How does your diet influence cancer disease?
As we all know, cancer is the leading cause of death. But very few people know that a healthy diet can prevent all types of cancer. A nutritious diet can reduce the risk of developing cancer. There are some foods that contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that may raise or lower cancer risk. Some people who have unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fast food, etc. are more at risk of having cancer. Normally, people who eat a low-fiber and high-fat diet increase their risk of developing cancer. All types of cancer treatment are available at the Oncoplus hospital in Delhi. In this blog, you will learn about the dietary habits that influence cancer disease.
Foods Influencing Cancer Disease:
1. Sugar and refined carbohydrates:
Consuming refined carbohydrates raises blood sugar levels and increases the risk of developing prostate cancer. So, instead of consuming sugary soft drinks, white bread, pasta, sweetened cereals, and processed foods such as pizza, etc., the person should consume unrefined whole grains such as brown rice, barley, whole wheat or multigrain bread, oatmeal, and non-starchy vegetables, etc. This will lower the risk of prostate cancer and help you maintain your health.
Fruits and vegetables have numerous health benefits because they contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that reduce the risk of cancer in the mouth and stomach. Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage contain an antioxidant, i.e., sulforaphane, that reduces the tumor size by more than 50%, and vegetables such as tomatoes and carrots decrease the risk of prostate and lung cancer.
Processed meat is the kind of meat that has been salted, cured, or smoked in order to preserve its flavor. The meat includes salami, chorizo, ham, bacon, and hot dogs. According to a thorough analysis of the data, those who consume a lot of processed meat have a 20–50% higher chance of developing colorectal cancer than those who consume little to no processed meat at all. Additionally, some studies show that eating red meat also increases the risk of developing cancer.
Fiber-rich foods move very quickly through the digestive system and lead to easy digestion. This food has been linked to a lower risk of cancer. The foods that contain fiber include whole grains such as barley, oats, spelt, bulgur, and corn. The pulses, such as beans, split peas, and lentils, are rich in fiber.
If the person consumes alcohol, then it will increase the risk of cancers of the mouth, liver, oesophagus, breast, bowel, pharynx, and larynx. Consuming alcohol at a high level will increase the risk of cancer. Men should consume two drinks per day, and women should consume one drink per day. For smokers, the danger of cancer is significantly higher.
The foods that prevent cancer
The foods that help fight cancer are flaxseeds, vegetables, fruits, spices, beans, legumes, nuts, olive oil, garlic, fish, dairy products, and plant-based diets.
The foods that increase cancer risk are:
The foods that increase the risk of cancer are low-fiber and high-energy. Artificial sweeteners, cured, pickled, or salted foods, burnt or barbecued foods, peanuts, and alcohol are all examples.
Obesity Is Associated With Cancer:
If you eat more calories than your body requires, then it will result in weight gain. People become obese when they consume foods with added sugar and fat. Sugary drinks, full-fat dairy products, and high-fat meats are all high-calorie foods that contribute to obesity. Obesity causes higher cancer risks.
According to the studies, healthy dietary habits provide protection against cancer, such as a diet high in whole foods and lean protein, which prevents cancer. A diet consisting of processed meats, refined carbs, salt, and alcohol increases the risk of cancer. Hence, people suffering from cancer must follow a healthy and balanced diet to improve their quality of life.
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