Chemotherapy destroys the cancer cells because cancer cells cannot repair themselves very well. Chemotherapy medicines target rapidly dividing cells, which are cancer cells but also affect many of the normal cells in the patient’s blood, bone marrow, mouth, intestinal tract, nose, nails, vagina, and hair.

Patients with cancer often have a weakened immune system, putting them at risk for viral and bacterial infections.

“When the cancer itself or cancer treatment, like chemotherapy or radiation therapy, affects the bone marrow, the patient’s immune system gets weakened. “

This is because, blood cells are made in the bone marrow and when cancer or its treatment affects bone marrow, the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets that are produced by bone marrow becomes lower than normal. Typically, the greatest impact is on white blood cells, which are termed as our body’s defence system. When blood cell counts are low, patient’s body is more vulnerable to infection that means his/her body cannot fight off an infection very well.

After a certain period after chemotherapy, most patients assume their immune system has retrieved to normal. But research suggests that the patient’s immune system can be compromised for up to nine months after receiving chemotherapy, leaving patient prone to infections.

As per a few studies most of the patients recovers within nine months, if they do not smoke. That is the reason Oncologists and team at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi always encourage our patients to quit smoking.

There are several treatment options available to cure bone cancer at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi.


Generally, chemotherapy medications can have an impact on immune system of the patient while or after receiving the treatment. How does the treatment affect the immune system depends on many factors including:

  • Dosage of the chemo medicines
  • Combination of medicines
  • Longevity of the treatment
  • Patient’s age and overall health
  • other medical conditions if patient has

Book an appointment with the best oncologists for cancer treatment as well as diagnosis at best cancer Hospital in Delhi.


  1. While receiving chemotherapy treatment, the oncologist or cancer specialist should review the medications patient is having and should inform the patient about the potential effects on immune system.
  2. Chemotherapy brings a few side effects like fever, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue and a weakened immune system. There are certain ways that a patient can follow before, during, and after chemotherapy to take care of his/her immune system, such as getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet, exercising, and reducing stress as much as possible.
  3. Before the start of chemotherapy, a complete blood count (CBC) of patient can be tested to check the baseline levels of different blood cells, including white blood cells. A series of blood test can be done periodically throughout the treatment to keep an eye on the white blood cells count.
  4. A patient can get an infection with a weak immune system that can worsen quickly and even turn life-threatening in some cases. In case of fever higher than 100 a patient should seek urgent medical attention.
  5. Immunotherapy is a treatment that works by boosting the immune system to response to help the patient’s body find and attack more cancer cells. However, immunotherapy does not necessarily boost the patient’s natural defence mechanism the way a normal healthy human has because a patient tends to take these newer immunotherapy drugs when other treatment options are failed.


During and even after cancer treatment, patient’s body might temporarily be unable to fight bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other germs. Hence, it is really important to take certain steps to protect oneself against infection when a patient’s immune system is weakened by the cancer treatments. In addition, these steps become absolutely critical if it is confirmed that the white blood cells count is low.

Below are some of the precautionary measures most often recommended for patients whose immune system is weakened by the ongoing cancer treatments. These measures cannot eliminate the infection completely but can help lower the risk of infection.

1. Sound Sleep

A 7 hours of sleep a night is really important for the patients after chemotherapy. It is not bad to get less sometimes, but getting not enough sleep most nights, it could strain the immune system. And as a result, patient is more likely to get sick from colds, flu, and more serious infections. Also, the recovery is slower as compared with a healthy person.

2. Balanced and healthy diet

Eating a healthy diet including a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and protein is important. The objective is to get different nutrients to support the immune system. Patient can try to have small amounts of foods which is good for his/her system even if he/she is not that hungry.
Patient should follow smart eating which means knowing what to avoid, for example, supplements that claim “immune support” on the label can be avoided as these could affect the treatment nor they are likely to boost the health.

3. Exercises

For many patients with cancer, exercise is key for a healthy immune system. We advise to consult your treating doctor on the same. One should keep in mind when to skip exercises program, for example;

  • In case of extreme fatigue
  • In case of anaemia /Low haemoglobin
  • In case of poor muscle coordination
  • In case of low white blood cells count

4. Stress management

Emotional stress is common in cancer patients which is obviously not good for the health. This may flood the patient’s body with chemicals that can affect his/her immune system, digestive system and more. You can read our blog on how to manage the stress.

5. Personal hygiene

  • It is advised to wash your hands frequently throughout the day with soap and warm water especially before cooking or eating, before touching eyes, face, or nose, after using the bathroom, after coughing; and after being in a public place or at a public gathering.
  • In absence of soap and water, hand sanitizer can be used.
  • It is recommended to use an extra-soft toothbrush to brush the teeth. A gentle mouthwash can be used by the patients after consulting it with their treating doctor.
  • Keep the area clean and dry if patient has a chemotherapy port.
  • Patient should clean himself/herself well after going to the bathroom.
  • A warm shower, or sponge bath is recommended every day.

6. Avoiding cuts or skin breaks

  • Do not cut, bite, or tear the nail cuticles.
  • Avoid manicure and pedicure.
  • Use knives, scissors, or needles carefully.
  • Wear protective gloves for activities like cleaning or washing dishes or gardening or chopping vegetables.
  • Do not touch or scratch pimples, rashes, or bug bites.
  • Use insect repellents that do not contain harsh chemical ingredients.
  • Use a gentle body lotion to moisturize the skin daily to keep it supple and prevent cracking.
  • Wear shoes inside and outside the house.
  • Apply antibiotic ointment to any insect bites, torn cuticles, or cuts. Cover cuts with a band-aid and report any signs of infection to the doctor.

7. Avoiding germs

  • Avoid large crowded places like concerts, cinema halls, school events, airports as much as possible.
  • Stay away from people suffering with contagious illness such as cold, flu, virus, or any sickness the cancer patient is prone to catch.
  • It is advised to stay away from people who have recently been vaccinated against chicken pox, smallpox, polio, measles-mumps-rubella, or shingles because these vaccines are made from live viruses.
  • While gardening or cleaning, or helping kids with the bathroom/diapering, wear protective gloves.
  • Wear protective gloves while picking up the pets, throwing the garbage or collecting trash.
  • Clean frequently touched items at home and work such as door handles, phone receivers, keyboards, and TV remotes.
  • Avoid going into pools, hot tubs, water parks, lakes, or ponds.
  • Do not share towels, drinking glasses, or utensils with others in house

8. Practicing food safety

  • One should wash his/her hands well after handling and preparing foods.
  • Foods or drink juices such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and fruit juice that have not been pasteurized should not be consumed.
  • Cook meat thoroughly.
  • Eat vegetables after cooking rather than eating them raw.
  • Dispose the outdated or stale food.
  • Avoid nuts and raw sprouts.

Consult the cancer specialist at Oncoplus Hospital, Delhi.

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