It takes a few tries before you can overcome smoking addiction. You need to distract yourself from the cravings to quit smoking.
Abstaining from cigarettes and other tobacco products is hard. But it is the right step towards a healthy life.
You may notice your heart rate become normal just twenty minutes after quitting. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Many smokers are aware of the health risks but are unable to quit. They get strong urges when they try to quit, due to which they tend to relapse. But you can overcome the hold these cravings have on you.
Some preparation before quitting can be helpful. Decide when to quit, preferably within the next few weeks. You can either reduce your intake until the quit day or continue as you do before going cold turkey.
You need to remove smells and sights that remind you of smoking from your home and car. Dispose of cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters. Wash your clothes, carpets, etc. and use air fresheners.
Nicotine replacement therapy can help you resist cravings. Your doctor may recommend:
Inform your family and other close ones about your decision to quit smoking. People who have successfully quit can be helpful. Request other smokers to not smoke near you.
You can sign up at a support group. Many groups offer free counselling and nicotine patches.
Resist the temptation to have just one drag. The temptation usually passes after ten minutes. Distract yourself through other activities like chewing gum, exercising, etc.
Your urge to smoke might be the strongest during some situations. Identify and plan how to deal with them.
For example, if you light a cigarette when drinking alcohol, cut your intake. If it happens when you talk on the phone, doodle with a pen to keep your hand busy during the call.
Stress is one of the most common triggers of smoking. Avoiding stressful situations can reduce urges considerably.
Try relaxation techniques like yoga and tai chi. Exercise to blow some steam, make time for your hobby or get massage therapy.
Physical activity is effective at distracting you from the temptation to smoke. It doesn’t have to be intense. Even short bursts like running on the stairs or taking a walk can help.
Different people have different reasons for wanting to quit tobacco products. These may include:
Remind yourself of your reason and motivate yourself to overcome the temptation to light a cig.
Quitting smoking is harder than it sounds, so it’s understandable if you give in to your craving. Many people need multiple tries before they quit completely. So, don’t get discouraged by it.
Think about what triggered you to take a drag and plan for how to avoid it for your next try.
February 18, 2025
February 4, 2025
January 17, 2025
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