Tobacco and cancer – what are the risks?

Tobacco and cancer – what are the risks?

How does tobacco use lead to cancer?

The relationship between tobacco use and cancer goes hand in hand, especially resulting in lung cancer. Consuming tobacco products leads to 9 out of 10 cases of lung cancer and the cases are only increasing every day now. Not just lung cancer, tobacco leads to bladder, cervix, colon & rectum, esophagus, kidney & renal pelvis, lungs, bronchi, trachea, blood, stomach, and liver cancer. The use of tobacco is lethal and its consequences are severely damaging to people’s health. Almost 1 out of 5 cancer deaths happen due to its use.

Most people misunderstand their damage just because there are various forms of tobacco in the market. Some might appear safe and seem without any health impacts but it isn’t simply true. All forms of tobacco are harmful, even the new trend of e-cigarettes.

What are the chemicals present in it?

Tobacco leaves are used in cigarettes, pipe tobacco, and cigars. Additional components are added just for the flavor to cover the unpleasant taste of the smoking experience. About 70 different cancerous chemicals are produced from the smoke of tobacco. These chemicals are known as carcinogens. Whenever you breathe in the emitted smoke environment, the chemicals reach into your bloodstream and spread to all parts of your body.

All these chemicals may harm your DNA, which’s responsible for making new cells, and tells each cell what and how to function. An injured DNA fails to do the job correctly and leads to different cell growth from what happens naturally. Cells either grow inadequately at any part of the body and turn cancerous.

The harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke are nicotine, hydrogen cyanide, lead, ammonia, arsenic, formaldehyde, radioactive elements like Uranium, carbon monoxide, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), benzene, and nitrosamines. Most of these chemicals cause cancer while others result in heart disease, lung cancer, or other serious health problems. All major chemicals are just derived by just burning tobacco leaves themselves, not from additives.

Are there any radioactive materials in tobacco smoke?

Yes, radioactive materials are present in tobacco leaves which are used in making cigarettes and cigars. The tobacco leaves get radioactive materials from fertilizers and soils used for their growth and depending on the among, it can vary in each plant. The radioactive materials are released into the air and reach a person’s body when tobacco is burned by smokers. That is one of the biggest reasons for causing lung cancer in people.

What are other harmful tobacco products?

Tobacco and cancer - what are the risks?

  • Cigar: It’s similar to all other lethal tobacco products with carcinogenic compounds but with different levels of chemicals present in them. Since cigars are much more preferred after aging as it helps to blend their different flavors, there’s a high concentration of nitrogen compounds in them. Using fermented cigar tobacco emits various kinds of tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), some of the major cancer-causing substances out of all. Cigars packaging also makes it more since it is less porous than a cigarette wrapper, there’s incomplete combustion of tobacco. That results in a greater concentration of ammonia, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides – all major lethal cancerous substances.
  • Smokeless products: Snuff and chewing tobacco are some of the products of smokeless tobacco that don’t require burning like cigarettes or cigars. Unfortunately, they are equally damaging to our health with various harmful chemicals including a high concentration of TSNAs.Elements like benzo a pyrene and other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are some of the influential cancer-causing elements found in smokeless tobaccos. Similar to other tobaccos, they also contain radioactive substances. Smokeless tobacco is consumed through the mouth resulting in various types of cancer. Other alternatives like Snus are more moist snuff consumed without spitting. Used first in Sweden and Norway, it is also available in India. Though it has lower levels of nicotine and TSNAs compared to other smokeless brands, it is still very addictive and causes a few types of cancer.
  • E-cigarettes and other devices: We have also witnessed electronic smoking types such as e-cigarettes and other electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) used as a modern alternative to tobacco products. E-cigarette brands claim that these products are safe to use but it’s very unlikely. The aerosols from these electronic smoking devices contain flavorings, addictive nicotine, and various other cancer-causing chemicals that are extremely toxic. It’s more worrisome as a larger group of youngsters fall prey to these new products. Though there’s less amount of harmful chemicals compared to the usual cigarettes, the replacement of nicotine and other substances are lethal to our health. Since it’s a new product in the market, its ingredients are under study to find out its long-term effects.

Book an appointment with Oncology experts at Oncoplus Cancer care.

What are the benefits of quitting?

After looking at the long list of detrimental effects of tobacco smoking, it’s a wise move to quit smoking at any time. It’s never too late, the sooner you take the step forward, the better you’ll feel and stay free of diseases. There are various benefits of quitting smoking, here are some of the most feel-good ones motivating you to take the step now:
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  • Lower risk of diabetes
  • Increased life expectancy
  • Boost working of blood vessels
  • Food tastes delicious than ever before
  • Your taste & smell return backs to normal
  • Rarely gets tired or exhausted easily
  • Better hygiene and smell
  • No more discolouration of teeth and fingernails

Quit smoking now and save yourself from future ailments.

Book an appointment with the Best Cancer Specialist at Oncoplus Hospital.

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