Foods for people living with cancer explained by top cancer doctor in Delhi

Foods for people living with cancer explained by top cancer doctor in Delhi

  • onco
  • September 20, 2021

The relation between food and cancer is multipart. There are numerous kinds of cancers and many different reasons and risk factors, only some of which are understood. Cancer is said to happen when cells begin to grow out of control. The is no known reason for this change, but lifestyle and diet play an important part. Poor eating habits mixed with other lifestyle factors such as smoking, no exercise, drinking too much, being overweight and too much sunlight exposure can over time, augment the risk of developing some cancers.

Cancer and its treatment can prove extremely draining for a person, good nutrition and regular exercise can be helpful. Experts opine that eating well helps people during and after cancer treatment. Eating good assists with maintaining muscle strength, keeps the weight in check and you’ll feel more energized, all of this can help improve your quality of life of the patient. Good nutrition also helps to manage the side effects of treatment and speed up the recovery process, it improves the body’s immune system and ability to fight off the infections; reducing the risk of cancer coming back.

Studies state that exercise helps patients during and after cancer treatment. Regular exercise strengthens the muscles and bones. It reduces patients’ risk of developing new cancers and other health problems, improving circulation and energy levels. Workout can also help in reducing stress and elevating the mood, managing fatigue, which is a common side effect. Consult with our Cancer experts before starting an exercise routine, which suits your situation.

The body’s nutritional needs will change with each treatment and recovery phase, you will need to adapt accordingly. Patients require more energy, experts suggest to eat small, frequent meals or snacks, rather than three large meals a day. If you’re losing weight, consult a specialist on how to gain a few pounds in a healthy way. Indulge in some light physical activity, such as walking, to improve appetite and mood, it will also help in reducing fatigue, aid with digestion and prevent constipation.

People often wonder what to eat after a cancer diagnosis, and may consider changing their diet to help their body cope with the effects of cancer and its treatment, and to give themselves the best chance of recovery.

A few people claim that a certain diet can cure or control the spread of cancer. Though, there are no special foods, vitamins and mineral supplements, which have been scientifically proven to do this. These unproven diets often inspire people to remove one or more basic food groups, take in large amounts of specific fruits, vegetables and special supplements.

Always speak with a specialist before taking any such vitamins and minerals. Learn more about nutrition for people with cancers Tele Consult with our best cancer doctors in India at Oncoplus Hospital, Defence Colony, New Delhi, write to us or call us at +91 85889 09091 to book an appointment.

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