Most patients who come to us seeking the safest and best treatment for leukaemia in Delhi; are late and their blood cancer treatment begins when the cancer has reached an advanced stage. Many kinds of cancer attack the cells that form our blood and the symptoms appear slowly, so people might not even notice anything at first, while some have no symptoms at all.
There are a few things you can look out for with some kinds of blood cancer and leukaemia in particular. This article will focus on some signs and symptoms that may be related to leukaemia.
Blood cells created inside the bone marrow, and that’s where leukaemia begins. It causes the body to produce white blood cells uncontrollably and they live longer than usual. They don’t help your body fight infection, unlike normal white blood cells.
There are several forms of leukaemia. Some worsen quite quickly (acute). People will usually feel very sick very all of a sudden, like coming down with a flu. Other forms may take many years before symptoms (chronic). The first clue is found in abnormal results for routine blood tests.
Most symptoms of leukaemia occur because the cancer cells keep the healthy blood cells from growing and functioning normally.
Anaemia: This happens when the body doesn’t make enough red blood cells, or the ones present aren’t working too well. Signs include tiredness and weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, pale skin and chest pain.
Blood clotting: When the body doesn’t produce enough white blood cells, small cuts may end up bleeding more than usual, or you might get a bloody nose more often. You may also have unusual bruises, bleeding gums, small red dots on the skin, heavier menstruation, black or red coloured bowel movement.
There are some other symptoms as well like getting sick more often and staying sick longer. One could also have a lot of fevers and night sweats.
Cancer cells can build up in the tonsils, lymph nodes, liver, and spleen and causes swelling in them. People might feel a lump in their neck or armpit, people also may feel full after only eating a very small amount of food, this could be accompanied with sudden weight loss without any effort. And the growth of cancer cells in the bone marrow may sometimes cause bone pain.
So remember not to ignore any of these symptoms, they may not be related to cancer of any type and they could be treated very easily, either way, getting them looked at will be of great benefit to you.
If you or anyone you know is looking for the best chemotherapy in Delhi, the best cancer hospital in Delhi, or the best cancer doctors in Delhi, look no future than Oncoplus Hospital. Call us today and book an appointment.
February 26, 2025
February 18, 2025
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