How to Cure Childhood Cancer?
With the advancement of technology, about 80% of childhood cancers can be cured globally. In high-income countries, as resources become available, childhood cancer can be cured. But the percentage is low in India because of a lack of awareness. The reasons for lower survival rates in low-income countries are a delay in diagnosis, inaccessible therapy, an inaccurate diagnosis, if the patient leaves treatment in between, and death from side effects.
For kids and teenagers, cancer is the main cause of death. Generally, the most common types of cancer in children are leukemia, lymphomas, brain tumors, and solid tumors. In most cases, screening cannot detect or prevent childhood cancer. By using generic medications and other cancer treatments, like surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and stem cell transplant, childhood cancers can be cured. Most importantly, pediatric cancer can be treated in any socioeconomic setting. In this blog, you will learn the method for curing childhood cancer.
The warning signs of cancer in children:
The Causes of Cancer in Children:
Normally, there is no known cause for childhood cancers. Cancer can affect any region of the body and affect people of all ages. It starts when there is a genetic change in the single cells. Then it grows into a tumor and affects other parts of the body. If the treatment is not given, it leads to death.
Adults are more likely to develop cancer if they have an unhealthy diet, such as smoking or eating unhealthy foods. But the children do not have any unhealthy habits that increase their risk of cancer. If the child has a family history of cancer, then it will increase the risk of having cancer.
But childhood cancers are caused by a DNA mutation that is not inherited but occurs randomly. There are very few cancers in children that are caused by lifestyle or environmental factors.
HIV, Epstein-Barr virus, and malaria are some of the chronic diseases that increase the risk of developing childhood cancer. In low-income countries, this is very important. Hence, it is very necessary to get vaccinated, as other infections can increase the risk of cancer.
Effective Cancer Prevention Strategy for Children:
Normally, it is not possible to prevent childhood cancer in children, but it is possible to reduce cancer in children. With early diagnosis, correct treatment, and palliative care, you can cure cancer in children. Early diagnosis of cancer improves the survival rate of many children suffering from cancer. If cancer is identified early, then it will respond to treatment, the patient will suffer less, and the treatment will be less expensive.
If the child gets an early diagnosis, then appropriate therapies are available for the patient, such as chemotherapy, surgery, or radiotherapy. As all children suffering from cancer cannot be cured, palliative care should be given to those who suffer from cancer.
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