best head and cancer doctors in Delhi have listed the following -smoking, second hand smoke, tobacco products like khaini, paan (betel quid), zarda, snuff, mashiri, the sexually transmitted Human Papilloma Virus, Ebstein Barr virus alongside alcohol consumption and in some cases prolonged exposure to the sun as well.


Head and neck cancers affect the following: 

Lips and oral cavity



Paranasal sinuses

Salivary glands


Its Symptoms are 

Lumps forming with or without pain

Ulcers that don’t seem to heal

Pain or difficulty while swallowing

Hoarse type of voice


Frequent coughing

Unexplained weight loss


Diagnosis can done using 

FNAC/Biopsy of the lump

CT Scan of the head and neck



It takes a multimodal treatment approach for most advanced cases that includes surgeries, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. A combination of chemotherapy and targeted therapy improves chances of survival and quality of life for patients. With the latest advances in cancer research, Immunotherapy has now been deemed to be the first line of therapy in most cases of recurring or metastasised head and neck cancers.


Although the Government of India proactively takes many measures to control the consumption of tobacco through national and state campaigns, the burden of the disease is very high, so much so that it needs much more action and coordination to reduce the incidence of this disease. The real challenge in India remains reducing the incidence altogether; rather than early detection of head and neck cancers.