Tips for coping up with stressful times for cancer survivors

Tips for coping up with stressful times for cancer survivors

Tips for coping up with stressful times for cancer survivors

Feeling stressed? You are not alone!

Stress and anxiety are common once anyone is diagnosed with cancer. The feeling of hopelessness and fear always dwells heavily in people suffering from cancer.

Even when the treatment ends, the patients are still unable to recover from the trauma they once had and worry about the reoccurring of the disease, thereby oftentimes the constant struggle and anxiety leads to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Finding that you have cancer is an emotional and difficult journey and after the cancer diagnosis, people generally feel stressed, depressed and afraid. It’s a struggle for them to cope during these difficult times. Which is completely understandable as the disease is deadly and demands a lot of strength, courage and determination to fight against it.

Here are some life-changing tips for cancer survivors and advice from doctors and other survivors who once had the same experience as you are having now:

1. Accept your condition and try to control your fear

Fear of recurrence or coming back of the disease is the root cause of your entire problem including stress, anxiety and feeling of hopelessness. It is the most common emotional strain that each cancer patient goes through even after the completion of their treatment.

This fear always comes in the way of happiness and leading a healthy life. Accordingly. it is necessary to overcome this fear because nothing good would ever come out of it. It will only add to your problems and worries and worsen the situation even more.

So, don’t be so hard on yourself, you have already witnessed a massive challenge and even overpowered it. So you need to realise that you can get through this problem as well if you try a little hard and acknowledge yourself.

2. Seek support and don’t isolate yourself

Going through cancer is a difficult time and people often tend to isolate themself which eventually results in depression and anxiety. There are a lot of tools and help that are available to deal with the cancer survivors going through these hardships.

If you feel that you are not receiving enough care and treatment then voice out your concern. Let the others know that you are looking for support, care and companionship. There are a lot of people who care about you and your wellbeing, and you are immensely important to them. Keep that in mind that there are people who care and love you and they will continue to do so. Even after the treatment ends, don’t feel guilty/embarrassed to ask for help.

3. Stay connected to your family, and your loved ones

A cancer diagnosis affects the entire family and burdens them with stress, especially to the primary caretakers. It’s not just you who struggle and experience hardship, your family has also gone through it. Staying in touch with your family, friends and your loved ones who love, care and have faith in you is important.

If you can’t talk to them personally, then stay connected via Whatsapp, video chat, calls and other devices because these are the people who care about you. So, don’t feel ashamed or guilty to ask for help and be grateful to them. Together we can move mountains.

4. Express yourself, share your thoughts and fear

Conversation among your family and friends is understated but proves to be greatly beneficial for our mental health. Don’t hesitate or feel guilty about expressing and sharing your thoughts and fears. You can also perform other helpful activities like writing a journal, diary or blog to release stress and expressing your feelings.

If you don’t feel like writing then you can paint, draw, create crafts and other activities. You can also talk to other cancer survivors because they’ve also gone through the same difficulties as you. Sharing the same thoughts and hurdles can help you open up and help in understanding the situation you’re in currently.

5. Practice yoga and meditation

Yoga and meditation have a huge impact on your mind and body. Practising meditation and yoga helps to release stress and anxiety and reduce the risk of you having any other diseases. Regular practice of yoga and meditation boosts your mental health, increases attention and concentration and puts your mind at ease.

The correct time to do yoga and meditation is in the morning or early morning for at least 20 min per day. You should do meditation after practising yoga as it will calm and relax your whole body. The best yoga poses for enhancing your mental health are the following:

  • The eagle pose
  • The high lunge pose
  • The tree pose

6. Maintain a healthy and normal lifestyle

Try to remain healthy and happier as possible. You know we want the best for you. Take your time to adjust with your daily life activities and work on your goal, priorities and lead a normal life. This can help in boosting your energy level and keeps you engaged so that negative thoughts do not cross your mind.

Eat diets full of green veggies and fruits to keep your body healthy and refreshing. Avoid Bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, skipping your meals and keep yourself physically and mentally fit.

7. Get enough sleep

Lacking a considerable amount of sleep can lead to poor mental health. Enough sleep can overcome stress, lower the risk of other diseases and enhance your mood. Have a fixed bedtime and waking uptime. According to numerous studies, one should get 7-8 hours of sleep which allow the body to function properly.

8.Listen to your body & stay connected with your health provider

Monitor and take care of your body and don’t ignore any symptoms. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your caretaker if you have questions regarding your health and body. If you feel something isn’t right or when you notice something abnormal, contact your doctor right away. Keep your doctor daily updated about your physical and mental health.

Book an appointment with the Best Cancer Specialist at Oncoplus Hospital.

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