Tips for Preventing and detecting skin cancer
As the days grow hotter and sunny, outdoor activities such as running, biking, swimming does not stop. These activities are necessary for our lives as working outdoors is good for physical and mental health, and spending time in the sun also assists the body to get the sunshine vitamin D.
Exposure to UV radiation from the sun can be very harmful for the skin, and can damage the DNA in skin cells, making mutations, which can cause skin cancer. Studies state, five or more sunburns can double the risk of melanoma.
Preventing and detecting skin cancer while enjoying the outdoors becomes very important. Protect yourself from harmful UV rays or artificial sources of radiation such as tanning beds. Experts suggest to avoid the sun between 10 am – 4 pm as the UV intensity is highest. Using sunscreen and protective clothing is extremely necessary; avoiding tanning beds at all costs.
There are two types of risks associated with skin cancer. There are risks, which we can control, and there are risks, which we can do nothing about. Exposure to ultraviolet light is a modifiable risk factor for the development of skin cancer. Experts suggest to use sunscreen, apply liberal amounts of sunscreen at least every two hours when you are outside, and more often if participating in water activities. On a hot sunny day, if applied liberally one could use up to an entire bottle of sunscreen.
Other way of blocking the harmful UV rays is by wearing protective clothing, which have an ultra violet protection factor, where one doesn’t have to worry about reapplication of sunscreen if you are wearing the UPF clothing. Do add sunglasses and wide hat
Fields recommends adding a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to other UPF clothing for best protection. This helps protect the head, ears and eyes from UV while spending time outdoors.
Do not wait. Even a tiny spot on the skin could be a sign of melanoma or other kinds of skin cancer. Do not neglect the sign, and consult with Skin Cancer specialists at Oncoplus Hospitals, Defence Colony, New Delhi, India. Make prevention a part of your routine as it is never too late to start good habits to protect yourself for UV rays.
Always Wear sunscreen and/or protective clothing, seek shade when possible, to reduce UV exposure, avoid tanning beds and always self-examine your skin for new or changing spots. Give yourself a self-examination, looking for any new or changing spots on your skin. Early detection and treatment is key to successfully remove skin cancer. Some of the deadliest forms of skin cancer, can spread, if left untreated.
February 18, 2025
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